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No News Is Bad News
Be very, very wary of the devious US' strive for world dominance
KUALA LUMPUR, Jan 6, 2024: There are still many Malaysians and the rest of the world who still worship the US as the world’s saviour.
The fact and reality remains that the US has been at war with the rest of the world - 222 out of 239 years since 1776 - and continues with its killings and sins.
No News Is Bad News is thus compelled to reproce below an article titled “Mr Blinken really had ' blinkers on '” written by Indian historian cum journalist Vijay Prashad and postings from I Love Malaysia-China Silk Route ( ):
Writer: Vijay Prashad, the Indian Historian, Journalist....
Title: Mr Blinken really had ' blinkers on ' .
The problem is NOT China, but the US.
The US has conned the world for far too long, with its smooth and sweet rhetorics through the control of the media, with grandiose moral high grounds of human rights, freedom of speech, democracy etc., when itself is among the chief violators, not only in the US itself but throughout the world.
The US on false pretexts bombed up Libya, Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan and Yemen ( through its proxies) among others, created the human refugees catastrophe for which Europe had to bear the brunt of handling it.
The US for decades had been an Evil Empire ,its actually the bull in the China shop.
It has also destabilized many Latin American countries, and now karma has shown up at its own southern borders with refugees.
I agree that Mr Blinken is a better looking version ( Version 2) of Mike Pompeo , but they are the same, carrying out the wishes of the American Military Complex.
The Americans don't follow any international law or order, though they keep pontifying about it.
They are above the laws and do what they like.
In short, they are the big bully and now the rogue on the International Stage.
At the recent meeting in Alaska, the US delegation was told to, China gave the US a longer lecture in rebuttal.
The US asked China not to bully America's lap dog Australia by imposing tariffs on Australian goods, but it’s ok for the US to impose tariffs on Chinese goods.
The Australians are now feeling the pinch and the US is now trying to get Australia out of the ditch... more crudely out of the shit that the Americans pushed the Australians into.
The world now needs China more than China needs the world ... that's a debate by itself, for another day.
The US has resorted back to gunboat diplomacy.
Apart from forming Quad, the US had asked and Britain and France had both just obliged by each sending a warship into the Pacific Ocean, from its very depleted fleet.
This time round, China will not be intimidated. The Americans are sadly mistaken, that just because the West won the Cold War against the Soviet Union, they can win the Cold War, the Trade War against China.
China is the giant that Napolean forsawed will awake one day and it has now woken up.
China has delivered 700 to 900 million people out of poverty whereas more and more Americans have fallen below the poverty line.
Is food and shelter, not a basic human right ?
CHINA's progress did not come from the exploitation of other countries, like colonisation, rape and plunder and destruction of other countries, but through the hard work and the sweats toils and tears of the Chinese peasants and people.
Don't forget the suffering of the 60 million 'Lost/ Damaged generation of China. These were the children who grew up , who were ' abandoned' by their fathers and mothers who left their countryside to work in the factories in the cities and the economic zones. The children don't get to see their parents for at least a year or even longer... a tremendous social price that was being paid, so that American consumers can enjoy cheap goods.
At rallies after rallies, Trump retched up anti China and anti Chinese sentiments by accusing China of raping, plundering and robbing Americans because of repeated annual trade deficits for years of about US 550 Billion.
The question the world can ask is,
did China point a gun at the US to force it to buy Chinese products, unlike the time the West forced China to buy its opium.
The US bought Chinese goods because it benefitted the American Consumers.... it helped to keep inflation down in America. What Trump did not tell the American public is that each year US Companies in China reek in revenues to the tune of US 750 Billion.
Who forced the American companies to go and operate in China?
The West, America and Europe have developed at the expense of the AAA (African, Asian, Aboriginals) countries and peoples.. through colonization , exploitation, killings, slavery etc.
Enough is Enough, the 500 years curse is over.
The 21st century is the Asian century and Women will dominate.
Biden had called Putin a Killer and President Xi a thug.
The truth and the irrefutable fact is the Americans and the British have killed the most number of innocent people in all of human history.
How can America, a nation of about 240 years lecture a 5000 years old, Chinese civilisation?
The Wild Wild West foreign policy of the US will this time not work against China's Sun Tzu ‘Art of War'.
Sadly, the US today is the world's biggest terrorist and gangster and a threat to international peace and human civilisation.
Time for America to Repent.
Do not be surprised if one day, Russian and Chinese missiles rained down on the US... if the US persists with its wet dreams that God created America and Mickey Mouse created the rest of the world.
Ps . The Americans have been able to convinced the Eskimos to buy refrigerators
I still believe the Americans planted the Covid 19 virus in Wuhan.
Trump and Pompeo had been saying that the virus escaped from the Wuhan lab and they have the evidence. The whole world is still waiting to see the evidence.
China does not fear the US military anymore?
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This is why China is beefing up its military and weapons. | (China's most powerful weapons exposure, even to the US military operational levels back 70 years) (China: the New DF-41, expected to be-deployed-next year)
KUALA LUMPUR (May 2018): There are varying views globally concerning China’s military might and whether it can stand up to the US.
Post World War ll (WWll) has seen the US as a war waging nation and it is not surprising that China has been paying equal attention in military and weapons technology development as economic and technology.
It is only natural for China to ensure it is able to defend itself against any foreign invasion, especially from the US.
For the US and other nations had before WWl invaded and occupied China.

Just who is militarily stronger today, the US or China?
It really doesn’t matter as in this digital 21st Century era, a war means the rest of the world will also be destroyed.
View the above two video clips on China’s military weapons technology and form your own judgment.
Meanwhile, I Love Malaysia-China Silk Road wishes to thank Eddie Cheong and Jessie Tong and 72 others for sharing the above video clip “China's most powerful weapons exposure, even to the US military operational levels back 70 years”.

1 hr
Why China no longer fear the uSA.
In a speech to the Australian Strategic Policy Institute in Canberra, the commander of the US Army in the Pacific, General Robert B. Brown said that last year he made one of his many trips to China and met the chief of staff of the People’s Liberation Army and two senior combat commanders.
‘Something was different and it took me a while to figure out what exactly was different on this visit,’ General Brown said. ‘I realised that China used to fear us and respect us,’ General Brown said.
They don’t fear us anymore.
Should this army general from the Empire of Chaos be surprised? Watch the following two YouTube videos and you will understand why."
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Apparently, an audit of the missing funds is now in progress.
Throughout the 20th Century until today, the US has been highly judgmental of the administrations of selective sovereign countries to serve their global interests and agenda.
Needless to say, the US’ top two targets are China and Russia.
By right, the US has no moral grounds to judge others after waging wars with others throughout the 20th Century.
With this US$21 trillion 1MDB (1Malaysia Development Berhad)-style financial scandal, it will do well for the Trump and US administration to look into their domestic nefarious plots and minding their own business.
Also, the US national debt, anything between US$20 trillion and US$222 trillion, is not going to just “disappear into thin air” without any focused efforts to check and reduce its growing domestic and global debts.
Read these for context: (
Blame Washington for failing to retrain, reemploy … and failing to create alternative jobs! (Is the US debt US$20 trillion or US$222 trillion?) and (Whatever analysts say, the China-Russia Combo is keeping the US world hegemony in check!)
So, don’t waste time in minding other people’s domestic and international business, and stop being judgmental of others (View the above video clip).
Here’s what is being unearthed by the media on the “missing US$21 trillion”:
"How $21 Trillion in U.S. Tax Money Disappeared. “Full Scope Audit” of the Pentagon
By David DeGraw
Global Research, July 01, 2018
Changemaker Media and Global Research 1 May 2018
Region: USA
Theme: Global Economy, Intelligence, Militarization and WMD

According to the Department of Defense Inspector General and the Defense Finance and Accounting Service, $21 Trillion in Taxpayer Funding Is Unaccounted For.
To help people comprehend the scale of this, $1 Trillion is $1000 Billion. This means that $21,000 Billion in taxpayer money has gone missing.

Image: a stack of one trillion dollars. Multiply that by 21
How can this be possible?
We outlined the “Unaccountable System of Global War Profiteers” in detail here.
For further understanding, we are featuring another mind-blowing Department of Defense Inspector General (DOD IG) report.
The following are highlights from the DOD IG “Summary of DOD Office of the Inspector General Audits of Financial Management”:
§ The financial management systems DOD has put in place to control and monitor the money flow don’t facilitate but actually “prevent DOD from collecting and reporting financial information… that is accurate, reliable, and timely.” (p. 4)
§ DOD frequently enters “unsupported” (i.e. imaginary) amounts in its books (p. 13) and uses those figures to make the books balance. (p. 14)
§ Inventory records are not reviewed and adjusted; unreliable and inaccurate data are used to report inventories, and purchases are made based on those distorted inventory reports. (p. 7)
§ DOD managers do not know how much money is in their accounts at the Treasury, or when they spend more than Congress appropriates to them. (p. 5)18
§ Nor does DOD “record, report, collect, and reconcile” funds received from other agencies or the public (p. 6),
§ DOD tracks neither buyer nor seller amounts when conducting transactions with other agencies. (p. 12)
§ “The cost and depreciation of the DOD general property, plant, and equipment are not reliably reported….” (p. 8);
§ “… the value of DOD property and material in the possession of contractors is not reliably reported.” (p. 9)
§ DOD does not know who owes it money, nor how much. (p. 10.)
Pentagon Cannot Account For $6.5 Trillion Dollars
It gets worse; overall:
§ “audit trails” are not kept “in sufficient detail,” which means no one can track the money;
§ DOD’s “Internal Controls,” intended to track the money, are inoperative. Thus, DOD cost reports and financial statements are inaccurate, and the size, even the direction (in plus or minus values), of the errors cannot be identified, and
§ DOD does not observe many of the laws that govern all this.
It is as if the accountability and appropriations clauses of the U.S. Constitution were just window dressing, behind which this mind-numbing malfeasance thrives.
Technically, this is a violation of the Anti-Deficiency Act, a statute carrying felony sanctions of fines and imprisonment.
Congress and the Pentagon annually report and hold hearings on DOD’s lack of financial accountability and sometimes enact new laws, but many of the new laws simply permit the Pentagon to ignore the previous ones; others are eyewash.
If you have a system that does not accurately know what its spending history is, and does not know what it is now (and does not care to redress the matter), how can you expect it to make a competent, honest estimate of future costs?
It is self-evident that an operation that tolerates inaccurate, unverifiable data cannot be soundly managed; it exempts itself from any reasonable standard of efficiency.
Recall, also that the errors in cost, schedule and performance that result are not random: actual costs always turn out to be much higher than, sometimes even multiples of, early estimates; the schedule is always optimistic, and the performance is always inflated.
The Pentagon, defense industry and their congressional operatives want – need – to increase the money flow into the system to pretend to improve it.
Supported by a psychology of excessive secrecy, generated fear and the ideological belief that there is no alternative to high cost, high complexity weapons, higher budgets are easier to justify, especially if no one can sort out how the Pentagon actually spends its money.
The key to the DOD spending problem is to initiate financial accountability. No failed system can be understood or fixed if it cannot be accurately measured.
And yet, there is no sense of urgency in the Pentagon to do anything about it.
Indeed, in the 1990s, we were promised the accountability problem would be solved by 1997. In the early 2000s, we were promised it would be solved by 2007; then by 2016; then by 2017….
The question must be asked: if nothing has been done by the Pentagon to end the accountability problem after more than 20 years of promises, is top management simply incompetent, or is this the intended result of obfuscation to avert accountability?
A spending system that effectively audits its weapon programs and offices would also be one that systemically uncovers incompetent and crooked managers, false promises and those who made them.
It would also necessarily reveal reasons to dramatically alter, if not cease, funding for some programs, which of course would make lots of people in industry, Congress, and the executive branch unhappy.
The current system and its out of control finances mortally harm our defenses, defraud taxpayers, and bloat the Pentagon and federal budgets.
Any reform that fails to address this most fundamental problem is merely another doomed attempt that will only serve to perpetuate a system that thrives on falsehoods and deception.
William Hartung, Director of the Arms and Security Project at the Center for International Policy, summed up the accountability crisis at the Pentagon by saying:
“Call it irony or call it symptomatic of the department’s way of life, but an analysis by the Project on Government Oversight notes the Pentagon has so far spent roughly $6 billion on ‘fixing’ the audit problem — with no solution in sight.
If anything, the Defense Department’s accounting practices have been getting worse.”
The above post was an excerpt from The Pentagon Labyrinth, 10 Short Essays to Help You Through It. It was written by, “10 Pentagon Insiders, Retired Military Officers and Specialists With Over 400 Years of Defense Experience.” The section we featured is from Essay #8, Decoding the Defense Budget: The Ultimate in Cooked Numbers, by Winslow T. Wheeler. * Report Full PDF Here *
This article was originally published on
The original source of this article is Changemaker Media and Global Research
Copyright © David DeGraw, Changemaker Media and Global Research , 2018"
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Volunteers sort carrots at the San Francisco-Marin Food Bank in 2014 in San Francisco. (Justin Sullivan/Getty Images) The alarming statistics that show the U.S. economy isn’t as good as it seems By Heather LongMay 25 The U.S. economy has a problem. The usual economic bench marks look really good: America in 2018 is enjoying faster growth, low unemployment, record numbers of job openings and a stock market near an all-time high. Yet an alarming number of Americans are still struggling to get by. In the past week, two reports — a new Federal Reserve survey of more than 12,200 Americans about their finances and a new United Way report on financial hardship — reveal just how unstable life remains for a large number of people. Here's a rundown of the key findings: · Forty percent of American adults don't have enough savings to cover a $400 emergency expense such as an unexpected medical bill, car problem or home repair. · Forty-three percent of households can't afford the basics to live, meaning they aren't earning enough to cover the combined costs of housing, food, child care, health care, transportation and a cellphone, according to the United Way study. Researchers looked at the data by county to adjust for lower costs in some parts of the country. · More than a quarter of adults skipped necessary medical care last year because they couldn't afford it. · Twenty-two percent of adults aren't able to pay all of their bills every month. · Only 38 percent of non-retired Americans think their retirement savings is “on track.” Only 65 percent of African Americans and 66 percent of Hispanics say they are “doing okay” financially vs. 77 percent of whites … for more, go to |
To the West, especially the war-waging US, China has been economically ‘dead’ since 1990!
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Investors must be wary of the economic news agenda of pro-US international news media or end up with making business decisions that will be grossly costly and regretful. |
To the West, especially the war-waging US, China has been economically ‘dead’ since 1990!
KUALA LUMPUR (June 2018): To those who continue to believe in the pro-US international media, it will do well to rethink on taking all those economic and financial news forecast reports on China as accurate and gospel truth.
They are at it again, claiming that China’s economy is wobbling! (Read this for context: - Is China’s economy really wobbling?)
If China’s economy is really heading for doom, what about this chart on the purchasing power of the Greenback:
![]() | (Is the US debt US$20 trillion or US$222 trillion?) (More than US$10 trillion corporate debt to mature through 2022! Is this why the US is stressed and desperate?) (Blame Washington for failing to retrain, reemploy … and failing to create alternative jobs!)
And it has only itself to blame for failing to evolve economically and to thinks out of the box.
The US continues to live in the 20th Century - still relying heavily on arms sales and waging war - with impunity and arrogance.
Not that the US don’t have the brains to think out of the box economically, it just refuses to so and also due to ego.
The Americans have even abandoned the virtues of free trade and level playing fields: To quote US President Donald Trump: Make America Great Again - at all costs!
Saddled with multiple trillions of dollars in debt, the US is only desperate to save themselves from economic doom and is today a nation that has become exclusive, without a care for the rest of the world.
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For visual’s text, go to The Buying Power of the U.S. Dollar Over the Last Century The Money Project is an ongoing collaboration between Visual Capitalist and Texas Precious Metals that seeks to use intuitive visualizations to explore the origins, nature, and use of money. The value of money is not static. In the short term, it may ebb and flow against other currencies on the market. In the long-term, a currency tends to lose buying power over time through inflation, and as more currency units are created. Inflation is a result of too much money chasing too few goods – and it is often influenced by government policies, central banks, and other factors. In this short timeline of monetary history in the 20th century, we look at major events, the change in money supply, and the buying power of the U.S. dollar in each decade … for more, go to |
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