Friday 7 June 2024

More nepotism and cronyism scandals in Penang government?

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No News Is Bad News

Penang Chief Minister Chow and his deputy Jagdeep skirting alleged nepotism and cronyism questions

More nepotism and cronyism scandals in Penang government?

KUALA LUMPUR, June 7, 2024: Urimai Party secretary-general Satees Muniandy claims he has received new information exposing the DAP-led Penang state government’s scandalous appointments in the Penang Appeal’s Board.

No News Is Bad News reproduces below what the former DAP assemblyman alleges:

Satees Munianday, a former DAP assemblyman


Just a week ago, I’ve exposed the appointment of Deputy Chief Minister’s Father In Law as the Appeals Board Chairman without the full disclosure to the State Assembly. I’ve reminded the Chief Minister Chow Kon Yeow not ‘sweep the issue under the carpet, as accountability is the mantra of the State Government since coming to power in 2008.

Deputy Chief Minister Jagdeep Singh on the other hand, not being apologetic, but still defending the appointment, even after his Father In Law refused to take up the job. He was even saying the appointment was not a a big deal, as the committee was considered ‘a mundane’ one. Why even appoint members to the Board, If the Board is mundane? 

There are new information that I’ve gathered, suggesting not only the father in law’s appointment, other appointments to the board could be problematic too. It came to my knowledge that another appointee to the Board, Harinder Singh a/l Malkeet Singh is serving as Special Functions Officer in a Deputy Minister Office. He’s serving as PTTK to Deputy Minister Kulasegaran and he served under former Deputy Minister Ramkarpal as well. It is not an irony, that the same Harinder Singh was also served as Jagdeep’s Special Officer in the past. 

As I insisted from the first, the appointments to Appeals Board under the State Government should be based on their qualifications and experience, and most importantly their independence. These appeals boards in the State, will hear and deliberate matters involving the state officials at times, and it’s utmost important to appoint independent people to be the members. That’s why no government officers can be appointed to these Boards, as their judgement could be biased towards their paymaster, the Government.

In the case of Appeals Board under Penang Freedom of Information Enactment, Section 13(4) of the Enactment clearly stipulates that the person appointed to the said Board should be “independent” and shall not hold any political office or any post in any political party. In the case of Harinder Singh, he’s serving a political office of a DAP leader. How could he be the independent person in this sense? As per 12pm today, the name of Harinder Singh is still listed as an officer in Deputy Minister’s office.

First, the father in law and now this? On what basis, Deputy CM Jagdeep has selected the members of the appeals board is still a mystery. But, what I’m surprised is the approval of the State Executive Council for these appointments, prior to it being tabled in the State Assembly. Didn’t the State Government have a Legal Advisor, who’s also sitting as an Ex-Officio in the State Assembly? How could the State Executive Council approve these scandalous appointments? Chief Minister Chow should explain. 

We are raising this issue not because we are not happy with DCM Jagdeep or his family. But, this is a matter of integrity and accountability. The DAP came to power in Penang, with the promise of good governance, accountability and transparency. And the same party is walking back on all its promises of good governance now. And they expect Penangites to ignore the breach of promises and move on as if nothing happened?

URIMAI may not have a representative in the state or federal legislatures; but that will not hinder us from voicing out for the people, in this case, the people of Penang. We will not keep quiet when issues of public importance like this emerge.

Penang Chief Minister and the State Government must do the right thing : call for an emergency state assembly sitting, apologise to the Penangites and revoke all the appointments of the said appeals Board.




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