Sunday 7 July 2024

Pray it was just to punish PMX, PKR and PH!

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No News Is Bad News

PAS supporters gather on election nomination day outside an nomination center in Langkawi, Malaysia, on April 28, 2018. (File photo: AP Photo/Vincent Thian) For image info, go to 

 Pray it was just to punish PMX, PKR and PH!



The Sungai Bakap Chinese Voters Are Disappointed With Anwar – Businesses & Economy Are Badly Affected

8 July, 2024


The Umno Veterans Club today expressed concern over the low turnout of Chinese voters during the Sungai Bakap by-election yesterday, after Perikatan Nasional (PN) won the seat.

The club’s national secretary Datuk Mustapha Yaakub highlighted that only 47 per cent of Chinese voters turned out to vote at the polls yesterday.

It was evident as only 47 per cent of Chinese voters turned out to vote.

The lack of real reforms led to low turnouts among Chinese voters in Sungai Bakap, said Prof James Chin, Professor of Asian Studies at the University of Tasmania.

“Not only the Chinese, but non-Malays in general are quite disappointed that Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim has not brought any real reforms,” he told Harapan Daily.

He also noted that the Chinese community is particularly upset with the government’s removal of subsidies.

“The other big issue among the Chinese is that people are really angry with the government for taking away the subsidies.

“And a lot of Chinese businesses are actually affected quite badly,” he said, citing the transportation and logistics industry as examples.

Chin also highlighted economic factors influencing the by-election.

“People just think that the economy is not doing well, and if the economy is not doing well, the most affected will be the non-Malays, because Malays have access to government subsidies, and Chinese and Indians do not,” he said.

“So all this makes the Chinese very unhappy, and since they have no choice but to support Pakatan, the best way to show their unhappiness is to stay at home,” he added.

He also mentioned that people do not take state by-elections seriously.

“I think another issue is that by-elections are a bit funny business because people know they are not going to change the government. So people take a more relaxed attitude towards by-elections,” he said.

Perikatan Nasional secured victory in the Sungai Bakap by-election yesterday, with their candidate Abidin Ismail winning by a substantial margin of 4,267 votes over PH candidate Dr. Joohari Ariffin.

The by-election was triggered by the passing of PAS assemblyman Nor Zamri Latiff, who also served as the Nibong Tebal PAS division chief.

Source : Harapan Daily

13% Chinese Voters Decline

A decline of between 10% and 13% in turnout among Chinese and Indian voters was a factor in Pakatan Harapan’s (PH) loss in the Sungai Bakap state by-election on Saturday, said Penang PH chairman Chow Kon Yeow.

He said the lower voter turnout caused the coalition to lose a significant number of Chinese and Indian votes compared to the state election in August last year.

“The lower turnout somewhat caused us to lose up to 1,000 to 2,000 votes. We expected a 65% turnout [but that was not the case],” he told reporters at the PH by-election centre at a golf resort here on Saturday night.

Chinese Unhappy With The Unity Government

On the other hand, he said Sungai Bakap’s Chinese community were “not in the mood” to come out to vote in the by-election, particularly feeling disgruntled with the retargeting of diesel subsidies.

He added that these Chinese voters are key to deciding if PH will win. Nonetheless, he said their unhappiness with PH-BN would not push them to vote for PN’s Abidin Ismail.

“(Despite being unhappy with the unity government) most of the Chinese are not going to vote for PN. The number of them skipping the polls are likely to be as high as the last state elections.”

Based on data from the 2023 polls, Sungai Bakap comprises 59.36% Malay voters, 22.54% Chinese, 17.39% Indian, and 0.71% from other ethnicities.

Source : FMT

DAP man says dinner guests cheered by-election result

Kepong MP Lim Lip Eng has lamented that guests at a dinner banquet he attended had applauded when he announced the results of the Sungai Bakap by-election, which Pakatan Harapan lost.

“I announced the Sungai Bakap by-election results, and the crowd clapped,” he said in a post on X.

He said the banquet was attended by a “few thousand” people.

His post drew some comments that Lim’s party, DAP, should consider the reaction a wake-up call, with one commenter even suggesting that the announcement should have received a standing ovation.

One X user, “Goldfish”, said the response was “loud and clear” and wondered if Lim’s DAP colleagues would start delivering their promises.

“The next election, it’s gonna be even louder and clearer.”

Lim later told Malaysiakini that the defeat was a “valuable lesson from the voters”. Asked for his response, he said it was one of self-reflection.

KUALA LUMPUR, July 7, 2024: Did Penangites in Sungai Bakap use their ballots to punish Malaysia’s 10th Prime Minister (PMX) Anwar Ibrahim, PKR and Pakatan Harapan (PH)?

If so, then multiracial Malaysia is doomed for Taliban-like PAS governance if PMX, PKR and PH do not respond to the rakyat (people)’s wake up call.

They seriously need to reform their style of governance and socio-economic policies for the so-called Madani Unity Government (UG) to have a chance to govern a second term after the next general election which must be held in 2027.

With Taliban-like rule, Malaysia is doomed and multi-racial Malaysians pray that Sungai Bakap was just a wake-up call for PMX, PKR and PH to launch immediate reforms.

Racial and religious bigotry must be stemmed, if not wiped out. Socio-economic imbalance must make way for a level playing field in all sectors for all.

For a developed state like Penang, the ruling state and federal government’s failure to win against PAS is just telling.

It shows multiracial Malaysians’ discontent has peaked and they couldn’t care or less whether their country is governed by “Talibans”.

It makes no difference to them as PH and UG are “the same same” for doing nothing to right the wrongs of the previous Barisan Nasional (BN)-Umno federal governments of more than six decades.

Frustrated national unity and harmonious-loving multiracial Malaysians in Sungai Balap just could not find the motivation to come out to vote - leaving PH in the doldrums.

And, the high voter turnout for the Malays showed Umno’s “political irrelevance” - like the MCA has been soundly rejected by the Chinese in previous general elections, Umno is now facing the same fate with the Malays in elections.

If that is not the case, then, worse still, it smacks of sabotage on PKR, PH and UG!

Seriously, it is time for Anwar and PH to review Umno’s status and relevance in the UG for failing to deliver the Malay votes - Umno claims to have 5,000 members in Sungai Bakap!

Look at this posting on Facebook:

Just as we have predicted.........that PN will win this by-election with a higher majority, but not with this margin of majority.

This indicates Anwar Ibrahim and HARAPAN are losing power and PASTARD is making in-road into the semi-rural areas.

Of course Anwar Ibrahim is to be blamed for this debacle. His 'LALLANG' politics is the culprit for no one would tolerate such a politics, NOT anymore in this world.

PASTARD has also made in-roads into the urban areas the last 5-10 years and the influence on Malay youths is getting to be a thorn on the country.

Closing those SEKOLAH PONDOK may be the key to arrest the problems of Islamizing those youths.

Yes, Anwar Ibrahim should also act tough and fast on the SPECIAL PRIVILEGES of those privileged people. This is what makes them soft, lazy and incompetitive. His policy of appeasement and favorism are NOT working. It’s high time he uses NOT a stick but a BATON to beat those PRIVILEGED PEOPLE into shape, otherwise they will never be COMPETITIVE, VERY LAZY AND FOREVER A SORRY BUNCH OF PEOPLE.

No News Is Bad News reproduces below a news report on PH’s trashing by PN:


PN trashes PH in Sungai Bakap in major blow to Anwar govt

The opposition coalition more than doubled its previous majority.


July 6, 2024 10:05PM

The ruling coalition's aggressive campaign in Sungai Bakap led by Rafizi Ramli has failed to sway negative sentiments against Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim's government.

Perikatan Nasional (PN) has retained the Sungai Bakap state seat with a bigger majority, dealing a major blow to Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim who put his party deputy Rafizi Ramli to lead the campaign charge.

PN, with 14,489 votes, defeated PH which got 10,222 votes - a majority of 4,267 votes, double the 1,563-vote majority it received in the six-state election a year ago.

The ruling coalition's defeat comes on the back of several controversial decisions including the abolition of diesel subsidies and the move to include a company owned by US fund manager BlackRock in a consortium to manage the country's airports.

Reacting to the defeat, Rafizi said PN's gains were due to Malay voters far outnumbering Chinese and Indian voters.

"Although there was a slight shift in Malay votes, the result was largely influenced by the turnout," he said on X, as it became apparent that the government side was heading for a major defeat.

The remarks are an indirect admission that PH was rejected by the Malays, although he had earlier claimed that "data" showed increasing support from the Malays that could delivery victory for the government.

In the run-up to the by-election, PH leaders claimed that their candidate, former academic Joohari Ariffin, was better qualified than PAS's Abidin Ismail.

The government also ran an aggressive campaign dishing out development promises and ,  funds for everything from places of worship to fire stations to a market.

Anwar announced contributions of RM290,000 for nine mosques and 20 suraus in Sungai Bakap, while Housing and Local Government Minister Nga Kor Ming announced RM18 million for the construction of a new fire station, the upgrade of the Bukit Panchor market and contributions for six non-Muslim houses of worship.

The by-election in Sungai Bakap was held following the death of incumbent Nor Zamri Latiff.

Malay voters make up 59% of the 39,222 voters in Sungai Bakap, which is part of the Nibong Tebal federal constituency represented by Education Minister Fadhlina Siddiq. Chinese voters make up 22.5% and Indians 17.4%.

Today's by-election result was expected by observers, many of whom pointed to voters' negative perceptions of Rafizi, the diesel price hike and the impending petrol price hike, as well as the BlackRock controversy.

PH's election campaign got off to a bad start when Rafizi, speaking at the launch of the coalition's campaign machinery last month, got into an argument with a man who questioned the fuel price hike.

Rafizi's explanation as to why PH could not honour its election promise to lower fuel prices was challenged by former Umno man Isham Jalil, who disputed the economy minister's facts and figures in clips that went viral on social media. - MALAYSIA NOW

Saturday 6 July 2024

Taliban-like governance for Malaysia after GE16 if …

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No News Is Bad News

A prelude of Taliban-like PAS rule for Malaysians after GE16?

Taliban-like governance for Malaysia after GE16 if …

KUALA LUMPUR, July 6, 2024: Unity-loving multiracial Malaysians must be prepared for Taliban-like governance after the next general election (GE) which must be held in 2027.

This comes after the dismal failure of Pakatan Harapn (PH)-PKR to win back the Sungai Bakap state seat in a by-election today.

And PH and Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim had to take the blame partly for their insolence governance that has upset multiracial Malaysians, with many disgusted and discontented, unable to find the motivation to cast their ballots.

For a state like Penang, if it is unable to dump the fanatical religious PAS, then it is dooms day (year) for multiracial Malaysia come GE16.

The so-called Green Wave (PAS) is set to win (possibly also form the next federal government) if PH and Anwar do not wake up from their slumber and disappointing governance.

The by-election defeat for PH is a clear indication of:

> UMNO’s failure to deliver with its claim of 5,000 membership in Sungai Bakap; and

> MULTIRACIAL Malaysians who had supported PH in pervious GEs have had enough of empty promises of change and reformation.

With immediate effect, if PH and Anwar do not change their style of administration and socio-economic policies, the so-called Unity Government (UG) is unlikely to get a second term in GE16.

Two matters are clearly PH’s failure:

> SOCIO-ECONOMIC reformation - equitable and fair opportunities to all Malaysians are lacking;

> TO stem racial and religious intolerance, leading to the rise in racial and religious bigotry, are upsetting more and more Malaysians who cherish national unity and harmony, in short the shit-stirrers are allowed "rule" unabated and to threaten national unity and harmony.

Sungai Bakap has also clearly shown that either Umno has been soundly rejected by the Malays, like the Chinese dumping the MCA, or the party and Barisan Nasional (BN) “sabotaged” PH-PKR.

Whatever the reasons may be, PH and Anwar have much to do to turn things around before the next GE.

Among the issues and negative perceptions that stick out like a sore thumb are:

> THE failure to show it really wants to fight corruption, with the special treatment of the world’s biggest kleptocrat Najib “1MDB” Razak being outstanding;

> THE failure to implement equitable socio-economic measures that project fair and meritocractic values;

> NEPOTISM and cronyism are relatively still unchecked in business and public projects; and

> BUSINESS as usual for all the “big fish” (sharks) but not the ikan bilis (anchovies).

So, Malaysians, PH and Anwar only have themselves to blame for bombshell come GE16 in 2027.

No News Is Bad News reproduces below the post-Sungai Bakap by-election news reports:

Election loss caused by discontent over govt policies, says Chow

Predeep Nambiar-06 Jul 2024, 09:55 PM

The Penang PH chairman says the subsidy issue, rising costs and the government’s failure to explain issues could have swayed voters.

PN-PAS supporters marking their by-election victory this evening, when Abidin Ismail was elected state assemblyman for Sungai Bakap.

NIBONG TEBAL: Discontent with rising costs and government policies such as subsidies are believed to be among the factors behind Pakatan Harapan’s loss in the Sungai Bakap by-election today, according to the coalition’s Penang chairman.

Chow Kon Yeow, who is also Penang chief minister, said the outcome of the by-election was a reflection of broader national and state issues. “The loss could have been caused by the failure to explain these matters effectively to the voters,” he said at a press conference here.

At today’s by-election, PH failed to regain the Sungai Bakap state assembly seat from Perikatan Nasional.

Official results showed the PN candidate, Abidin Ismail of PAS, polled 14,489 votes for a majority of 4,267 votes over his PH opponent, Joohari Ariffin of PKR, who polled 10,222 votes.

Chow said there was also a significant drop in voter turnout, particularly among the Chinese voters, which contributed to the defeat.

He said Chinese voter turnout was at an estimated 49%, a 13% drop from last year’s state assembly elections, while there was no change in the turnout for Indian voters.

A total of 24,711 votes were cast, out of an electorate of 39,279 voters, for a turnout of 63.45%.

Chow had conceded defeat in the by-election earlier this evening, saying there was a failure to communicate government policies. “I see these results as showing we have failed to convince the rakyat on national, state and local issues which the electorate thinks are important.”

He said the state government would continue to deal with the issues raised during the campaign by voters.

Among the issues of discontent is the government’s policy on diesel prices, which have been allowed to float since June 10, with certain users being entitled to government subsidies.

The scheme had sparked criticism among the opposition and Umno members who had said the scheme should have been deferred.

The Sungai Bakap seat was held by PKR for three terms from 2008 before Nibong Tebal PAS chairman Nor Zamri Latiff won the seat in the state assembly elections last year in his first attempt, defeating Nurhidayah Che Rose of PKR by a 1,563-vote majority.

The seat fell vacant when Zamri died in May.

Joohari Ariffin (PH-PKR) 10,222
Abidin Ismail (PN-PAS) 14,489
Majority 4,267
Rejected ballots 208
Unreturned ballot papers 4
Electorate 39,279
Votes Cast 24,711
Percentage 63.45 %

Previous result (2023)
Nor Zamri Latiff (PN-PAS)
Votes polled: 15,433
Majority: 1,563


UNOFFICIAL: PN retains Sungai Bakap after lower voter turnout

FMT Reporters-06 Jul 2024, 07:51 PM

Perikatan Nasional is believed to have secured a 4,133-vote majority with seven out of eight polling districts counted.

Perikatan Nasional’s Abidin Ismail (right) of PAS and Pakatan Harapan’s Joohari Ariffin of PKR are the contenders for the Sungai Bakap state assembly seat in Penang.

PETALING JAYA: Perikatan Nasional has retained the Sungai Bakap state seat in Penang, securing a 4,133-vote majority, according to early unofficial results.

An hour after the counting of ballots began, PN’s Abidin Ismail was believed to have obtained more than 14,000 votes to the 9,600 obtained by Joohari Ariffin of Pakatan Harapan.

Election observers said there had been a lower turnout of voters, with an unofficial count showing total turnout at 68%. Although more Malay voters cast their ballots, fewer Chinese and Indian voters were believed to have turned out.

A total of 39,279 people were eligible to vote.

A voting tally board at Pakatan Harapan’s campaign centre showing unofficial returns from the Sungai Bakap by-election.

The seat fell vacant following the death of assemblyman Nor Zamri Latiff of PAS in May. Zamri, who was the Nibong Tebal PAS division chief, was elected at the state assembly elections last year, defeating PH candidate Nurhidayah Che Rose with a majority of 1,563 votes.

Police said voting had gone smoothly from 8am to 6pm, and no complaints had been lodged on any violation of the voting process or the by-election.

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