Tuesday 11 June 2024

A mournful plea to Malaysia’s PMX

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Mournful Grasp Screaming Hand Illustration Pained Plea Hand Symbol Design

A mournful plea to Malaysia’s PMX

KUALA LUMPUR, June 11, 2024: A poem, penned by one Yusuf Hashim, is making its round in social media.

It is a “mournful plea” to Malaysia’s 10th Prime Minister (PMX) Anwar Ibrahim make the right choice in his decisions for the rakyat dan negara (people and country) when it is between the deep blue sea and the devil.

No News Is Bad News reproduces below the poem:

Dear Mr Prime Minister, if you are between the devil, and the deep blue sea,

Between Principles and Malevolence, on which side will you be?

In this world of choices, where good, and evil shadows intertwine,

When morals clash with ambitions, on which side will your heart align?

Will you stand firm with virtue, like a beacon in the night,

Or will you  drift towards darkness, from where deceit and conceit take flight?

In the swirling tempest of choices, when currents pull and sway,

Will you sail with noble purpose, or let hypocrisy lead the way?

Dear Mr Prime Minister, Principles, the compass of righteous souls,

Should always be your guide, to reach the right goals.

Malfeasance, the siren's call, a treacherous deceit,

Lure us with promises, making falsehoods seem so sweet.

In the corridors of power,  where morality is frequently tested,

Beware the  waters of statesmanship, that most times are devil infested,

Choose the path of honor, and let conscience be your guide,

For in the end, it's the choices we make, that define our stride.

Dear Mr Prime Minister, deep blue seas may churn, devils may whisper near,

But principles will anchor you, dispelling doubt and fear.

So when you find yourself between, with choices to decree,

Stand strong for what is right, and let your heart run free.

For in the balance of your soul, let virtue always win,

Between Principles, and Malfeasance, choose to rise above the sin.

Dear Mr Prime Minister, the devil promises power, riches, and acclaim,

But the deep blue sea, holds wisdom, where honour is the flame.

Principles, like the North Star, guides with a steady hand,

While Malevolence tempts, with treacherous shifting sands.

Choose wisely, Mr Prime Minister, while adrift in this moral sea,

For your decisions shape this sad country's course, and our destiny.

Will you stand for truth, and justice, or let Narcissism take its toll?

In the battle of right and wrong, where will you find your soul?

For in the end, it's not the devil, nor the sea, that decide,

But the choices that you make, and the values you abide.

Between Principles and Malevolence, let your heart decree,

To stay on the side of righteousness, where your spirit shall always be free.

By Yusuf Hashim, a mournful plea,

A sad Malaysian, pained by the chicanery I see,

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