Thursday 1 August 2024

Why is CM Chow making a 'big deal' of Jagdeep’s leave?

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Why is CM Chow making a 'big deal' of Jagdeep’s leave?

KUALA LUMPUR, Aug 1, 2024: Does Penang Chief Minister Chow Kon Yeow think Penangites are stupid or fools?

Why is Chow wasting so much time on his deputy, Jagdeep Singh Deo, who is on leave for “medical treatment”.

Penangites know and have been hearing talks about Jagdeep’s real state of health.

Why is the DAP chief minister Chow going all out of the way to say nothing “real” other than that Jagdeep is to be offered leave extension to help with his recovery.

Recovery from what? What is so special that Chow cannot reveal the truth about his deputy’s so-called health woes?

Based on the “rumours” Jagdeep is unfit to hold office, and that it had affected his work and responsibility as deputy chief minister II.

So, is Jagdeep facing a serious disease, an ankle injury or something else?

Why are the assemblymen, especially those from the Opposition, not raising the issue seeking the truth behind Jagdeep's leave? Will anyone ask the right questions for the truth to be revealed in the next state assembly seating?

No News Is Bad News reproduces a news report on the “big deal" that Jagdeep is to be offered leave extension and previous news postings:

Jagdeep to be offered leave extension to assist with recovery, says Chow



Thursday, 01 Aug 2024

6:52 PM MYT


GEORGE TOWN: Penang Deputy Chief Minister II Jagdeep Singh Deo will be offered an extension to his 11-day leave to assist with his recovery process, says Chief Minister Chow Kon Yeow.

The Chief Minister said he will meet with Jagdeep's family on Friday (Aug 2) to offer an extension of leave as he recovers from bone and skin-related medical issues.

"He (Jagdeep) is recovering and receiving treatment from doctors. The state executive council has agreed to give Jagdeep extra time to recover. I will meet his family members," said Chow.

"I will inform them that if he needs extra time to recover as advised by the doctors, they can write us a letter for it to be approved," he added at a press conference held at his office in Komtar on Thursday (Aug 1).

Chow was responding to a question on Jagdeep's return to his duties as his 11-day leave will end on Aug 5.

"We will give him as much time as he needs until the doctors believe he can return to work. We will approve the extension as then he can seek treatment and recover," he said

Chow had previously given Jagdeep 11 days leave from July 22 to Aug 5 for medical reasons.

Jagdeep had shared that he was in Kuala Lumpur to get a second opinion on his ankle injury ... - The Star

Monday 22 July 2024

Is DAP ‘sacking’ its underperforming deputy chief minister Jagdeep Singh Deo?

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DAP to replace Jagdeep Singh Deo with a new deputy chief minister in Penang?

Is DAP ‘sacking’ its underperforming deputy chief minister Jagdeep Singh Deo?


Jagdeep given 11 days’ leave, says Chow


The Penang chief minister says there have been no discussions about a potential switch in Jagdeep Singh Deo’s portfolio.

Penang chief minister Chow Kon Yeow said he had been informed that Jagdeep Singh Deo has begun receiving the necessary treatment. (Facebook pic)

Penang chief minister Chow Kon Yeow today said he had approved 11 days of leave for his deputy Jagdeep Singh Deo, a day after the latter revealed that he was taking a short break from work.

In a statement, Chow also rubbished rumours about a potential switch in Jagdeep’s portfolio, saying this had 

never been discussed
After considering his explanation and the purpose of his leave application, I granted him leave of 11 working days from July 22 until Aug 5 as per his request,
 said Chow.
He said Jagdeep met him on July 19 to request leave to undergo medical examinations and a possible surgical procedure on his left leg.
Chow said he was informed that Jagdeep had 
started receiving the necessary treatment

KUALA LUMPUR, July 22, 2024: According to a Free Malaysia Today news report today, Penang Deputy Chief Minister Jagdeep Singh Deo is on garden leave.

Definition of garden leave:

Garden leave is a transition period for employees who give or are given notice of termination, keeping them on the payroll but away from the workplace. Under the leave, employees are prohibited from working for the competition or themselves.

It is not surprising that this son of Karpal Singh’s political career may be coming to an end, prematurely.

As a state executive councillor holding the housing portfolio in 2017, Jagdeep could not even arrange a meeting between the then abandoned Majestic Heights Phase 2A house buyers and the White Knight that revived and completed the 370-unit project that was abandoned for 20 years.

Jagdeep and his office did not even bother to respond to the buyers’ adhoc committee’s written request for a meeting to discuss their plight.

No News Is Bad News reproduces below the FMT report:

Penang DCM Jagdeep on ‘short break’ amid talk of advice to take leave

FMT Reporters

-22 Jul 2024, 05:09 PM

The deputy chief minister is reportedly on garden leave while a top DAP leader declined to comment.

Datok Keramat assemblyman Jagdeep Singh Deo was named Penang deputy chief minister in August 2023.

PETALING JAYA: Penang deputy chief minister Jagdeep Singh Deo says he is taking a short break from work, amid talk that he has been advised to take leave from his role in the state executive council (exco).

Jagdeep told FMT he has some matters in Kuala Lumpur  to address and that he would be going on a short break with my kids.

He said he was currently in KL to seek a second opinion for an ankle injury, adding that this had caused him chronic pain for the past few months.

He also said he was seeking treatment for psoriasis, a skin condition that causes flaky patches of skin all over the body, which he had only recently developed.

Jagdeep added that he will resume his exco duties on Thursday.

A senior DAP leader refused to comment when contacted. FMT has also reached out to chief minister Chow Kon Yeow for comment.

The Star quoted sources as saying the Datok Keramat assemblyman started his leave today after being advised to do so to resolve a certain personal problem.

His personal issue is said to have affected his duties as a member of the state executive council.

FMT has learned that an assemblyman is expected to take over Jagdeep’s human capital development, science and technology portfolio, while Jagdeep will take on a backbencher’s role.

Jagdeep was named Penang deputy chief minister alongside PKR’s Batu Maung assemblyman, Mohamad Abdul Hamid, in August 2023 after the Penang state election.

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