Monday 19 August 2024

Egypt 6,300 hospitals, Malaysia 148 …

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Egypt 6,300 hospitals, Malaysia 148 …

KUALA LUMPUR, Aug 20, 2024: Egypt has 6,300 hospitals and Malaysia has a meagre 148!

Where is the logic for Malaysia to send two Royal Malaysia Air Force (RMAF) aircraft to Egypt (at least a seven-hour flight) to pick up 127 Hamas (terrorist)-loving “injured” Palestinian refugees for medical treatment?

Go ask Malaysia’s 10th Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim for a logical answer!

And view the above video clips to see the VIP treatment given to the refugees (such treatment not extended to ordinary Malaysians) and also, do the Palestinians look sick or injured?

No News Is Bad News reproduces below an article being shared on social media:

Anwar's conflict management seems to be based on Islamic compassion, which drives him to greater heights of mercy and hysterics, but which compassion is not shown by neighbourng Arab countries who don't give a damn about Palestine.

Anwar announced just a week ago that Malaysia will provide medical assistance to Palestine. Great idea.

But within a week two army cargo planes were sent to the Middle East to pick up injured. And they came back the next day with 120 passengers.

Many were wondering how Amwar could have pulled off this feat, against Isreali aggression where even UN food aid cannot enter. Bravo Madani, as Anwar is fondly called.

It turns out the injured were from the hospitals of a neighbouring country rescued from the conflict zone. What? Don't worry, you will love Madani if you know him better.

In disaster management resources are critical, and you don't go and pick people who are already in the safe zone.

The hospitals where the injured are picked up, Egypt is several thousand miles away. It's a good 7 hour flight. That means the critically injured cannot be transported as they cannot withstand the long journey. So only those who are not badly injured got on to the plane. In Malaysia we call them outpatients.

In Madani's Malaysia many critically ill die while waiting for appointment. Those not critical die sooner because of long wait times. This sounds insane? No it's Madani's Islamic compassion. He is touted to be the leader of the Islamic world.

Now out of the 120 passengers, only 40 require medical assistance. The others are family attendants Yes 2 for 1 bonus. Could more injured be transported if it is 1 for 1. Don't think rational lah. That's why I called them medical tourists.

Egypt's cryptic message when asked about Anwar's compassion is 'he asked we send'. Can't the Egyptians be more grateful and thank him profusely. Well, they are following Madani's tagline, if you want something ask nicely.

But in disaster management, the cardinal principle is you don't do anything until you are asked or instructed. That's why much aid gets delayed.

Now what happens to the injured and their family after treatment. They cannot be sent back, not to Palestine, where the century old war is expected to go on for another century until Isreal is anhilated. Well, that's Malaysia's problem.

Don't even start me on the economics of this whole thing. Can't the cost of the plane trip cover many more injured if donated to the hospitals. Would field hospital be a better option.

Come on you don't pose such silly questions to the best finance minister who is now also Prime Minister.

Madani is embarking on a new world order to bring peace to the Middle East, where everybody else failed. Just be patient and give him time.

And we have only 148 government hospitals ..

A friend of mine (a retired medical professor) sent me the following:

How many Hospitals are there in Egypt?

There are a total of *6300* Hospitals in Egypt as of July 12, 2024.

Egypt has thousands more hospitals than Malaysia 

Egypt is *next door to Gaza* @ Rafah border

Why waste taxpayer money to fly them thousands of km away. 

Just send them to Egypt next door, or to Jordan, Saudi etc

My Comments :

Prof, if they can drive them to the Cairo International Airport to board the flights, then why not drive them straight to the Cairo General Hospital?

This Google map shows so many hospitals in Cairo. There is even a Cleopatra Specialist Hospital in Cairo.

I think the next flight will not leave until the next by-election.  

Just another gimmick. 

Taxpayers money.

By Syed Akbar Ali at August 17, 2024


From social media: Many years ago, in the parliament,  whenever the old fox said anything, whatever the subject,  the MIC president will shout aloud,  saya sokong.  One day, when the old fox just stand-up,  the "semi value" quickly shouted " Saya sokong". The old fox quickly told him, not now, I'm just going to the toilet.

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