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No News Is Bad News
Beginning of the Palestine invasion of Malaysia? The 127 Palestinians are among the numerous refugees who have sought shelter in Egypt.
It’s now Great ‘Muslim Terrorist’ Britain

Great Britain and London are now in racial and religious turmoil after decades of relaxed immigration, allowing Muslim migrants in the Middle East to settle in the country and city.
Rioting is today the daily order of the day as the Muslim community numbers have grown significantly and they have started demanding that Great Britain be turned into an Islamic state.
No? Then, view the above video clips.
The misery of Londoners and British are of their own doing and it serves them right to accept the migrants for decades. Now they are trying to take over their country.
And there is absolutely no sympathy for the British, based on the following comments in social media:
> THIS is what happens when you sit down and do nothing, relax on immigration rules and allow millions of them to settle in your country and even offer them you think this can happen in China or even Russia..? They would have brought in the Army with tanks and APCs and shoot them all dead in plain sight..just like Tian An Men square..rather than their own citizens running for the own lives after being chased by foreigners in their own country...they will shoot you dead and the world cant do anything about it.!! Period.
> THE "colonial masters" deserve all these.
> KARMA for all the atrocities and looting they carried out during their colonisation era.
> AS much as they reap what they sow and deserve all the negative repercussions now, but its also very much due to their weak Govt leadership, Sunak and other prior govts were just hopeless...during out time in UK, in the early 80s, Margaret Thatcher, known as the " Iron Lady ", was the PM her racist or whatever, UK had 6 million unemployment figure and she was a very patriotic British with very stringent anti-immigrant policies..." all foreign students, upon graduation, are to leave the UK immediately and will not be allowed to seek employment in the UK" and " any foreign student found working, even on a part-time basis without a work permit will have their student visa terminated and sent home immediately"..!! There was one Msian student, in his final year Uni studies, caught working in a McDonald's outlet in London, was put on the next plane back to Msia..!! Dont mess with her, Maggie the Mee..she was fierce and toxic..!! And all foreign students were very fearful of her and her policies..she hiked the undergrad/postgrad fees by at least think she would have allowed all these pesticides to invade UK by the millions..fat chance..!!
And Malaysia, led by its 10th Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim is taking in Hamas (terrorist)-loving Palestinians into Malaysia!
Look at who’s laughing at gullible Malaysia:
List of 18 Arab Muslim countries that blatantly REFUSED to take in refugees from Gaza:
1. Algeria
2. Bahrain
3. Egypt
4. Iraq
5. Jordan
6. Kuwait
7. Lebanon
8. Libya
9. Mauritania
10. Morocco
11. Oman
12. Qatar
13. Saudi Arabia
14. Sudan
15. Syria
16. Tunisia
17. United Arab Emirates
18. Yemen
The Arabs must be laughing at how gullible Malaysian Gov. is!
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