Tuesday 4 June 2024

Of Penang’s nepotism-cronyism-loving CM and DCM

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No News Is Bad News

Of Penang’s nepotism-cronyism-loving CM and DCM

KUALA LUMPUR, June 5, 2024: Penang Chief Minister Chow Kon Yeow and his nepotism-cronyism-loving deputy, Jagdeep Singh Deo have remained mum on the unethical appointment of the Penang Appeals Board chairman.

They are certainly hoping and praying that Penangites and Malaysians will forget about the controversial attempt to appointment Jagdeep’s father-in-aw, Baldev Singh Gurchan Singh.

Is this the way of Anwar Ibrahim’s Madani Unity Government (UG)’s good governance?

No News Is Bad News reproduces below a commentary penned by former Penang DCM P.Ramasamy published by MalaysiaNow and our previous postings:

Chow, you didn't know Baldev is your deputy's father-in-law?

Are Chow Kon Yeow and his deputy Jagdeep Singh guilty of withholding crucial information to the Penang assembly?

P Ramasamy

June 4, 2024 1:07 PM

I don’t expect Penang Chief Minister Chow Kon Yeow to gloss over the improper appointment of senior lawyer Baldev Singh Gurchan Singh as the head of the Penang Appeals Board under the Freedom of Information Act.

Whether Chow knew or not, or whether Deputy Chief Minister II Jagdeep Singh disclosed the information that Baldev was the father-in-law, remains to be seen.

While Chow praises the legal and professional credentials of Baldev, he omitted to say what was the relationship of Baldev to Jagdeep or why Baldev did not take up the appointment.

I doubt that Chow did not know the family links between Baldev and Jagdeep. 

Why did Baldev object to his appointment to the six-men Appeals Board before the motion was presented and accepted unanimously in the state assembly?

I would think that some members of the government would have known the family links, not so much the opposition members.

There wouldn’t have been a unanimous support in the state assembly if the opposition had known about the family relationship between Baldev and Jagdeep.

Anyway, how could Jagdeep, the three term assemblyman, appoint his father-in-law knowing very well that such a practice is frowned upon?

Chow thinking the matter will come to pass never commented on the family relationship. What he did was to say that the Appeals Board is not that significant because there were hardly any appeal cases in the past.

If this is so, then the state should scrap the Freedom of Information Act. Is Chow prepared to do this?

Chow seems to have no respect for the Freedom of Information enactment that was brought about after much discussion and public support.

Chow has failed to tell the public why it was not proper to appoint family members of politicians to public positions.

Baldev might have all the legal and professional qualifications, but was it right to appoint him in the first place?

Was it right for Jagdeep to present the motion in the state assembly to appoint his father-in-law as the head of the Appeals Board?

Why didn’t Jagdeep disclose the information of his family links to the assembly before the motion was presented? 

Is he guilty of withholding crucial information to the august house?

I think the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission should investigate the matter whether there were deliberate attempts to mislead and misinform the state assembly.

I hope MACC, as in the case of the demand-responsive transport award in Selangor, should not rely on media reports to dismiss the Penang’s case of nepotism.

P Ramasamy is the former Penang deputy chief minister.

The views expressed in this article are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the position of MalaysiaNow.

Sunday 2 June 2024

Penang DCM Jagdeep a disgrace to his father, DAP and PH - SACK HIM!

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No News Is Bad News

Penang Deputy Chief Minister II Jagdeep Singh Deo (left) is a disgrace to his father, DAP and PH for trying to appoint his father-in-law to head the Penang Appeals Board.

Penang DCM Jagdeep a disgrace to his father, DAP and PH - SACK HIM!


Don’t sweep controversial appointment under the carpet, says Satees

FMT Reporters-03 Jun 2024, 01:38 PM

The ex-DAP rep says Penang chief minister and his deputy must still come clean despite the latter’s father-in-law declining the post.

M Satees yesterday urged Penang chief minister Chow Kon Yeow to explain the appointment of his deputy’s father-in-law as the head of the appeals board.

PETALING JAYA: Deputy chief minister Jagdeep Singh Deo’s father-in-law declining to head the Penang’s appeals board under the Freedom of Information Enactment does not absolve the state government from explaining the appointment, says Urimai secretary-general M Satees.

He said that Penang chief minister Chow Kon Yeow and Jagdeep may think that with Baldev Singh Gurchan Singh rejecting the board chairmanship, “they can sweep the entire issue under the carpet”.

“(But) questions about the motion being passed in the state assembly still need to be addressed,” he said in a statement.

The former Bagan Dalam assemblyman said Chow and Jagdeep must also explain whether they had disclosed Baldev’s relationship with Jagdeep to the excos as well as the state assembly prior to the tabling of the motion.

Yesterday, FMT reported that Baldev had declined the post following the allegations of nepotism.

Satees was reported to have asked Chow to explain the appointment of his deputy’s father-in-law as the head of the appeals board.

“Are there no other suitable and knowledgeable persons in Penang, other than the deputy chief minister’s father-in-law, to be appointed chairman of the board? Is this not nepotism?” he said.

On Thursday, the Penang legislative assembly had approved a motion to appoint six members to the board, with Baldev as chairman.

The motion, presented by Jagdeep himself, was unanimously approved.

The role of the appeals board was to look into appeals submitted by anyone whose requests for information were rejected by a state-related department.

 KUALA LUMPUR, June 2, 2024: Penang Deputy Chief Minister II Jagdeep Singh Deo is not only a disgrace to his father, Karpal Singh, but also to the DAP and Pakatan Harapan (PH).

The DAP and PH must act swiftly, without hesitation, to sack him from office and drop him as an election candidate in 2027.

No other politician had openly and blatantly done what he tried - to get his father-in-law appointed as Penang Appeals Board head.

Penang Chief Minister Chow Kon Yeow today announced that Baldev Singh Gurchan Singh has declined the appointment to head the board following concerns raised in media reports.

Is the matter just closed like that?

How can Jagdeep even shamelessy, without hesitation, table a motion in the Penang State Assembly to appoint his father-in-law! No excuses. Period.

Mr Chow and DAP! At least show some decent courage and do the right thing! Sack Jagdeep from office.

Shame on you Chow and DAP if there is no further action to drop Jagdeep from the state government.

There is no room for nepotism and cronyism in any government. Period.

No News Is Bad News reproduces below a news report on what Chow said about the offer and rejection:


Jagdeep’s father-in-law declined state position, says Penang CM

Senior lawyer did not want to prolong issue after concerns were raised, says Chow Kon Yeow.

Updated 4 hours ago · Published on 02 Jun 2024 1:03PM

Penang Chief Minister Chow Kon Yeow (pic) says senior lawyer Baldev Singh Gurchan Singh has declined the appointment to head the Penang Appeals Board following concerns raised in media reports. – Facebook pic, June 2, 2024.

SENIOR lawyer Baldev Singh Gurchan Singh has declined the appointment to head the Penang Appeals Board following concerns raised in media reports, said Chief Minister Chow Kon Yeow.

“Probably he didn’t want to prolong the issue although he is well qualified to be appointed to head the Penang Appeals Board under the Penang Freedom of Information Enactment, for which basically there are not many cases over the years. Practically no cases at all.

“But then, since concerns have been raised, he has taken the appropriate action not to prolong this issue,” Chow was quoted as saying in the New Straits Times today.

Earlier, the appointment came under fire as Baldev Singh is also the father-in-law of Deputy Chief Minister II Jagdeep Singh Deo.

The state assembly recently passed a motion to appoint Baldev to head the six-member Penang Appeals Board, which fell under the Penang Freedom of Information Enactment 2010.

The motion was tabled by Jagdeep himself.

Chow said Jagdeep had explained the appointment of Baldev was due to a vacancy that required additional members to be appointed.

He said the paper had gone through the state executive council (exco) and was later approved by the state assembly.

“You can read about Baldev Singh’s distinguished career in the legal services, legal aid work and other charitable activities in Penang over the last 60 years,” he added.

Jagdeep, meanwhile, clarified in a post on Facebook that the appointment was made solely on merit and the extensive contributions Baldev had made throughout his illustrious career.

“Baldev Singh brings over 60 years of distinguished experience as a lawyer, one of the longest serving. His dedication to the legal profession and his unwavering commitment to charitable work, particularly in providing legal aid, have been invaluable.

“His peers in the committee, including former Bar Council chair and Penang Bar Committee chair, have recognised his seniority, rank, and expertise, unanimously agreeing on his suitability for the role of chairman.

“His appointment was not a decision made lightly or without thorough consideration. The nomination was unanimously agreed upon at the recent state legislative assembly, with support from the chief minister, the state excos and all members present.

“This consensus reflects the high regard in which Baldev is held within the legal community and beyond,” he said.

Penang government critics, such as former deputy chief minister P Ramasamy, had questioned the appointment, urging Chow to explain it. – June 2, 2024.

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