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Today, everything on the internet is about Deep.
PMX in DeepShiok, Malaysia in DeepSleep!
KUALA LUMPUR, Feb 11, 2025: Social media is sharing the following Finance Twitter link below.
However, many will find difficulty in opening it, and perhaps cannot even open it … all no thanks to Malaysia’s MCMC’s censorship.
The shared link came with the following comments, followed by a copy of the links’s content:
Thanks to lame duck and indecisive Anwar Ibrahim, who is trying to impress everyone, the country has become an international laughing stock. It was already bad that the PM allows UMNO Akmal Saleh to terrorise Chinese business community whilst continues to harbour and protect Indian Muslim hate preacher Zakir Naik. It becomes worse when Jakim is empowered to supervise what Muslims and non-Muslims can or cannot do.
And yet, the prime minister has the cheek to blame non-Muslims of being Islamophobia, when it was his own ministers and UMNO gangster friends who are the one attacking non-Muslims relentlessly and encroaching into the affairs of Chinese and Indians vigorously. Perhaps running the country is too difficult for Anwar and he only fits to administer Gaza Strip.
If Jakim and Minister Mohd Na’im Mokhtar believe their half-baked guidelines are absolutely necessary, they must show data or proof to support their silly theory that Malay Muslims had in the past 60 years converted after attending non-Muslim celebrations. In truth, PM Anwar knew everything because it was him who outsourced the dirty jobs of Islamization to Jakim – hence the RM2 billion allocations.
*Here’s a joke on the social media – while China is in DeepSeek, Europe in DeepShock, and the U.S. in DeepShit whilst Malaysia is still in DeepSleep and Anwar Ibrahim in DeepShiok. The radicalization is getting worse because one man is desperate to become the world’s Muslim hero.* *Anwar Ibrahim is playing a double-game – using Jakim to create chaos by provoking non-Muslims so that he can emerge as a champion.*
Finance Twitter:
With friends like Religious Affairs Minister Mohd Na’im Mokhtar, who needs enemies? Forget about religious extremists from the Opposition Malaysian Islamic Party (PAS – Parti Islam Se-Malaysia). At the rate Anwar-led unity government is trying to Islamise everything under the sun and moon, chances are Malaysia could be turned into a Taliban state before the next general election.
From trying to mandate halal certification for all food premises to the latest guidelines requiring non-Muslims to get approval from Jakim before allowing Muslim friends to attend celebrations, he could easily win the contest for the dumbestminister in the history of the country. Clearly, this is yet another attempt to divide rather than promote racial harmony and integration.
The useless minister’s dumb idea – forcing non-Muslim event organisers to obtain the authorities’ approval and the views of Islamic authorities when inviting leaders or Muslims for festive events, or even funerals – has sparked anger, restless and confusion. The so-called new guidelines underline the involvement of Muslims in non-Muslim festive celebrations, including speeches or singing.
In short, Malay Muslims, according to the logic of the clueless Mohd Na’im Mokhtar, are prohibited from attending Chinese New Year open houses or “Lou Sang” sessions, let alone wearing flower garlands during Hindu festival Thaipusam – unless their non-Muslim hosts get the seal of approval from the notorious radical JAKIM (Islamic Development Department Malaysia).
Hilariously, the moron Religious Affairs Minister said that while Muslims involved in such celebrations must not participate in actions that could touch on the sensitivities of the Muslim community, it also include performances or speeches which insult or belittle Muslim beliefs or holding events during Muslim daily prayer times including during the Friday prayer.
Essentially, it means Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim must first get an official approval from the Jakim or his subordinate Mohd Na’im before participating in the traditional tossing of Chinese New Year “Lou Sang”, which represents aspirations for prosperity and good fortune in the coming year. Even if the premier thinks it was a joyful and harmless event, he could offend other fellow Muslims’ sensitivities without authorization.
Just because PM Anwar thinks the “lou sang or yee sang” with fellow ministers of Chinese ethnicity was a fun activity, it does not mean other Malay Muslims do not think such action is an insult to Islam. Therefore, it’s wise for non-Muslims to prepare a broom during the 15-day Lunar New Year, getting ready to chase Muslim friends, including Mr Anwar, away if they dare to turn up for the event which symbolizes abundance and good fortune.
Although the activities were not held in non-Muslim houses of worship, it’s definitely not in the Islamic teaching, which Anwar has repetitively breached, when he tossed the Chinese raw fish salad with chopstick wearing red while yelling “Huat Ahh, Ong Ahh, Heng Ahh!!!” Worse, there were Chinese New Year songs and tonnes of banners propagating the festival that praises the God of Prosperity and great fortune.
In the same breath, newly crowned King Sultan Ibrahim of Johor can kiss his participation in Thaipusam celebration good bye. Thanks to the racist and extremist Jakim, which received RM2 billion annual allocations thanks to Anwar, the Johor Monarch can no longer have a vegetarian luncheon at a Hindu temple, let alone wearing Hindu flower garland, which was actually a sign of respect.
In 2023, Sultan Ibrahim said that a fatwa (decree) prohibiting Muslims from attending and participating in religious rituals of other faiths in Johor was in no way in conflict with interfaith values of tolerance, unity and understanding as espoused under the “Bangsa Johor” concept. But with Jakim’s latest rules, the new King will be effectively barred from such events.
Heck, as the head of Islam, the sultan had even done everything in the list that Religious Affairs Minister Mohd Na’im Mokhtar said cannot do – happily attended Thaipusam without approval, joyfully wearing flower garland that could offend the Muslim community, merrily celebrated with fellow Hindus in non-Muslim house of worship, and defiantly said there was nothing wrong to attend the religious event.
Perhaps Jakim together with the religious minister should send both PM Anwar and King Sultan Ibrahim to “Islamic Rehabilitation Centre”, with a punishment of writing 1,000 lines that they won’t Lou Sang or attends Thaipusam again. Obviously, they have demonstrated bad leadership by misleading not only Malay Muslims, but also insult and belittle Muslim beliefs as proudly trumpeted by Mohd Na’im Mokhtar, no?
Or will Anwar Madanistan government practice double standard and hypocrisy with hidden rules that give exception to the prime minister and the King to do what others cannot do instead? Unless this minister is sacked, forked tongue Anwar should be voted out in the next election for allowing the religious affairs minister to stir up racial and religion sentiments among the Muslims and non-Muslims.
The latest move by Jakim to unnecessarily and excessively abuse its authority over non-Muslims is another classic example of how racist and extremist authorities try to interfere in the internal affairs of non-Muslims. Even if there are concerns about Muslims participating in non-Muslim events, it should be the responsibility of Muslims to seek guidance, not for non-Muslims to face new bullying and bureaucracy.
If the Malay Muslims think – despite praying five times a day – that their faith is so weak and fragile that they could easily get offended or converted into Christianity, Hinduism or Buddhism by a few speeches, songs, symbols or banners, then they should live in caves or isolated villages and not go shopping at mega malls, let alone holidaying or studying overseas in non-Muslim countries.
Yes, Jakim should actually outlaw sending Malay Muslim students to Christian countries like the United States, United Kingdom and Australia. Likewise, the extremely sensitive local Muslims should also be banned from holidaying in Thailand, of which 94% of the population practices Buddhism. Indonesia Bali tourist spot must be blacklisted as it is a predominantly Hindu island.
The best part is Religious Affairs Ministry under the incompetent Anwar government has become so ridiculous that it believes non-Muslims should be made to seek approval for Muslims to attend not only cultural celebrations, but also funerals and weddings . It would be both stupid and troublesome to get “clearance” for a Muslim to pay their final respects to a non-Muslim friend or colleague.
It would be fun to watch how Jakim plans to restrict dragon or lion dance at temple to only non-Muslims for fear that Muslim spectators would dance all their ways to the National Registration Department to declare themselves as “apostates”. Equally stunning sight will be battalions of police and army mobilised to block Muslims from viewing the procession of Chettiar Indians carrying kavadis during Thaipusam.
Thanks to lame duck and indecisive Anwar Ibrahim, who is trying to impress everyone, the country has become an international laughing stock. It was already bad that the PM allowsUMNO Akmal Saleh to terrorise Chinese business community whilst continues to harbour and protect Indian Muslim hate preacher Zakir Naik. It becomes worse when Jakim is empowered to supervise what Muslims and non-Muslims can or cannot do.
And yet, the prime minister has the cheek to blame non-Muslims of being Islamophobia, when it was his own ministers and UMNO gangster friends who are the one attacking non-Muslims relentlessly and encroaching into the affairs of Chinese and Indians vigorously. Perhaps running the country is too difficult for Anwar and he only fits to administer Gaza Strip.
If Jakim and Minister Mohd Na’im Mokhtar believe their half-baked guidelines are absolutely necessary, they must show data or proof to support their silly theory that Malay Muslims had in the past 60 years converted after attending non-Muslim celebrations. In truth, PM Anwar knew everything because it was him who outsourced the dirty jobs of Islamization to Jakim – hence the RM2 billion allocations.
Here’s a joke on the social media – while China is in DeepSeek, Europe in DeepShock, and the U.S. in DeepShit whilst Malaysia is still in DeepSleep and Anwar Ibrahim in DeepShiok.The radicalization is getting worse because one man is desperate to become the world’s Muslim hero. Anwar Ibrahim is playing a double-game – using Jakim to create chaos by provoking non-Muslims so that he can emerge as a champion.
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