Sunday 2 June 2024

Australia labels Malaysia a terrorism risk country

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No News Is Bad News

Australia labels Malaysia a terrorism risk country

Muslim women or girls working at tolls don't want to touch the hands of non-Muslims when returning change. They just throw the money to the non-Muslim drivers.

KUALA LUMPUR, June 3, 2024: Padan muka (serves you right) to Malaysia’s Government.

And racial and religious bigots, carry on with the bigotry and Malaysia is doomed to be a failed nation.

The so-called Madani Unity Government is to be blamed for turning Malaysia into an “international terrorism risk country”.

The Australian Government on Friday (May 31) issued a travel advisory to tourists that Malaysia is a terrorism risk country.

And, why not! Police stations are attacked and policmen are killed,  and Muslim women “throw changes (money)” at toll plazas at non-Muslim motorists to avoid touching the hands of non-Muslims (see video above)

And racial and religious bigots, like Umno youth chief Dr Akmal Saleh (with the ruling government) can say anything under the sky and threaten non-Muslims without having to face any action from the police.

This is what we are talking about:

 A senator has asked why Umno Youth chief Dr Akmal Saleh has yet to be investigated for sedition after posting a picture of himself holding a sword on Facebook. Akmal had posted the picture, taken during a recent trip to Japan, on March 14. The picture was captioned: “No matter what, we will not waver from our stance. Better to die standing than live kneeling.”

Lawyer and social activist Siti Kasim said: "I recently saw a TikTok video where he (Akmal) was seen calling the Malays to be ready. He was seen sharpening a parang ... this is something the police must act on.

"It is like he is instigating the Malays to create problems. Islam never teaches us all this," said Siti.

No News Is Bad News reproduces below a news report warning of terrorism risks in a travel advisory on Malaysia:

Aussie gov’t website warns of terrorism risks in a travel advisory on M’sia

By FocusM



AUSTRALIA’S Smartraveller website has issued a travel warning for Malaysia, saying there is a risk of terrorism in Malaysia.

It stated attacks could be random and small-scale. Possible targets could include tourist areas and a range of other locations frequented by foreigners, including Kuala Lumpur.

Besides warnings about terror attacks, it said tourists must be weary of kidnappings in Sabah, petty crime in Kuala Lumpur and possible sexual assaults in some areas.

“Take official warnings seriously. There was an armed attack on a police station in Johor Bahru on May 17 in which two police officers were killed,” it added, two weeks after the Ulu Tiram incident, which has since been classified as a random attack not linked to any terror organisations.

Moreover, it also claimed that there’s an ongoing high risk of kidnapping in the coastal areas of eastern Sabah.

“There have been several attempted and successful kidnappings. This includes islands, dive sites and tourist facilities. If, despite our advice, you travel to these areas, get professional security advice. Obey all local governments’ curfews.”

However, the advisory also informed Australian tourists that petty crime is common. Bag-snatching, including by thieves on motorcycles, happens often.

“When walking, hold your bag on the opposite side of the traffic. Safeguard your belongings, especially in shopping centres, at the airport and on trains. Credit card fraud is common. Always keep your credit card in sight when paying for purchases,” it advised.

“Assault, sexual assault, robbery and drink spiking can occur including in tourist areas of Kuala Lumpur and Penang.

“Don’t leave your food or drinks unattended. Never accept food, drinks, cigarettes or gum from strangers. Stay with people you trust at parties, bars, nightclubs and taxis.”

Furthermore, the Smartraveller website aims to provide Australians with information to ensure that their travel remains a safe and positive experience by understanding and taking into account risks such as ill health, natural disasters, civil unrest, terrorist attacks, or even simple mishaps that can mar a holiday.

The advisory is highlighted by Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim’s foreign critic on an X account claiming to be Murray Hunter. – June 2, 2024 (Focus Malaysia)


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