Monday 29 July 2024

Politically spineless and shameless Gerakan, at least show some dignity and quit PN-PAS

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Politically spineless and shameless Gerakan, at least show some dignity and quit PN-PAS

KUALA LUMPUR, July 30, 2024: Gerakan, stop kidding yourself and make yourself look more and more moronic by the day.

It is clear PAS is the big brother in Perikatan Nasional (PN) with its brute number of Members of Parliament (MPs) and that is the reality.

It is also clear that Gerakan is only in PN-PAS just to help shore up the Taliban-like PAS’ false political image of “inclusive governance”.

The racial and religious bigoted PAS can never change its Taliban-like ways and that has been a fact since Merdeka (Independence) 1957.

PAS has told Gerakan that if it wants to leave PN, so be it. And don't forget that PN is led by the racist and unpatriotic Muhyiddin "I Am Malay First" Yassin.

So, what are you waiting for you spineless and shameless Gerakan?

As usual, just talk big only, take the slap hands down, and wait for Malaysians to forget the shame?

No wonder Gerakan and MCA are in the political rot today, after decades of being lapdogs in the Barisan Nasional (BN)-led religious and racist Umno.

Switching to PN-PAS lapdogs can only be digging your “political grave” even deeper, and becoming politically irrelevant to multiracial Malaysians.

No News Is Bad News reproduces below two news reports on the politically shameless Gerakan:

If Gerakan wants to leave PN, so be it, says PAS veep

Anne Muhammad

-29 Jul 2024, 04:00 PM

Amar Abdullah responds to Gerakan deputy president Oh Tong Keong, who said his party might leave Perikatan Nasional over disagreements about Chinese school funding. 

Responding to Gerakan deputy president Oh Tong Keong, PAS vice-president Amar Abdullah said the party has the right to make its own decisions as it is a democratic country.

PETALING JAYA: PAS has no objections if Gerakan decides to leave Perikatan Nasional following differences of opinion over funding for Chinese schools, says its vice-president, Amar Abdullah.

Amar said every party has its rights and positions on issues, and it is up to Gerakan to make its decision.

If Gerakan feels uncomfortable with PN, it is free to leave (the coalition) because this is a democratic country, he told FMT.

His comments follow those of Gerakan deputy president Oh Tong Keong, who said the party will not hesitate to leave PN if its coalition allies continue to display religious extremism and infringe on the rights of non-Muslims.

Oh said this in the wake of a controversy over fundraising for Chinese-medium schools, sparked by criticism from PAS over a deputy minister accepting a RM3 million mock cheque bearing a Tiger Beer logo at a fundraising event.

PAS information chief Ahmad Fadhli Shaari said the Islamic party might not be able to work with Gerakan at the next general election if the latter maintains its position on alcohol companies and Chinese schools.

Amar also said schools should serve as places for nurturing students into valuable members of society, and PAS strongly opposes any negative contributions to educational institutions.

The government itself does not allow sponsorships from tobacco, alcohol, or gambling companies because they have adverse effects on society, he said.

He said if Gerakan chooses to maintain its position, PAS does not have the authority to force it into any decision.

If they leave, what can we do? We do not have the right to force them, and we can’t stop them either, he said.

Don’t forget that PN champions moderation, Gerakan tells PAS

Anne Muhammad

-29 Jul 2024, 10:15 PM

The party’s deputy president, Oh Tong Keong, says PAS must not neglect the rights of others in prioritising the Malays and Muslims.

Gerakan deputy president Oh Tong Keong said PAS should respect the party’s efforts to defend the Chinese and Indians, as well as their mother tongue.  (Facebook pic)

PETALING JAYA: A top Gerakan leader has reminded PAS about one of Perikatan Nasional’s main goals, as the two PN component parties continue their back-and-forth over funding for Chinese schools.

Gerakan deputy president Oh Tong Keong reminded PAS that among PN’s core agenda was to push for a moderate Malaysia while looking after the interests of all Malaysians.

“Therefore, PAS should respect Gerakan in our efforts to defend the Chinese and Indians, as well as their mother tongue.

I hope that PAS remembers the purpose and goal of PN’s establishment is to champion the interests of all Malaysians. Don’t neglect the rights of other races in prioritising the Malays and Muslims,he told FMT.

Oh declined to respond to PAS vice-president Amar Abdullah’s statement that Gerakan was free to leave PN if it felt uncomfortable being part of the coalition, with PAS and Bersatu.

Earlier this month, PAS criticised a deputy minister for accepting a mock cheque for RM3 million bearing a Tiger Beer logo at a fundraising event for a Chinese vernacular school in Sungai Pelek, Selangor.

Leaders of DAP, MCA and Gerakan have somewhat united to defend the fundraising event, saying the vernacular schools had no choice as they were only partly funded by Putrajaya.

The education ministry has since said it will maintain existing guidelines used by previous governments when it comes to funding for schools.

The tiff between the two PN components kicked off when Oh said Gerakan will not hesitate to leave the coalition if its allies continue to display religious extremism and infringe on the rights of non-Muslims.

Amar then said PAS had no objections if Gerakan were to quit PN.

PAS’s information chief, Ahmad Fadhli Shaari, said the Islamic party might not be able to work with Gerakan at the next general election if the latter maintains its position on alcohol companies and Chinese schools.

Where would Gerakan go if it quit PN, asks Umno man

FMT Reporters

-30 Jul 2024, 11:15 AM

Puad Zarkashi says Gerakan would not dare leave Perikatan Nasional as it would be unable to find allies anywhere else.

Umno Supreme Council member Puad Zarkashi claimed Gerakan and PAS are merely putting on a show in their back-and-forth over the issue of funding for Chinese schools.

PETALING JAYA: An Umno leader has laughed off a threat by a top Gerakan leader that the party could quit Perikatan Nasional (PN) if its coalition allies continue to display religious extremism following the controversy over the source of funds for Chinese schools.

Umno Supreme Council member Puad Zarkashi said Gerakan would not dare leave PN as the former Barisan Nasional (BN) party would not be able to find allies elsewhere.

Puad also claimed that Gerakan and PAS, which had expressed differing views over the issue of funding for Chinese schools, were merely putting on a show, and that the Islamic party would likely maintain the status quo if it was in power.

PAS knows that Gerakan is making threats. It’s just a mosquito party. Gerakan would not dare leave PN, it has nowhere else to go, the Rengit assemblyman said in a Facebook post.

Earlier this month, PAS criticised a deputy minister for accepting a mock cheque for RM3 million bearing the Tiger Beer logo at a fundraising event for a Chinese vernacular school in Sungai Pelek, Selangor.

However, leaders from DAP, MCA and Gerakan said that vernacular schools had no choice but to accept such contributions as they were only partly funded by Putrajaya.

Gerakan deputy president Oh Tong Keong also said that Gerakan would not hesitate to leave PN if its allies in the coalition continued to display religious extremism and infringe on the rights of non-Muslims.

PAS information chief Ahmad Fadhli Shaari meanwhile said the Islamic party might not be able to work with Gerakan at the next general election if the latter maintained its position on alcohol companies and Chinese schools.

Gerakan was a founding member of the Umno-led BN, but left the coalition shortly after the 14th general election in 2018 which saw Pakatan Harapan taking over Putrajaya.

It joined PN in 2021 and currently has one elected representative, Kulim assemblyman Wong Chia Zhen, while its president Dominic Lau is a senator.

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