Thursday 19 September 2024

Umno wants price of properties to balloon beyond the reach of house buyers

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No News Is Bad News 

A senator has asked why Umno Youth chief Dr Akmal Saleh has yet to be investigated for sedition after posting a picture of himself holding a sword on Facebook. Akmal had posted the picture, taken during a recent trip to Japan, on March 14. The picture was captioned: “No matter what, we will not waver from our stance. Better to die standing than live kneeling.”

Lawyer and social activist Siti Kasim said: "I recently saw a TikTok video where he (Akmal) was seen calling the Malays to be ready. He was seen sharpening a parang ... this is something the police must act on.

"It is like he is instigating the Malays to create problems. Islam never teaches us all this," said Siti.

Umno wants price of properties to balloon beyond the reach of house buyers

KUALA LUMPUR, Sept 19, 2024: Come Sept 28, Malaysian voters, specifically those in Johor’s Mahkota, will cast their ballots to elect their state assemblyman.

They will have to weigh their choice carefully as they will not only be electing a racial and religious bigoted Perikatan Nasional (PN) or Barisan Nasional-Umno assemblyman.

Voters have no other choice but elect the lesser of two evils.

However, voters have also the opportunity to send a clear message to Umno and the Anwar Ibrahim-led so-called Madani Unity Government (UG) by ensuring BN-Umno loses the by-election.

They must be told that multiracial Malaysians who treasure and cherish national unity and harmony do not welcome racial and religious bigoted parties who condone the likes of Umno youth chief Dr Akmal Saleh.

And now, even Umno has shown to be evil after its president and deputy prime minister Ahmad Zahid Hamidi proposed the setting up of a Bumiputra Land Corporation with the support of Anwar.

What does the setting up of such a corporation mean?

Here is a comment found circulating in social media:

Large conglomerates will probably sub divide the land to less than 50 acres each and set up hundreds of nominee  companies to hold the land titles below 50 acres….

Because of such business tactics which will incur higher financing cost, more administrative work, more employees to handle the issue, etc etc , the overall cost of the land goes up . 

To recover the increased cost, price of the end product will be increased and the burden pass on to end consumers.

In the end, the man on the street are those who suffer in silence and they don’t even know what hit them. 

That’s the problem when a government with evil intentions try to control the market with legislation.

Politicians just don’t know how to manage a country economically.

No News Is Bad News beg to differ that politicians just don’t know how to manage a country economically.

They know but they are just greedy and do not have the heart to serve the rakyat (people) after they are elected. And the bumiputras will fall for it, thinking they will benefit from such an ill-intended corporation that do nothing good for the man on the street and the country.

Also, remember, a vote for BN-Umno is a vote for racial and religious bigotry!

Do you still want to elect BN-Umno on Sept 28?

No News Is Bad News reproduces below our previous posting on the issue:

Wednesday 18 September 2024

A vote for BN-Umno in Mahkota is a vote for racial and religious bigotry

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No News Is Bad News


A senator has asked why Umno Youth chief Dr Akmal Saleh has yet to be investigated for sedition after posting a picture of himself holding a sword on Facebook. Akmal had posted the picture, taken during a recent trip to Japan, on March 14. The picture was captioned: “No matter what, we will not waver from our stance. Better to die standing than live kneeling.”

Lawyer and social activist Siti Kasim said: "I recently saw a TikTok video where he (Akmal) was seen calling the Malays to be ready. He was seen sharpening a parang ... this is something the police must act on."It is like he is instigating the Malays to create problems. Islam never teaches us all this," said Siti. 

A vote for BN-Umno in Mahkota is a vote for racial and religious bigotry

KUALA LUMPUR, Sept 18, 2024: Oh Nooo! What have you, Liew Chin Tong, degenerated to?

Of all the shameless DAP leaders, you have also become a Barisan Nasional (BN)-Umno lapdog! Despite the DAP being labelled as "communist"!

You say a vote for Umno youth’s BN candidate Syed Hussein Syed Abdullah in the Sept 28 Mahkota by-election for the Johor state seat is a vote for Johor MB and prime minister Anwar Ibrahim.

Well, we say a vote for Syed Hussein is a vote for the likes of racial and religious bigoted Umno youth chief Dr Akmal Saleh and all the racisim that Umno stands for.

Unfortunately for Malaysians, even Anwar and his so-called Madani Unity Government (UG) are guilty of promoting racial and religious bigotry through th politicians and government departments.

The 3R (Race, Religion, Royalty) is clearly being implemented selectively and is thus a political tool to serve the government of the day.

Doesn't Umno and UG need to be taught a lesson on multiracial national unity and harmony before it is too late for Malaysians and Malaysia?

No News Is Bad News reproduces below a news report on what Liew is saying about the Mahkota by-election:

A vote for Syed Hussien is a vote for Johor MB and PM, says DAP’s Liew

FMT Reporters

-18 Sep 2024, 03:29 PM

The Johor DAP chairman says the Mahkota by-election is not only about choosing an assemblyman but also endorsing a broader vision of economic and political stability.

Liew Chin Tong says voting for BN’s Syed Hussien Syed Abdullah (left) in the Mahkota by-election is seen as supporting Johor menteri besar Onn Hafiz Ghazi and Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim.

PETALING JAYA: Supporting Barisan Nasional’s Mahkota by-election candidate Syed Hussien Syed Abdullah is synonymous with backing both Johor menteri besar Onn Hafiz Ghazi and Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim, says a DAP leader.

Johor DAP chairman Liew Chin Tong explained how the three key political figures are interlinked with one another in the state by-election.

He said a vote for Syed Hussien is a vote for a capable and responsible representative who is deeply familiar with local issues.

Syed Hussien, as the candidate representing the unity government and a native of Kluang, is committed to the development of Kluang if elected as an assemblyman, he said in a Facebook post.

Aside from Syed Hussien, Liew said, Onn Hafiz’s focus on economic development and the Johor-Singapore Special Economic Zone makes him another key figure in the by-election.

Your vote for Syed Hussien is also a vote for Datuk Onn Hafiz Ghazi’s economic reform agenda, he said.

The deputy investment, trade and industry minister said Syed Hussien’s victory would also bolster Anwar’s ongoing efforts to rebuild and restore the economy.

To achieve this goal, we need to support the unity government, which is being constantly attacked by the opposition seeking to undermine a government that serves the people, he said.

The Mahkota by-election will be held on Sept 28, with early voting set for Sept 24.

The by-election will see a straight fight between Syed Hussien and Perikatan Nasional’s Haizan Jaafar.


1 Vote For BN Is 1 Vote For UMNO Akmal, So Better Stay At Home And Rest

13 September, 2024


Does anyone get a feeling the current Anwar administration, despite less than 2 years old, actually feels extremely familiar as if it has been six decades? Yes, it feels and smells like the previous ruling Barisan Nasional government is running the show even though the driver is Pakatan Harapan chairman Anwar Ibrahim, whose job security depends on UMNO (the most dominant party of Barisan Nasional).

That’s a polite way to describe Prime Minister Anwar as subservient – even a lame duck – to the United Malays National Organization (UMNO). Anwar’s own party, PKR (People’s Justice Party), won only 31 parliamentary seats in the November 2022 General Election. That’s roughly the same as Barisan Nasional’s 30 seats. If PKR and UMNO (26 MPs) merge, they will become the biggest party (57 MPs).

Regardless whether there is a secret preliminary study to merge both PKR and UMNO, or for Anwar to return to UMNO and lead the Malay nationalist party, the fact remains that PKR is a splinter party of UMNO and Anwar was the former UMNO deputy president before he was sacked in September 1998 by then-UMNO Supremo Mahathir Mohamad, effectively crushing Anwar’s ambition to become the 5th Prime Minister.

That’s why Anwar government looks like the previous Barisan Nasional government. The domestic policy is pro-Malay, anti-Chinese (till election time), enrich-cronies and whatnot, whilst pro-Palestine, anti-Jews dominate its foreign policy. Corruption is business as usual in the government filled with double-standard, hypocrisy – even increasingly dictatorship and censorship.

It definitely tastes like UMNO regime when the prime minister says one thing and does another thing altogether – punishing only non-Muslims who touch on 3R (race, religion and royalty) issues, terrorizing Chinese-owned businesses, laughing at Indian community for being jealous of pro-Malay discrimination programmes, and of course, interfering Chinese education, economy and religion.

Carrying the same UMNO DNA, the special chemistry between PKR and UMNO after the 2022 national polls that produced a hung parliament had allowed both PKR president Anwar Ibrahim and UMNO president Zahid Hamidi to strike a deal at lightning speed. The deal to form a Unity Government was just part of a bigger picture. The grand plan was to help UMNO regains the Malay support it had stunningly lost.

However, the more PKR helps UMNO to regain its traditional Malay voters, the more they have to bash Chinese-dominated party DAP (Democratic Action Party). For 60 years before the defeat of UMNO-led Barisan Nasional in 2022, the Chinese have been the punching bag for UMNO to sell the idea to the Malays that only UMNO-Malays can protect them.

That was why UMNO unleashed its Youth leader Akmal Salleh to attack the Chinese and DAP and whatever between them to impress the Malays, whilst UMNO and PKR leaders keep quiet and watch with popcorn. It also explains why PM Anwar, instead of reprimanding the UMNO chief troublemaker, has attacked DAP vice chairman Teresa Kok in the latest Jakim halal certification crisis.

It was exactly how UMNO-Malays used to attack MCA-Chinese till the latter becomes a pathetic eunuch whenever UMNO felt weak and needed to flex its muscles in front of the Malays. MCA would bend over and let its big brother screwed it, before giving the thumbs-up, and repeat the disgusting drama until it didn’t work anymore as the Chinese community flocked to DAP.

Fresh from the August 2024 Nenggiri by-election, UMNO believes (or rather fantasizes) that the Malay support has returned. It captured 61% of the Malay votes, giving a bloody nose to Islamist party PAS (who lends its candidate to partner Bersatu). UMNO leadership burst into wild celebration over the so-called “extraordinary victory”, although the real hero was an ATM machine.

If Nenggiri was a hard fought battle, the upcoming Mahkota by-election would be a walk in the park for the Malay nationalist party. Even before a candidate could be identified and announced, UMNO has already started counting chickens before they hatch. Barisan Nasional was so confident of not only retaining the state seat, but will do so with a bigger majority of at least 10,000 votes.

Here’s how they count the chickens. In the last state election in March 2022, Barisan’s candidate Sharifah Azizah Syed Zain (16,611 votes) won the seat with a 5,166-vote majority against candidates from Pakatan Harapan (11,445 votes), Perikatan Nasional (7,614 votes) and Warisan (555 votes). But Barisan managed to snatch the seat due to low turnout (57% compared to 2018 state election’s 84%).

Because now Barisan Nasional and Pakatan Harapan are allies in the Unity Government, it’s assumed that the friendly’s 11,445 votes will be automatically transferred to UMNO, which will theoretically boost Barisan’s majority by more than 15,000-vote based on the same low turnout of 57%. If the turnout somehow shoots up to 84%, the majority could skyrocket by nearly 20,000-vote (votes which Pakatan captured in 2018).

No matter how, it’s a sure win for UMNO. On paper, it does not need any Chinese votes at all. Based on the 2022 state election results, Barisan alone can retain the Mahkota seat with nearly 10,000-vote majority – even if all the Pakatan Harapan supporters stay at home and play mahjong or watch Netflix. Therefore, the 34% Chinese and 7% Indian voters in Mahkota can “safely boycott” the by-election this round.

Mahkota presents an opportunity to non-Malays not to go to the polling centres without feeling guilty because their vote does not matter anyway. Even in the worst case scenario that UMNO loses the seat, which is absolutely impossible based on Akmal’s scientific calculation, the status quo will remain as UMNO won the Johor state election on March 12, 2022 with a super-majority.

A boycott, however, can send a lovely message to UMNO top leadership, and PM Anwar for that matter, that the ethnic Chinese are extremely upset with the government policies of bullying and discriminating against the minority race. Abstaining from voting will not bring any benefit nor change anything. So, why waste precious time and energy to vote if it won’t change anything?

However, if the Chinese ignorantly vote for UMNO, it will send the wrong message that they are happy and thrilled to be screwed by the corrupt, arrogant, extremist and racist UMNO even after more than 66 years of screwing. Worse, pariah UMNO Youth Chief Akmal will be emboldened to continue mocking, insulting, belittling and terrorizing the Chinese community.

Another reason to boycott the Mahkota election is to deny MCA the chance to claim credit, after the Malaysian Chinese Association excitedly announced it will mobilise all its 4,000 members and machinery to ensure a landslide victory. Of course, the Chinese traitor MCA knew it would be a sure win contest, thus wanted to secure the bragging right that Chinese too have returned to MCA.

More importantly, boycotting Mahkota will teach spineless and forked tongue Anwar a lesson not to take Chinese votes for granted. When push comes to shove, the Chinese can dump him like soiled diapers the same way Malay voters abandoned Mahathir in Langkawi in the 2022 polls. Without DAP or the Chinese, the prime minister is game over because he can’t win in a Malay-majority seat.

Heck, if the Chinese are angry enough, they would and should vote for opposition Perikatan Nasional just to satisfy their desire for revenge against racist Akmal and create confusion to the entire political calculations. At least, extremist PAS and racist Bersatu do no hide their racial and religious bigotry. UMNO, on the other hand, pretends to be friendly with Chinese but hides a knife and repeatedly backstabbing its own friends.

Make no mistake – DAP captured 98% of Chinese support and won 40 seats in 2022 because it was the kingmaker Chinese voters who allowed DAP to represent them for a 5-year term. But that does not mean the community cannot and would not cast a protest vote during this period against DAP if the party betrays the ethnic Chinese the same way MCA did.

In fact, by boycotting the Mahkota polls on September 28, the Chinese are actually helping DAP to justify to both PKR and UMNO why they should not ignore, let alone attack the non-Malay voters. The Chinese must make a statement that they are NOT blind supporters of Anwar. Remember – a vote for Barisan Nasional is a vote for Akmal.

Source : Finance Twitter

Tuesday 17 September 2024

‘Robbing’ from hard working productive Malaysians to give it to the ‘lazy’

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Multiracial national unity and harmony and fair play are “myths” in Malaysia.

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‘Robbing’ from hard working productive Malaysians to give it to the ‘lazy’

KUALA LUMPUR, Sept 18, 2024: Umno president and deputy prime minister Ahmad Zahid’s proposal of setting up a Bumiputra Land Corporation is nothing short of racial discrimination.

Malaysia’s 10th Prime Minister (PMX) Anwar Ibrahim’s support for Zahid’s proposal makes a mockery of the so-called Madani Unity Government (UG).

It is okay to set up such a corporation to help the Malays but to take away from others or to deprive others to give it to the Malays is just unacceptable.

Help should not discriminate or “rob” from others for the Malays.

Anwar’s often political battle cry that all Malaysians are his “children” or “We are one family” are truly fake.

It is uttered just to win the votes of non-Malays who should put a stop to the nonsense. To quote the writer below, the matter must be nixed in the bud forthwith before it becomes a needless contentious and divisive issue.

It is time for multiracial Malaysians who cherish national unity and harmony to seize the opportunity to teach the bigoted racial and religious Umno a lesson in the Sept 28 Mahkota by-election in Johor by rejecting Umno wholeheartedly:

No News Is Bad News reproduces below what is being shared in social media on the issue:

Anwar Approved Zahid's Proposal of setting up Bumiputra Land Corporation at Bumiputra Economic Convention that all leasehold non Bumi land owners nationwide upon renewal or lease extension will have to surrender 20% of land to Bumiputra Land Corporation before approval . Applicable to all agricultural land of 50 acres and above and industrial / commercial land of  20 acres and above. Will hit major China men companies which own huge tracts of land banks.. 

Anwar quietly approved this proposal to rob off the wealth of the hard working citizen especially the Chinese to be given freely to Bumi*

Zahid's land corporation proposal is insidious, unfeasible.

P Gunasegaram in Malaysiakini - Mar 7, 2024

COMMENT | One proposal announced by no less than Deputy Prime Minister Ahmad Zahid Hamidi went relatively unnoticed at the recently concluded Bumiputera Economic Congress (BEC), where a slew of proposals for helping well-off bumiputera was unveiled.

It could be the most insidious and the one that is most patently unfair to other Malaysian citizens from whom part of their land would be taken away upon the renewal or even extension of leases.

According to Zahid, who is also the rural and regional development minister, the government plans to set up a Bumiputera Land Corporation (Perbadanan Tanah Bumiputera) to preserve land ownership, as part of an effort to strengthen the community by boosting its land ownership.

According to a report quoting Zahid, if the lease size exceeds 50 acres (20.23ha) for agricultural land or 20 acres for industrial use, the proposal calls for 20 percent of the land to be handed back to the government upon lease renewal or extension.

“The creation of a Bumiputera Land Corporation would signify a proactive measure aimed at ensuring a balanced racial demographic, sustaining bumiputera businesses in agriculture, industry, and new settlements, and preserving bumiputera ownership,” he said.

Zahid envisaged that the returned portion of land would be then overseen by the corporation.

“I am confident that this initiative holds the potential to yield substantial returns and significant opportunities for bumiputera to possess a stake in the nation's land assets,” he added.

Tremendous implications

One hopes that this badly conceived scheme is still at the proposal stage and will not see the light of day. The implications are tremendous. Note that all agricultural land above 50 acres will come under this and 20 acres for industrial land.

If you had a small plantation of 50 acres growing oil palm for instance, and if you were non-bumiputera (I’m assuming this stipulation does not apply to bumiputera companies) you have to give up 10 acres upon lease renewal or even a mere extension.

That means you will lose too the yearly output that you get because the area planted will be reduced by 10 acres. The amount of fresh fruit bunches decreases by 20 percent and so will your revenue. Profit may decrease even more than that because of loss of economies of scale.

Let’s say down the road you have an oil palm mill, logistics centre and office premises amounting to 20 acres, you suddenly have to carve out four acres for allocation to the Bumiputera Land Corporation.

Presumably, the corporation will hand it over to a privileged bumiputera who can then sell it back to the original lessor for a huge premium. What a quick and easy way to make money and for the government to hand out patronage to its own people.

It beats even approved permits and rivals that infamous 30 percent bumiputera equity stipulation.

Something like this could only have been conceived by an Umno minister who will have the necessary audacity, the sense of entitlement and the complete lack of ethical behaviour to suggest such a one-sided deal.

Imagine the kind of havoc it will cause - factories, offices, plantations, food production etc. Right now, almost all leases are automatically renewed on the payment of a premium and business continuity is assured.

Let’s take Malaysia’s largest plantation - Sime Darby - which has an estimated planted acreage of 730,000 acres in Malaysia. Sime Darby may not be considered a bumiputera company because of its diverse shareholders.

That would mean that it will eventually have to give up 20 percent of its plantations in Malaysia or 146,000 acres. Using a very conservative estimate of RM10,000 per acre, that alone is worth RM1.46 billion. Potentially, billions of ringgit of properties are involved across all businesses.

The result of this ill-considered move to surrender 20 percent of larger tracts of land upon lease renewal or extension is a huge business disruption and the abuse of allocation of land to privileged bumiputera, two things we really don’t need.

Unless strictly necessary, leases are not normally terminated or withdrawn. This practice ensures fairness to all landowners and assurance that businesses of all kinds have reasonable certainty that they can operate in a system which is fair, equitable and reasonable.

Why, the move could be even against the Federal Constitution that stipulates that everyone is treated equally under the law. It implies that people cannot have their property taken away through any process and then redistributed to others.

Zahid’s proposal should be nixed in the bud forthwith before it becomes a needless contentious and divisive issue. 

P GUNASEGARAM says proposals should be vetted for fairness and feasibility before they are made public.

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