Friday 16 August 2024

Downfall of the mighty US imminent?

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No News Is Bad News

Uncanny isn’t it? The handshakes that ended the political leaders of each country- WhatsApp shared image

Downfall of the mighty US imminent?

KUALA LUMPUR, Aug 16, 2024: Are the days of the war-loving United States of America (US) as a super power coming to an end?

If so, the Americans have only themselves to blame for electing incompetent and inhumane leaders who put inhumane and incompetent civil servants in high office.

Why is the US still only focus on creating and waging war instead of on science and technology, and now trying to stop others (read as China) from scientific and high technology progress.


No News Is Bad News reproduces the following which is being shared in social media:

"When you talk to American media, they don't have a sense of history.

They don't recognize that we made a deal—America made a lot of deals.

We made deals with Russia on NATO, on intermediate missiles, and on ballistic missiles back in the 1970s.

And we broke both those agreements—those nuclear agreements, the INF and the ABM.

We broke both of those deals.

Russia is out in the cold, and we said, 'Fuck you! That's it, we're ripping it up.'

By the way, Russia has a huge nuclear arsenal. It may not be as sophisticated or precise as ours, but it certainly is heavy.

What bothers me deeply is that the United States doesn't seem to understand what war is.

A war could happen very easily now.

What the United States has done for the last four years under the Biden administration is provoke Russia.

Poke the bear. Why? Because, apparently, we want to weaken Russia.

This is the strategy.

What strategy is that? It's basically a state of war—saying we want to weaken you. That's like trying to destroy you.

We want to get rid of Putin and replace your administration with our guy, like Yeltsin used to be.

I've even heard talk about dividing Russia up into three or four zones. It's crazy talk.

It makes no sense because we can't do anything about it.

And on top of it, we would be blown to pieces if we tried to do it.

If America thinks it can get away with poking Russia and not get hurt, they're dreaming.

Where does this come from? It comes from the neoconservative movement that started up here in America, which has always been anti-Soviet, anti-Russian.

You know the people involved—they were the ones who got us into wars in Iraq and Libya.

They're the expansionists who want a strong America that's always challenging the Russians and the Chinese.

This is what they want.

But you can't challenge someone who's got the goods—they have the goods, and we don't.

We don't even have a military that is ready to go to war, but we're certainly ready to use the Ukrainian military as cannon fodder.

It's sad what's going on because the idea of a Ukrainian nation as the beacon of democracy in Europe is something we've created in our heads.

It is not, and never has been.

It's a corrupt state."

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