Monday 26 August 2024

What 3R? It’s a mockery!

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What 3R? It’s a mockery!

 KUALA LUMPUR, Aug 27, 2024: Can you imagine what will happen to Malaysians and Malaysia should the Taliban-like PAS is elected to govern the country after the next general election?

National unity and economy are threatened under PAS.

Unfortunately for Malaysians and Malaysia, there are many who still support PAS, even in Penang! PAS won the Sungai Bakap state seat in a by-election.

PAS lodged a report in Tawau to protest Christmas celebrations. But in an about turn, it issued a written public apology for lodging the police report and protesting Christmas celebrations.

For PAS to even think about protesting Christmas celebration shows its religious extremism and intolerance.

But, what are the police and so-called Madani Unity Government (UG) doing about it? No action whatsoever against the racial and religious bigot?

UG’s 3R (Race, Religion, Royalty) is a mockery to the rakyat dan negara (people and country).

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