Monday 26 August 2024

ASWJ goes moronic on demonising China

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ASWJ goes moronic on demonising China (27 Aug, 2024

KUALA LUMPUR, Aug 27, 2024: Does the United States of America (US) and Americans think the rest of the world are stupid?

The war-loving US is getting more and more ridiculous, bordering stupidity, in their propaganda to demonise China. 


What is even more shocking is the lack of news sense, fair and just reporting by the Asian Wall Street Journal (AWSJ).

China increases production and exports and ASWJ moronically claims that is the evidence of China starting a “trade war”?

What is wrong with the mentality of the ASWJ and Americans?

So, what has happened to global free trade? Only the Americans can increase production and exports, and trade? Go kiss your own ass. You just can't compete and can only resort to bullying and unfounded proapganda.

God Bless The Rest Of The World!

No News Is Bad News reproduces below a response to the ASWJ news report in social media:

Their evidence for China starting a "trade war"? That China increased production and exports and that affects businesses abroad that have trouble competing. That's it, that's China's "trade war"...


- The Huawei episode, when the U.S. literally kidnapped the daughter of the founder and held her hostage in Canada during 3 years

- The countless tariffs, including recently a tariff of 100% on Chinese EVs

- The semiconductors sanctions

- The TikTok episode

- The prohibiting of US investments in Chinese companies with "military ties"

- The hundreds of Chinese companies added to the Entity List, restricting their access to US technology

- The complete ban of all products from Xinjiang, China's largest province (with the immensely hypocritical "Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act")

- The FBI's "China initiative" that infamously racially profiling Chinese ethnic scientists in the U.S. for any "affiliation with China"

- Etc. Etc.

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