Thursday 3 October 2024

Look! Who’s having the last laugh at PMX?

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Look! Who’s having the last laugh at PMX? (127 Palestinians arrive in Malaysia)

21,508 views 16 Aug 2024 #FMTNews #TUDM #SubangJaya They comprise refugees who earlier sought shelter in Egypt after escaping Israel’s attacks on Palestine. (Siti Kassim: SO, AMACAM?)

KUALA LUMPUR, Oct 4, 2024: The above video clips are being shared on social media.

It shows the Hamas (terrorist)-loving Palestinians that Malaysia’s 10th Prime Minister (PMX) Anwar Ibrahim brought in via a Royal Malaysian Air Force (RMAF) in August have started showing their true colours.

Apparently, they have started rioting and protesting.

No News Is Bad News reproduces below comments that accompanied the video clips:

> The Palestinians PMX brought back are rioting and protesting

> You get the last laugh?

> I told you so, dear PMX. 

Let me say it again. No Palestinian refugees in Sarawak, please.

Let them stay in Malaya and  act like uncivilised gangsters, for all we care.

Dont you dare force these hooligans from Palestine upon us, in our beautiful Land of the Hornbill. 

Don't ever try, Mr PMX. -  Yours sincerely,  "Biadap" Sarawakian fs.


No News Is Bad News also reproduces below our past posting on the issue:

Saturday 24 August 2024

Palestinian youth nabbed for allegedly ‘spying’ on student

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Palestinian youth nabbed for allegedly ‘spying’ on student

KUALA LUMPUR, Aug 25, 2024: Apparently police have arrested a Palestinian youth for behaving suspiciously near Cyberjaya.

A video clip of the incident is being shared in social media with the caption: “Not even a week in Malaysia and they are giving (security) problems (or up to no good).”

The authenticity of the video has not been verified and the description that accompanied the video claims that the youth was spying on a student in a house near Cyberjaya.

Has anyone read any news on the incident? Has the police released any information on the arrest?

And need we say more about the above image on the attitude of the Muslim woman towards others, especially non-Muslims who showed compassion, sympathy and kindness?

Does she deserve to receive the citizenship from Norway?

Wednesday 21 August 2024

No to Palestinian refugees in Sarawak?

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Beginning of the invasion of Palestinians in Malaysia?

No to Palestinian refugees in Sarawak?

KUALA LUMPUR, Aug 21, 2024: The Movement For Change, Sarawak (MoCS) has issued a strong and clear statement rejecting any attempts by the Government to relocate Palestinians to their state.

MoCS leader Paul Siah says if Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim is thinking of admitting Palestinian refugees, after his most compassionate act of flying in injured Palestinians for treatment, into Malaysia, please understand that we DON’T want them in Sarawak.

The Hamas (terrorist)-loving Palestinians have even been rejected by 18 Arab nations - they are do not want them in as refugees!

No News Is Bad News reproduces below the MoCS media statement:

Francis Paul Siah


If Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim is thinking of admitting Palestinian refugees, after his most compassionate act of flying in injured Palestinians for treatment, into Malaysia, please understand that we DON’T want them in Sarawak. – MoCS 

MoCS: We don’t want Palestinian refugees in Sarawak 

This is our earnest appeal to Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim which MoCS believes is the sentiments of the majority of Sarawakians too.

Mr Prime Minister, if you are thinking of taking in Palestinian refugees into the country, please don’t force Sarawak to accommodate them too. We don’t want refugees in Sarawak, including those from Palestine. So, don’t even think about it. 

Let me repeat. Don’t even think about it, Anwar. Seriously, you may be the prime minister but do not treat Sarawak (and Sabah too) in the same pushy manner as you handle Malaya, particularly over this Mid-East crisis. 

Don’t take the Borneo territories for granted and don’t force things down our throat! We detest it.

As a Sarawakian, I can say for a fact that we are poles apart on certain issues, particularly those related to religious extremism. No, Sarawak does not want anything to do with wars and conflicts involving terrorists, violence and deaths abroad. 

The Middle-East conflict has nothing to do with us in Sarawak. If two tribes 8000km away cannot get along, are bent on killing each another with no intention to make peace for decades, we say good luck to them. Let us not be busybodies and poke our nose into the affairs of others. 

In my personal role as a journalist, I have made my point very clear on the Mid-East conflict right from the start in early October last year. If Malaysia really wants to help, let us play the peacemaker role and assist in finding solutions. By taking sides, we become part of the problem.

I find it absurd that Malaysia also called for a ceasefire later into the conflict and also intends to join the UN peacekeeping force. 

The prime minister has declared to the world that Malaysia supports Hamas. Once that stand is taken, who will listen to your ceasefire call which is contradicting your earlier support for one side in the conflict. Malaysia should have called for a ceasefire at the very beginning.

I’m also not sure that sending our troops for peacekeeping duties at this stage is a good idea, especially after Malaysia has earned the wrath of powerful allies connected with the conflict. 

This time, I’m particularly concerned for the safety of our soldiers as Malaysia is not viewed as neutral in the conflict. I hope our Defence Ministry will skip the peacekeeping effort but assist the victims of war in other ways.  

On the refugee issue, we must applaud our dear friend and fellow Sarawakian, Peter John Jaban, for calling on the government to properly vet asylum seekers from Palestine to ensure that militant and radical elements are not allowed entry.

This must include the injured now in the country and their caretakers. Were they vetted properly before they were allowed into Malaysia?

Indeed, the Sarawak government should safeguard its autonomy over immigration control, even as Anwar continues to show his unequivocal support for Hamas.

Jaban speculated that Anwar’s continuing support for Hamas “suggests there will be little attempt to properly vet asylum seekers from Palestine”, which he said carried a risk of entry by radicalised and violent factions.

We are happy that Works Minister Alexander Nanta Linggi had also voiced his opposition to allowing Palestinian refugees into Sarawak a year ago.

He was quoted by the DayakDaily as saying that “Sarawak does not need to accept any refugees, particularly those from countries known for violence, anger and hatred”.

The minister said Sarawak should focus on its socio-economic development, prioritising the needs of its own population.

We hope the prime minister gets the message from Sarawakians loud and clear. 

Perhaps Anwar should also be mindful that a prime minister's responsiveness to the people's views is not just a matter of political courtesy; it is a fundamental aspect of democratic governance that ensures the government remains accountable and responsive to the needs and aspirations of the people.

Anwar, if you wish to be known as an international Islamist hero (now that we know it is an obsession of yours), go ahead. Just don’t drag Sarawak and Sabah into your personal grand scheme of things; we want no part of it.  

Sarawak does not have a camp for refugees and I don’t think the government and people of Sarawak will ever want to take in refugees from anywhere. So, please do not think that we are only singling out Palestinian refugees. It so happens that they are the subject under discussion here.

It’s not that we, Sarawakians, are not compassionate to those who are suffering but I think we are only being sensible and realistic. 

Sarawak has its fair share of the needy and destitute and we believe that charity should begin at home.   


Kuala Lumpur

20 August, 2024

Monday 19 August 2024

Egypt 6,300 hospitals, Malaysia 148 …

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 For image info, go to (Prioritise our poor: Nanta backs calls to bar Palestinian refugees from Sarawak)

Egypt 6,300 hospitals, Malaysia 148 …

KUALA LUMPUR, Aug 20, 2024: Egypt has 6,300 hospitals and Malaysia has a meagre 148!

Where is the logic for Malaysia to send two Royal Malaysia Air Force (RMAF) aircraft to Egypt (at least a seven-hour flight) to pick up 127 Hamas (terrorist)-loving “injured” Palestinian refugees for medical treatment?

Go ask Malaysia’s 10th Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim for a logical answer!

And view the above video clips to see the VIP treatment given to the refugees (such treatment not extended to ordinary Malaysians) and also, do the Palestinians look sick or injured?

No News Is Bad News reproduces below an article being shared on social media:

Anwar's conflict management seems to be based on Islamic compassion, which drives him to greater heights of mercy and hysterics, but which compassion is not shown by neighbourng Arab countries who don't give a damn about Palestine.

Anwar announced just a week ago that Malaysia will provide medical assistance to Palestine. Great idea.

But within a week two army cargo planes were sent to the Middle East to pick up injured. And they came back the next day with 120 passengers.

Many were wondering how Amwar could have pulled off this feat, against Isreali aggression where even UN food aid cannot enter. Bravo Madani, as Anwar is fondly called.

It turns out the injured were from the hospitals of a neighbouring country rescued from the conflict zone. What? Don't worry, you will love Madani if you know him better.

In disaster management resources are critical, and you don't go and pick people who are already in the safe zone.

The hospitals where the injured are picked up, Egypt is several thousand miles away. It's a good 7 hour flight. That means the critically injured cannot be transported as they cannot withstand the long journey. So only those who are not badly injured got on to the plane. In Malaysia we call them outpatients.

In Madani's Malaysia many critically ill die while waiting for appointment. Those not critical die sooner because of long wait times. This sounds insane? No it's Madani's Islamic compassion. He is touted to be the leader of the Islamic world.

Now out of the 120 passengers, only 40 require medical assistance. The others are family attendants Yes 2 for 1 bonus. Could more injured be transported if it is 1 for 1. Don't think rational lah. That's why I called them medical tourists.

Egypt's cryptic message when asked about Anwar's compassion is 'he asked we send'. Can't the Egyptians be more grateful and thank him profusely. Well, they are following Madani's tagline, if you want something ask nicely.

But in disaster management, the cardinal principle is you don't do anything until you are asked or instructed. That's why much aid gets delayed.

Now what happens to the injured and their family after treatment. They cannot be sent back, not to Palestine, where the century old war is expected to go on for another century until Isreal is anhilated. Well, that's Malaysia's problem.

Don't even start me on the economics of this whole thing. Can't the cost of the plane trip cover many more injured if donated to the hospitals. Would field hospital be a better option.

Come on you don't pose such silly questions to the best finance minister who is now also Prime Minister.

Madani is embarking on a new world order to bring peace to the Middle East, where everybody else failed. Just be patient and give him time.

And we have only 148 government hospitals ..

A friend of mine (a retired medical professor) sent me the following:

How many Hospitals are there in Egypt?

There are a total of *6300* Hospitals in Egypt as of July 12, 2024.

Egypt has thousands more hospitals than Malaysia 

Egypt is *next door to Gaza* @ Rafah border

Why waste taxpayer money to fly them thousands of km away. 

Just send them to Egypt next door, or to Jordan, Saudi etc

My Comments :

Prof, if they can drive them to the Cairo International Airport to board the flights, then why not drive them straight to the Cairo General Hospital?

This Google map shows so many hospitals in Cairo. There is even a Cleopatra Specialist Hospital in Cairo.

I think the next flight will not leave until the next by-election.  

Just another gimmick. 

Taxpayers money.

By Syed Akbar Ali at August 17, 2024


From social media: Many years ago, in the parliament,  whenever the old fox said anything, whatever the subject,  the MIC president will shout aloud,  saya sokong.  One day, when the old fox just stand-up,  the "semi value" quickly shouted " Saya sokong". The old fox quickly told him, not now, I'm just going to the toilet.

Sunday 18 August 2024

Palestinians are ungrateful humans

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For image info, go to 

Palestinians are ungrateful humans

KUALA LUMPUR, Aug 18, 2024: Malaysia, led by its 10th Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim, has welcomed 127 Hamas (terrorist)-loving Palestinian refugees.

Will there be more such refugees to be brought in? And will the 127 be repatriated after the injured are healed?

History has shown that the Palestinians are an ungrateful lot, and they will not hesitate to bite those who accepted them (view this previous posting: 

Also, view the above video and see why Arab nations are rejecting Palestinian refugees.

If the Madani Unity Government or any government (elected every five years) ignores history, the the potential for Malaysia to be turned into another Palestinian state is very real!

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