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Why Malaysians in Port Dickson must vote for a smooth transition for the 8th Prime Minister of Malaysia
https://youtu.be/gEGOuLJ5LRo (VIDEO: Anwar Ibrahim’s full speech at the Congress on future of Bumiputras & Nation)
Amid the post-14th General Election (GE14) ongoing ferocious public political debates, news spins and conspiracy theories, Malaysians need to remain united in support of those who are trying to ensure Malaysia remains progressive economically.
For 60 years, the Alliance-Barisan Nasional (BN) governments have mismanaged Malaysia, plundering the country’s wealth until the rakyat (people) has to now bear the burden of settling the federal debt of more than RM1 trillion - a responsibility that will take more than a decade or more to fullfil.
It is thus surprising that there are quarters who are condemning and demonising Anwar and his bid to return to Parliament in the coming Port Dickson by-election.

If there is no by-election, how do you expect him to return to Parliament and wait for Dr Mahathir Mohamd to hand over the reins of the premiership to Anwar?
There are many, like lawyer-activist Siti Kasim, who describe Anwar as a leopard that cannot change its spots and are bent on propagating why the voters in Port Dickson must reject the former deputy prime minister and Finance Minister.
Why did the majority of Malaysians wait for some 60 years before rejecting the corrupt and racist Umno-led BN?
Before Malaysians are emotionally taken in by Anwar detractors, watch the video clip above and decide for yourself whether Anwar deserves to be given a shot to helm Putrajaya.
Anwar’s speech at the Congress on future of Bumiputras & Nation last month may, perhaps, give you an insight into what the man is like today.
It is more telling of how Anwar thinks of Malaysians and Malaysia today, for he was addressing a Malay or bumiputra audience.
So, feel free to read what Siti has nothing good to say about Anwar, and then view the video clip to think more seriously about political reality in Malaysia today:
"*Preparing your own funeral*
Lawyer-activist Siti Kasim was correct to call voters to reject PKR Anwar Ibrahim
Anwar Ibrahim is no angel and some of his recent utterings becomes worrisome for many of us looking forward to a New Malaysia. His previous track record too when he was a BN minister & DPM isn't exactly brilliant and had in fact, contributed to the many disasters we see in our poor education system today. And apart from this Anwar Ibrahim has always been pro UMNO, so when he becomes PM be assured many UMNO morons will be back in Action..
To me a leopard cannot change its spots. Same with Anwar Ibrahim. I'm apolitical but I do support Mahathir and his government.
When Anwar was the Education Minister in the late 80s it was him that started the pro-islamic movements in Universities that trickled down to schools. The radicalization of the Malay Muslims was the brain child of Anwar Ibrahim. The removal of the crucifixes in Mission Schools and school badges, the replacing of nuns and brothers in mission schools, the conversation of Christian school to national type ,the acquisition of church lands, was some of his agenda, the starting of pro-islzamic ideology and terrorism in UiTM also started with Anwar Ibrahim.
The removal of Scattered Hindu temples (Kg Rawa in Penang case) and the introduction of headscarf in schools, Government department stopping services during Azan magrib and discrimination to non Muslim public servants were some of his doings...
Now ask yourself this question can a leopard change its spots. Do you think this man will be an honest worthy PM. East Malaysian have already rejected Anwar when the question was asked, "Why did you give the go- ahead to remove our crucifixes from our Mission Schools and school badges. Anwar could not answer. His fanatic action of yesterday speaks for itself today. Anwar was power crazy then what makes you think he has changed. Think again people a leopard cannot change its spots.
VERDICT: *ANWAR should never become PM of Malaysia. He'll be a disaster to this country. So if you're a non-muslim and voting for him is just like preparing your own funeral..*
Reject Anwar in PD, Siti Kasim tells voters
FMT Reporters
September 12, 2018 9:38

PETALING JAYA: Lawyer-activist Siti Kasim today called on voters to reject PKR president-elect Anwar Ibrahim in the impending Port Dickson by-election, saying the party and his family “must be taught a lesson”.
“They did this three times! No more! They think they can do whatever they like at our expense? Nope!” she said on Instagram.
Siti also uploaded a picture of Zuraida Kamaruddin’s press statement in response to the announcement today that the former deputy prime minister would contest in the constituency after its incumbent Danyal Balagopal Abdullah vacated the seat to allow for Anwar’s return to Parliament.
Earlier today the PKR Wanita chief questioned the party’s decision-making process following the move.
Zuraida said the decision should have been decided by consensus and gotten full support from PKR’s 840,000 members.
She said if the decision-making process was not open and democratic, it could cause confusion among the people and give the impression that PKR was “manipulated by certain factions”.
“I hope Anwar himself will announce his stand on this matter,” said Zuraida, who is seen to be aligned to Mohamed Azmin Ali in his tussle with Rafizi Ramli for the deputy president’s post.
To this, Siti told FMT: “If Anwar can’t be honest and open with his own party, he can’t be relied on to be honest to the rakyat.”
Siti also wondered if Anwar would continue “shopping” for another constituency if he were to fail in the coming by-election.
This she said was what happened when a cause was based on one person instead of the people.
“Soon it will be another Umno.”
Prior to this PKR had engineered two by-elections, namely in Kajang in 2014 and Permatang Pauh 2008. - FMT"
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