1MDB Najib-led Umno to rule Malaysia next five decades if Malaysians don’t face political reality
Malaysians must face political reality if they do not want to continue living under the draconian thumb of the Umno-led Barisan Nasional (BN).
If they do not unite in their political choice then be prepared to live for another five decades under Umno - that’s some 100 years after Merdeka.
It is quite easy to predict the outcome of the coming 14th General Election (GE14) because all you have to do is take a glance of Malaysia’s electoral history.
Umno-led Alliance, later Umno-led BN has been winning GEs and ruling Malaysia with relative ease, save for GE12 and GE13 in 2008 and 2013 respectively.
What made the difference in GE12 and GE13? Opposition unity.
And the outcome of GE14 will be no different. With BN’s awesome machinery and federal government incumbency, the only factor that has a chance to topple BN-Umno is, again, Opposition unity.
With Umno succeeding in agitating the Hadi “Umno-loving” Awang-led PAS to leave Pakatan Rakyat (now Pakatan Harapan), all because of DAP’s objection over the proposed implementation of Hukum Hudud (Islamic criminal law), the Opposition is in tatters.

Umno has succeeded BIG! The Opposition has been weakened severely to have any chance of toppling BN, should a general election be called.
By splitting the Opposition Malay votes, Umno has single-handedly finished off the Opposition's dream of toppling BN.
This was achieved after the death of PAS spiritual leader Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat and the jailing of former deputy prime minister Anwar Ibrahim.
For those who think you can continue to accept and tolerate living under the Umno-led BN federal government and survive politically and economically, good luck to you and Malaysia.
Even the 91-year-old Dr Mahathir Mohamad and his political followers, including another former deputy prime minister Muhyiddin Yassin, do not think so.
Forget what Mahathir did or did not do when he was prime minister for 22 years. That is another story.
Mahathir and Muhyiddin have formed a yet to be approved Malay-based political party, Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia (Bersatu), with the sole aim of unseating the 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB) Najib Razak as prime minister in the next general election.
Whether Bersatu is a new hope for Malaysia or an old wine in a new bottle, that again is another story.
The focus is on only toppling the 1MDB Najib-led Umno and BN, and that is the reality. You cannot initiate change as long as BN-Umno continues to be returned to rule in general elections.
And Mahathir has made his stand clear - Najib must be toppled as prime minister in GE14.
Taking a glance at previous general elections from the angle of Opposition unity, it is a pale shadow from what it was in GE12 and GE13.
In GE12 and GE13, the Opposition was powered by Anwar who is now languishing in Sungai Buloh Prison.
Today, who is/who can hold the Opposition as united and strong as Anwar did?
It looks like Mahathir has offered to do just that but are/will Malaysians give him that chance? Or, will Pakatan component parties even give him that honour?
Again, let’s face reality and take a good and honest look at what is in store for GE14’s political battlefield.
You have the mighty Umno-led BN seeking a new mandate to rule Malaysia and the “loner” Islamist PAS helping to split the Malay votes to give BN-Umno the edge. (Read these for context: http://victorlim2016.blogspot.my/2016/08/mahathir-race-based-bersatu-only-way-to.html and http://victorlim2016.blogspot.my/2016/08/1mdb-najib-to-lead-bn-to-win-big-in-ge14.html)

On the other side, you have DAP, PKR and Amanah (a PAS splinter party comprising liberals) forming Pakatan Harapan and having their own individual agendas.
You now also have Mahathir’s Bersatu which is obviously banking on winning over the support of Umno Malays.
Again, will Pakatan component parties really set aside their agendas and make decisions in the interest of Malaysians and Malaysia?
Logically, Najib and Umno should be calling for a snap GE14, which is only due in March 2018, to consolidate his and Umno’s grip on administrating Putrajaya (federal government).
Perhaps, 1MDB Najib is doing just that - discreetly preparing for snap GE14.
However, whether snap or not, the Opposition is certainly in for a whipping if they cannot get their act together and come up with a solid Opposition electoral pact for three-cornered electoral battles in GE14.
It has to be BN vs PAS vs Pakatan (including Bersatu) contests in GE14 for the Opposition to have any realistic chance of seeing the Umno-led BN fall.
Of course, not forgetting Sabah and Sarawak, the Kingmakers in Malaysian politics today because they can make or break for Umno and BN just by making or changing their political stand.
Isn’t that facing reality? Doesn’t that make political sense?
Can it happen? You form your own opinion and views.
Logically, Najib and Umno should be calling for a snap GE14, which is only due in March 2018, to consolidate his and Umno’s grip on administrating Putrajaya (federal government).
Perhaps, 1MDB Najib is doing just that - discreetly preparing for snap GE14.
However, whether snap or not, the Opposition is certainly in for a whipping if they cannot get their act together and come up with a solid Opposition electoral pact for three-cornered electoral battles in GE14.
It has to be BN vs PAS vs Pakatan (including Bersatu) contests in GE14 for the Opposition to have any realistic chance of seeing the Umno-led BN fall.

Of course, not forgetting Sabah and Sarawak, the Kingmakers in Malaysian politics today because they can make or break for Umno and BN just by making or changing their political stand.
Isn’t that facing reality? Doesn’t that make political sense?
Can it happen? You form your own opinion and views.
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