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Give ‘Dr Ham’ (Dr Akmal) and Umno a political burial in 2027
KUALA LUMPUR, Feb 17, 2025: There is this memorandum inked by six Malaysians voicing their disgust for the racial and religious bigoted Umno youth chief Dr Akmal “Dr Ham” Saleh.
They described Dr Ham’s behaviour as “disrespectful” and urged him to apologise to Malaysians for him to be forgiven. "Disrespectful" is too kind/diplomat description for Dr Ham.
Given Akmal and Umno’s incorrigible past and present, it is almost impossible to expect any repentance from such retards.
The only way for multiracial Malaysians to rid their country of such anti-national unity bigots is to politically bury Akmal and Umno in the next general election in 2027.
Drop them like hot potatoes and give your votes to others.
Only then, perhaps, Umno will realise how disgusting it has been to peace-loving and harmonious Malaysians.
No News Is Bad News reproduces below the memorandum that is now circulated in social media WhatsApp:
*Malaysians against the disrespectful behavior of Akmal Saleh and a Memorandum for National Harmony*
We have seen just barely two months have passed of the new year 2025 that Malaysia is slipping further and further into disharmony. After almost 70 years of Merdeka we may have failed to honor the founding fathers of this country the likes of Tun Dato’ Sir Onn Jaafar, Tunku Abdul Rahman, Tun V.T. Sambanthan and Tun Sir Tan Cheng Lock. The recent JAKIM furore over needless guidelines for Muslims visiting and interacting with non-Muslims marks a social fissure that may cause a total collapse of nation building by dividing communities in our country forever.
In the light of these serious social and religious crisis, one person stands out as the epitome and example of nation disharmony; the politician from UMNO Akmal Saleh. As a people’s representative in Melaka, a State with a long history of integration and racial harmony, as an Exco of the state and as head of the UMNO Youth, Akmal has sown discord after discord in his relentless attacks on non-Malay personalities on issues of race and religion, in spite of swearing an oath to uphold the Constitution. We Malaysians respect Akmal Saleh for being a self proclaimed ‘champion’ of the Malays and of the Muslims but we totally disagree with his socially and spiritually destructive methods and statements. He had taunted a veteran Chinese politician as Nyonya Tua. He had called on Malays to boycott a Chinese businessman ‘sampai bankrap’. He had called a Chinese Minister of the Unity Government as ‘stupid’. He had recently called out a young Chinese MP to ‘better die’. His manner of speaking can easily be interpreted as menacing, threatening and certainly insulting.
He should follow the example of Melaka statesmen like the late Tun Abdul Ghafar.
If we have a young politician leaders like this who influences many online members of his same race as well as members of his own political party and other Malay based political parties, how are we going to rebuild this nation through the idea of ‘kesopanan dan kesusilaan’? The core foundational values of social, political and religious harmony are respect and according dignity to all faiths, race and cultures. Inherent in the concept of respect and dignity are speaking and debating with decorum, knowledge and courtesy.
We Malaysians ask that Akmal Salleh apologises to all Malaysians unreservedly for his past and present behavior and a promise of upholding the Rukunegara. We Malaysians, in turn, promises to forgive and begin our relationship with him in a clean slate.
We also ask UMNO to ensure that it advises and reprimand all of its members that act like Akmal Saleh in the future, and remind them of the Rukun Negara and the Federal Constitution and the laws enacted after the May 13 tragedy to ensure harmony and peace, formulated by an Umno-led admimistration.
Finally, we Malaysians would like to think and hope that Akmal Saleh can be a good and responsible leader to educate our future generation about the importance and sanctity of social and religious harmony. We Malaysians would also like to think that UMNO can be trusted with a new mandate of governance by abiding to the core values of respecting all faiths and race. We Malaysians will not tolerate and will campaign against any and all parties that would destroy the delicate and sacred harmony between our communities. The task of rebuilding this nation through respect and harmony lies not with any government ministry but unto each and every responsible citizens of Malaysia.
1.Prof Dr. Mohd Tajuddin Mohd Rasdi
2.Mohamed Tawfik Tun Dr. Ismail
3. Mohamed bin Halim
4. Choy Meng Hooi
5. Poh Teik Heng
6. Dr Mohd. Razif b Mohd. Ali
Times When UMNO Youth Chief Akmal Saleh Made Us Scratch Our Heads
Recently, Akmal Saleh said he wanted to paste a non-halal logo on Teresa Kok’s forehead after she voiced the issue of mandatory halal certification for pork-free and alcohol-free restaurants and food companies.
September 11, 2024
Umno Youth chief Datuk Dr Muhamad Akmal Saleh is no stranger to making headlines, although more often than not, he makes us scratch our heads in wonder.
Most recently, he challenged Seputeh MP Teresa Kok after the latter said she would consult her lawyers regarding his remarks towards her.
Akmal Saleh had said he wanted to paste a non-halal logo on Kok’s forehead after she brought up the issue of mandatory halal certification for pork-free and alcohol-free restaurants and food companies. He also called Kok a “nyonya tua” (old woman).
Kok said the mandatory requirement could unnecessarily burden small businesses as it would incur extra administrative costs, restrict consumer freedom, and potentially clash with Malaysia’s cultural diversity.
She has reiterated that she supports the promotion of halal certification but asked the government to review its mandatory stance, citing that halal certification should be voluntary for businesses based on market demands and not through force.
Nevertheless, Akmal Saleh told Kok to “bring it on” and said he wasn’t afraid.
No fear, no surrender, we meet in court.
Umno Youth chief Datuk Dr Muhamad Akmal Saleh wrote in Facebook
It’s not the first Akmal Saleh talks big. Here are the other instances he behaved spectacularly:
1. Wielding a Japanese sword on Facebook
In April this year, Akmal Saleh uploaded a Facebook picture showing him wielding a traditional Japanese sword. It was allegedly a picture he took during a trip to Japan on 14 March.
However, he captioned the picture: “No matter what, we will not waver from our stance. Better to die standing than live kneeling.”
Since Akmal Saleh has been stoking tensions, the picture was seen as further incitement for some and may be considered a seditious act.
2. The KK Mart “Allah” socks issue
Akmal Salleh kept stoking the KK Mart “Allah” socks issue bordering on an extreme level. PKR vice president and Natural Resources and Environmental Sustainability Minister Nik Nazmi Nik Ahmad said Akmal Saleh’s behaviour had triggered extreme behaviour in others at the time.
Some of the extreme behaviour allegedly spurred by Akmal Saleh’s hardline stance was the petrol bombings at several KK Mart stores.
After giving his statement to the police, he uttered “No fear, no surrender” because he believed he was defending his religion and race.
READ MORE: Mydin Boss Urges UMNO Youth Chief To Stop Exploiting “Allah” Socks Issue For Political Mileage
READ MORE: Umno Youth Chief Arrested In Kota Kinabalu Amid KK Mart Boycott Controversy
3. Telling a fellow politician to prepare many Milo tins
Rembia ADUN, Datuk Muhammad Jailani Khamis, hopped parties and this clearly disappointed Barisan Nasional (BN) members. Anyone who jumped ship is considered a political frog.
To punish Muhammad Jailani, Akmal Saleh reminded him to be prepared to pay RM100 million to UMNO. He suggested Muhammad Jailani prepare many empty Milo tins to collect the money.
What else does Akmal Saleh have in store for us Malaysians? Guess we’ll have to wait and see as he briefly told Malaysiakini yesterday that “no one who touches on 3R (religion, race, royalty) issues will be spared.”
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