Saturday 22 June 2024

Malaysia, the world’s ‘most humanitarian’ country!

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Malaysia, the world’s ‘most humanitarian’ country!

KUALA LUMPUR, June 23, 2024: Malaysia is indeed the world’s “most humanitarian” country in the world.

No? Just look at the following facts being circulated in social media!


 *Penalty for crossing the border*

 1) If you cross the North Korean border illegally, you will get 12 years of hard labor in a labour camp.

 2) If you cross the Iranian border illegally, you go straight to jail 100%.

 3) If you cross the Afghan border illegally, you will be shot on the spot.

 4) If you cross the border of Saudi Arabia illegally, you will be flogged in public.

 5) If you cross the Chinese border illegally, you will never be seen again.

 6) If you cross the US border illegally, you will be charged as a terrorist.

 7) If you cross the Russian border illegally, you will be branded a spy and be hanged.

 8) If you cross the British border illegally, you will be arrested, charged, sent to prison and eventually deported.

 9) If you cross the Cuban border illegally, you will be thrown into a political prison to rot.

 10) If you cross the Malaysian border illegally, you have a high chance of getting:

 - Temporary Mykad or

 - Permanent Resident (PR) status

 - Driving license

 - Right to Vote

 - Job Offer

 - Special Bumiputera privileges after being fluent in Malay and practicing Malay customs.

 - Credit card

 - Can open an account at any bank

 - Free Education

 - Health care at minimal cost

 - Become a grocery store manager.

 - Be the boss of local people

 - Buy a house

 - Buy any land

 - Marry a local

 - You can get the title of Datuk or any prestigious titles


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