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No News Is Bad News
Racial and religious bigoted Muslims, politicians and Governments to blame for Malaysia’s current religious intolerance
KUALA LUMPUR, Feb 11, 2025: Soon after Merdeka (Independence) in 1957, Malay/Muslim children continued to attend Christian missionary schools.
They were in these schools for up to 11 years (Std 1 to Form 5).
Everyday they saw crosses in the schools. Every day they heard the morning Christian “doa” before lessons started.
Every day they sat at the same tables with their non-Muslim mates to have their halal meals while the non-Muslims had non-halal food with pork dishes.
Nobody complained about “sensitivities”. Nobody demanded that non-halal food must not be sold in the school canteens.
And did these Muslim grow up and lose their faith or were converted?
Why then has religious tolerance of Muslims become so weak today, that they continue to spew anti-national unity and harmony venom?
Admit it. It is no thanks to racial and religious bigoted Muslims and politicians, and also the Governments (elected every five years), that use religious sentiments to score political points/mileage. Period.
The bigoted politicians and the Governments even ignore facts and figures like this image shows:
And this is also a Madani Unity Government's mockery for failing to act against the real culprits, especially the bigoted politicians from Umno:
No News Is Bad News reproduces below a Facebook posting that is now also circulated in WhatsApp:
Quoted from Ravinder's post
Fully agree with Tuanku's statement. If
evidence is needed by the religious authorities about the strength of the faith of the Muslims, they should look back to the 1950's and 60's when thousands of
Malay/ Muslim children attended
Christian Missionary schools. They werein these schools for up to 11 years (Std 1 to form 5).
Everyday they saw crosses in the schools.
Every day they heard the morning
Christian 'doa' before lessons started.
Every day they sat at the same tables with their non-Muslim mates to have their halal
meals while the non-Muslims had non-halal food with pork dishes.
Nobody complained about 'sensitivities'.
Nobody demanded that non-halal food
must not be sold in the school canteens.
Nobody ever said they could not sit at the
same table eating halal /non-halal food.
That was UNITY at its best. Each
respected the other.
When they left schools after 11 years of
"soaking" in Christianity, NOT ONE OF
THEM CONVERTED TO CHRISTIANITY. Is that not good enough testimony about the
strength of their faith?
I believe the faith of the Muslims remains just as strong. The problem is POLITICS.
To achieve desired political goals,
"SENSITIVITIES" are feigned to create barriers between the multi-racial people (the voters!). If the government is sincere in bringing back "National Unity" as it used to be generations ago, it must not pander to those crying out "sensitivities"
and giving them face to have their way.
Time to put a stop to this "pura-pura
(Quoted from FB Ravinder's post)
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