Sunday 14 July 2024

MAS - Truly ‘Mana Ada Sistem’ (Where Got System)

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No News Is Bad News

 The shitty national airline.

MAS - Truly ‘Mana Ada Sistem’ (Where Got System)

KUALA LUMPUR, July 15, 2024: If you think the services and management of budget AirAsia sucks, then think again.

National airlines, Malaysia Airlines (MAS), is even worse! Worse than it was decades ago.

MAS runs and manages its airline “like their grandfather’s”.

It now determines your travel times and days without even asking!

There is this traveler who booked a ticket Penang-Kuching-Penang months ago - departure Aug 1, 2024 returning Aug 10.

Out of the blue yesterday, MAS messages the traveler that the departure has been rescheduled to the next day - Aug 2 and return Aug 9 - without even asking?

Is MAS running its grandfather’s business?

It sure looks like MAS ignores not only the convenience of its passengers, it assumes that it is their right to determine when you should travel and the length of your travel!

To MAS, there is no such thing as travel plans and appointments to keep.

In another case, a traveler from Kuching to Penang waited at the airport from morning to night only to be told that the flight is being rescheduled to the next day!

The traveler then made a huge fuss and she was allowed to board a flight!

In September 2004, there was this blogger who penned an article titled Mesti Ada Sistem or Mana Ada Sistem?

Instead of improving its services and management, it is today even worse!

No wonder MAS needs continuous bailouts from the governments (elected every five years) - for its shitty services.

No News Is Bad News reproduces below the blogger’s article:

Saturday, September 04, 2004

Mesti Ada Sistem or Mana Ada Sistem?

My favourite Malaysian blogger and general shit stirrer has a couple of geat posts chronicling Malaysia Airlines' less than stellar online experience. Start here.

The story so far:
-the website has managed to charge RM8,206.00 for a London flight that was advertised at a promotional price of RM1599
-the website has been inaccessible, sometimes for as long as four days
-"Humanly" asking for your credit card details to be sent via plain, unsecured (and insecure) emails because the system cannot accept credit card expiry dates which fall within September, October, November and December
-a KL-London flight advertised for RM1,598 but shown as RM4,168


August 17, Malaysia Airlines announced its "new and interactive online booking service", accessible via the airline's enhanced website ( which, I quote The Star, is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Wow, what a big selling point. I just hate it when other airlines have online booking websites that only open on weekdays from 9am to 5pm. If only more websites were open longer. Tiger Airways should take a leaf from their book.

via Flying Chair

Posted on Saturday, September 04, 2004 at 09:04 AM in Random Rants | Permalink

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