It's a blog started by a Malaysian who has been a journalist with the print and e-media since 1978. It has been started today to get ready for "war". As you have noticed, the word "war" is in italics to stress that it is not about physical violence.
It is about telling the truth and nothing but the truth via the "pen". As you have heard, the pen is mightier than the sword. Although the pen is today rendered obsolete by technology in one way or another, it is still no less mighty.
Now, what "war" are we talking about?
Malaysian politics and Malaysia's 14th General Election (GE14) - the electoral war. This blog will, without fear or favour, publish (download, if you like to be IT savvy) news analysis that you will never see print in the Barisan Nasional (BN)-controlled mainstream print and electronic media. It will also focus on the Opposition's misdeeds whenever the need arises.
We believe politics is never clean. Nor any politician is an angel, and that applies to both sides of the divide. The only difference is the level of slut in them. Life is like that. You always have to choose between the devil and the deep blue sea.
To remain neutral are cowards who only know how to complain or criticise, waiting for others to wash the dirty linen for them. Every Malaysian with voting rights must perform their duty as a loyal Malaysian citizen.
They must exercise their right to choose their leaders and government of the day. Even if you have voted for an Independent, that is your right and you have served your beloved nation - Malaysia.
So, that is what this blog is about and watch out for the postings to come soon.
Thank you for your time to read this blog.
Oh, by the way, No News Is Bad News is the title of the blog for two reasons. It can mean:
1. No news means it is bad news for Malaysians; or
2. All news are good news.
Get what we mean?
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