Thursday 17 October 2024

Free wife, anyone?

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Free wife, anyone?

KUALA LUMPUR, Oct 17, 2024: In Malaysia Boleh! (Malaysia Can!), anything is possible!

Do you want a free wife? Then go to the rest area near the ostrich farm in Semenyih.

At the sme time, you can also get “Cofee Brick”, whatever that is (Coffee Break?).

There’s also “Message” services. Does the authority that put up the road signboard mean “Massage” services?

Motorists who go to the rest area and do not get any of the service, there, then feel free to complain to the Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs officials for false advertising or whatever!

Malaysia's sign of high class or 5-star education?

Malunya Malaysia (Shameful Malaysia)!

Ahh! Yes! Let's not forget this (self explanatory):

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