Sunday 28 July 2024

Julian Assange on why the ‘war-loving US’ needs the world to be in perpetual turmoil

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Julian Assange on why the ‘war-loving US’ needs the world to be in perpetual turmoil

KUALA LUMPUR, July 29, 2024: The war-loving United States of America (US) has been at war since 1776 and continues to do so today.


Following is the latest list of the evil US bombings:

The All-American Bombardier

Here is a list* of the countries bombed and/or invaded by the United States from the end of the Second World War to 2020:

Afghanistan 1998, 2001-

Bosnia 1994, 1995

Cambodia 1969-70

China 1945-46

Congo 1964

Cuba 1959-1961

El Salvador 1980s

Korea 1950-53

Guatemala 1954, 1960, 1967-69

Indonesia 1958Laos 1964-73

Grenada 1983

Iraq 1991-2000s, 2015-

Iran 1987

Korea 1950-53

Kuwait 1991

Lebanon 1983, 1984

Libya 1986, 2011-

Nicaragua 1980s

Pakistan 2003, 2006-Palestine 2010

Panama 1989

Peru 1965

Somalia 1993, 2007-08, 2010-

Sudan 1998

Syria 2014-

Vietnam 1961-73

Yemen 2002, 2009-

Yugoslavia 1999

Note that these countries represent roughly one-third of the people on earth.

This list makes it seem clear that the United States has been as bellicose as any other country in the history of the world. At least, it seems clear to non-Americans. Less clear are the reasons behind the bellicosity, the reasons that so few Americans realize how bellicose they are, and the reasons that so many Americans believe their country to be peaceable and benign.

Two concrete mechanisms can explain this situation, one animal and one historical, each reinforcing the other. First, Americans have the same hormones as all other homo sapiens. This renders them as intrinsically self-protective and aggressive as any other people. Second, America's geographic isolation has led Americans to be uninterested in the rest of the world, so that their educational system and sources of news have always tended to be insular and parochial, leaving most of them—both the electors and the elected—poorly informed. War is often the result. See Out of the Ashes for some blatant examples of this, or consider Laos.

Laos is a poor, land-locked country halfway around the world from the United States. It has no natural resources of any significance and hardly any people, only six million now and a mere two million during the 1960s. No country on earth could be or could ever have been less of a threat to the United States yet in the 1960s the White House and Pentagon managed to imagine one—a threat so dire and insidious that they had to keep it under wraps. They did not dare to explain it even to Congress, for fear Congress might not have permitted them to deal with it appropriately. They handled it in secret instead. To save America from that threat, an ad hoc air force run by the CIA dropped more explosives on Laos than the official air force dropped on Germany during all of the Second World War. Laotians saw more bombs dropped on them per capita than any other people in the history of the world.

Again, Laotians saw this, Americans did not. This was never on TV, this was done in secret. Most Americans still have no idea of the outrage their country committed.

The occasion for the bombing was a modest civil insurrection by a relatively few poor peasants against the king and kleptocrats who controlled the nation. The United States took the side of the latter and made war against the peasants, not only against those peasants who were fighting but also against those who were not. American planes rained down not just high explosives but also vast numbers of cluster bombs—aerial anti-personnel mines that are directed specifically against non-combatants. Those were (and continue to be) especially effective against children, because many of them do not explode when dropped but do explode when a child picks them up. This stragtegy had the predictable effect: it turned non-combatants into fighters and amplified the civil war. Eventually the American side lost. Needless to say, the United States suffered no ill consequences.

To anyone with a modicum of perspective, it was and remains inconceivable how anyone could have believed Laos to be a threat to the security of the United States, and it is even less conceivable how bombing the country could have been thought to be beneficial. However, Americans naively believe that a free press must be an informative press, so they remain ignorant of the world.

Reality is complex and ambiguous. It is most accurately outlined by knowledgable people willing to test their conclusions in public. In contrast, the reality of the White House and Pentagon is largely defined by employees of secret organizations, employees who are paid to be secretive if not paranoid. Those employees purvey information gleaned from professional previcators—i.e., spies and paid informants. The agents dealing with those spies and informants are likely to know too little of a culture and its language to order dinner in a native restaurant but they will have no problem believing that they can assess the accuracy and completeness of what is told to them and send it out as inside dope. This "information" is no more than glorified rumour but it is then not tested through the public scrutiny of independent experts, people who might actually speak the language of an informant, it is put through a military or quasi-military hierarchy. The people in that hierarchy who analyze the rumours may know even less—they may never have even visited the country—but they will know what their superiors will want to hear and they will want to write policy briefings believed by those on high.

In short, like president like tsar. The more top-secret dossiers that a ruler reads, the less informed and less sensible his decisions will become. If any information about another country is too secret to disclose, it is very likely to be wrong. It was not an accident that presidents and prime ministers and their top-level aides were virtually the only people to "know" about weapons of mass destruction in Iraq or to predict anything positive from Iraq's destruction and occupation.

To see how this process works in the White House—to see how inaccurately American presidents are informed—read For the President's Eyes Only by the Cambridge historian Christopher Andrew. To appreciate more fully the incompetence and outrageousness of the CIA, read Legacy of Ashes by the Pulitzer Prize-winning New York Times reporter Tim Winer.

*Dates through 2000 from Rogue State: A Guide to the World's Only Superpower by William Blum

Copyright ©️ Charles Maurer

No News Is Bad News reproduces below Wikileaks founder Julian Assange’s take on why the satanic-like US needs to keep the world in turmoil:

*Interesting and Excellent*

*Please read this article by Julian Assange.*

Julian Paul Assange Hawkins; born 3 July 1971) is an Australian editor, publisher, and activist who fdounded WikiLeaks in 2006. He came to international attention in 2010 after WikiLeaks published a series of leaks from Chelsea Manning, a former United States Army intelligence analyst., with footages in Baghdad, U.S. military logs from the Afghanistan and Iraq wars, and U.S. diplomatic cables. Assange has won multiple awards for publishing and journalism.

*Deep insights into how the world financial system works and why USA must keep the world in turmoil*

The US said its goal is to "weaken and defeat Russia" in Ukraine. Is China the next target after defeating Russia? Yes, 100%. 

In fact, under Trump, the plan was to be friend with Russia, while America take on China. When American troops were pulled out of Afghanistan, everyone was guessing which would be the next target, and many guessed it would be Taiwan. But Biden’s think tank has a bigger stomach, they go for both.

To understand why Russia and China are targeted. We need to look at how the US economy works.

Former American NSA chief Zbignew Brzezinski once put it: “It is IMPERATIVE that no Eurasian challenger emerges capable of dominating Eurasia and thus of also challenging America”.

Because America has just 4% of the world’s population, and it’s isolated from the Eurasia continent with 70% of world’s population, or 87% with Africa included (Red circle). Defensively, it’s an advantage to America, but economically, it’s a handicap. That’s why economically, Eurasia is a competitor to America and the Euro is a threat to the dollar.

How does America with an isolated and small share of world’s population maintain it’s position as the world’s biggest economy? The dollar must stay as the world’s reserve currency. This allows the size of the US economy to be highly scalable, instead of being sized according to the fundamentals.

To be the world’s reserve currency, the dollar must be circulated in the world. America created a huge consumption-based economy, so that dollars flow out of America to product suppliers like China or Japan. To make products, China and Japan need energy, the dollars are spent to buy petrol from Saudi. With the US stock/financial market performing at an averaged annual gain of 37% (inflation compensated) per year since 1990, the dollars from Saudi are attracted back to America. The money printed in America to exchange for goods from outside eventually ends up with the Wall Streets, where the rich gets richer. And that completes the cycle of circulation of the dollars.

For that to work, (a) Saudi has to sell petrol in dollar, hence the petrol-dollar scheme with Saudi, (b) the US stock/financial markets have to perform better than other major economies, that’s why America has a highly leveraged financial economy and highly speculative stock market, while the less profitable manufacturing sector is outsourced to China. With a good living standards, America attracts top talents around the world to bolster its high technology sector, so a technological gap is maintained between America and other major economies like China. And that’s the real reason why the world leading patents holder in 5G, Huawei, is banned.

After selling products to America, if China or Japan bring back all their dollars and exchange to the local currencies, it causes inflation, making their exports expensive. So, China and Japan use a portion of the dollar earned to buy US debts (treasury bonds). That’s why America, a rich country, is in-debt to China which has just 1/5th of America’s GDP per capita. By holding US treasury bills, China and Japan have to support the US dollar, for if the US dollar collapse, their hard earned money would become worthless. In China’s case, some of the dollar is also used to fund the Belt and Road Initiatives projects all around the world, so when the infrastructures are built, they have more business opportunities in the future.

With a huge population, if Asia and Africa develop rapidly, the share of America’s economy shrinks, and the importance of the US dollars shrinks accordingly, and then the Euro could replace it as the world’s reserve currency. When that happens, the USA would no longer be able to print money out of nothing without an inflation like Venezuela. Then the size of the American economy has to fall back to the fundamentals, which is small nowadays compared to the inflated economy. The faster Eurasia grow, the earlier that will come. That’s why no country in Eurasia is allowed to be economically big compared to America. When Japan was catching up fast on America in the 1980s, they were knocked down to a three decade stagnancy. And the IMF’s influence in the decision making in the financial plans of the developing countries make sure that these countries could only afford paying interests over a long period of time, and little money for meaningful infrastructures and economy development, so labor cost remains cheap and the share of America’s economy remains big.

When America prints a lot of money, other countries’ foreign reserves in dollars shrink in value. Furthermore, to prevent exports to America become expensive, these countries have to print money too, which devalues the savings of the people, and causing inflations in these countries. For some countries, inflation can be mitigated by producing more. But for the lower tier exports like agricultural products, ramping up production is not possible in a short time due to limited time and resources, so the developing countries are most affected by inflation. It is estimated that our wealth in cash depreciate about 9% every year since the abolishment of the Bretton Wood System, after which America started to print money with no more gold-backing and rely on just creditability.

Although North America continent is the easiest to defend, America has a military budget the combine of the next top 11 countries in the world (year 2021). That’s because the money (from the money printers and American tax payers), are used outside of America for its 800 military bases around the world to protect America’s interests and most importantly, to protect the hegemony of the dollar.

For the record, USA had no mercy on anyone threatening the dollars:

** In 2000 Saddam Hussein said he would start selling oil in Euros not Dollars. >Saddam was hanged by the US.

** In 2009 Gaddafi made Libya export oil in Gold Dinars. >Gaddafi was killed by US-backed NTC.

** Syria had an independent Central Bank NOT under Federal Reserve controlled Bank of International Settlements (like Iraq and Libya once had before US regime change). >Obama attempted to overthrow Bashar al-Assad.

** Iran has been trading oil in currencies other than US dollars since 2011. >Iran was being sanctioned by the US.

** In 2019, Putin (1) completely ditched dollars in oil trades, (2) sold almost all the US treasury bonds, (3) is now the forerunner in de-dollarization. >America wants to topple Putin.

** China (1) introduced the Belt and Road Initiatives in 2013 which helps many Asian, African, South American countries to grow, (2) used non-dollar in oil trades with Iran and Russia, (3) introduced the CIPS which is an alternative to the West’s SWIFT system which has been weaponized by America to put sanctions on countries that do not conform, (4) China’s economy size is catching up fast >China has become America #1 target.

If a country supports the dollar, it’s being looted; if a country doesn’t support the dollar, the government is changed by America. This is financial slavery.

40% of the dollars in existence in America was printed during the last 12 months. America’s debt has reached 30 Trillion dollars. This huge bubble and weaponization of the dollar, by sanctioning 39 countries, has increased the urgency in other countries to de-dollarize in trades and a reduction of US debt holdings. The dollar is in a creditability crisis. When countries start dumping their dollars, the dollar will flow back and flood America, causing unprecedented hyperinflation. Therefore America want to take on Russia and China.

After the dissolution of the USSR in 1991, US President Bill Clinton had the choice to integrate Russia into Europe and abolish NATO, OR, to slowly alienate Russia to keep them divided. Clinton chose the latter, because if there’s no more Russia “threat”, there would be no more NATO to control Europe. As the first NATO Secretary General, Lionel Ismay described NATO: “To keep America IN, to keep Russia OUT, to keep Germany (Europe) DOWN”.

The probable reasons behind the war in Ukraine and the potential war in the East:

(1) Prolonged wars to weaken Russia and China, to remove the threats to America and the dollar’s hegemony.

America can’t go to wars directly with Russia or China, because they are nuclear armed. Proxy wars put the battlefields outside of America. Back in the 1980s, America supported the Afghan Mujaheddin in a proxy war with the USSR, which helped drain the economy of the USSR.

Russia and China have given their clear redlines. America would use the proxies at Ukraine and Taiwan to push across Russia’s and China’s redlines to trigger the wars.

After the war broke out on Feb 24, the dollar strengthened.

(2)To kill the Nord Stream II gas pipeline

Last year, America warned Germany and Russia to stop the construction of the Nord Stream II. However, the warning was ignored and the pipeline was completely. The war was America’s response. Why America allowed a gas pipeline from Russia to Germany passing through Ukraine, but not the Nord Stream II running directly from Russia to Germany? Because then America could control energy supply to Europe at its proxy state Ukraine, which has a neo-Nazi military Azov Battalion supported by America since the Maidan coup in 2014 and a puppet president.


Now the pipeline is frozen and Germany has signed up for gas from America at much higher price.

(3) Continuity for the Military Industrial Complex

America has a war economy. After the withdrawal from Afghanistan, a war has to start somewhere to keep the war industry rolling.

This is a plan to breath new life into the ailing Anglo-American Empire. Remember, after WW II, Europe, Russia, Japan and China were devastated, but America emerged as the world’s biggest economy and the dollar became the world’s reserve currency.

The best way to know our world is to look at the think tanks’ plans.

Who dictates the world today? The transatlantic globalists from Wall Street and the City of London. They consist of capitalists with enormous wealth from financial institutions like Goldman Sach, the IMF and George Soros’ Open Society Foundation, and big corporations like Pfizer, Exxon and Monsanto, and the Military Industrial Complex with its affiliates like Lockheed Martin. And they get aids from the intelligence from America (CIA) and the UK (Mi6). These people use platforms like the World Economic Forum to write their agendas and apply the rules to the whole world. The politicians are just their preselected representatives.

The Rule Based International Order is created by America to sideline the UN, with America being the sole rules maker and the only judge, and others just followers to the rules. It’s created because China and Russia have veto power in the UN.

Also, if a country is submitted to the Western financial system, the foreign policies are hard-wired to that of the Washington and London. That’s why Scott Morrison have to do crazy things when he was the Prime Minister of Australia: (1)Sacrificing 30% of export to please America, (2)spending 3.5 billion dollars to buy American battle tanks (which they don’t need because Australia has no land-connected neighbors), (3)offending France by canceling a submarine deal with France and opted for a deal from America.

Similarly, the European leaders have to support the American proxy war in Ukraine, even if that means economic turmoil for their people.

And what will happen in the next few years? Just look at what the elites do. Bill Gates acquired a lot of farm lands, and he’s now America’s biggest farmland owner. So we can expect a food crisis down the line. Rough time’s ahead.

“If wars can be started by lies, they can be stopped by truth.” - Julian Assange.

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