Of Malaysia, a monkey and a troop of baboons …
In this posting, No New Is Bad News is not going to do much writing or comment.
Why? Because we wish to let a Malay blogger air his own views on his Umno-Malay-led federal government which claims to be caring and loving to the Malay community.
At the end of this OutSyed The Box posting, he writes: “It all starts with getting rid of that monkey and the troop of baboons that swing in the trees together.” - You go figure out yourself who they are!
Here’s the OutSyed The Box posting as reproduced by the Malaysian-banned Malaysia Chronicle online news portal:
"Saturday, 27 August 2016 23:59
Written by OutSyed The Box
Per Capita GDP Has Shrunk, High Income Becomes Bullshit, Idris Jala Membohong
Here is a scorecard (from The Economist Magazine) that shows the foreign reserves position of countries around the world. Foreign reserves means a country's holdings of foreign currencies which are a result of its trading with other nations (plus a few other things like gold bars, special drawing rights with the IMF etc).
You can see that Malaysia now has less foreign reserves than Thailand, Indonesia and Singapore. The Philippines is not too far away either. Folks we are firmly fixed in the Third World. I dont think we are going to have any more extra Foreign Reserves by 2020 - our targeted birthday as a Negara Maju.
Here is an interesting comment (Surat Pembaca) that has appeared at Astro Awani or somewhere.
Benarkah Malaysia semakin hampir menjadi negara berpendapatan tinggi?
Untuk mencapai tahap US$15,000, pertumbuhan PNK per kapita mesti 7% setahun.
Idris Jala kata Malaysia tidak lagi tersangkut dalam middle-income trap
adakah ini benar ? Jawapannya: Tidak
perjalanan masih jauh ke arah negara berpendapatan tinggi.
pendapatan per kapita negara sebenarnya telah menurun sejak 2013
Menurut BNM, KDNK per kapita jatuh dari US$10,345 (2013) kepada US$9,291 (2015)
Ini penurunan sebanyak 10%
menurut (BNM) ia akan menurun lagi (2016) kepada US$8,821.
kekayaaan negara per kapita bukannya naik, tapi menurun.
jauhlah lagi jalan menuju ke arah negara berpendapatan tinggi.
taraf negara kaya yang kita idamkan adalah selepas USS$15,000 bukan US$12,276.
Kita tidak seharusnya mengubah tiang gol semasa perlawanan berlaku.
RMK11 juga sasaran US$15,000, bukan US$12,276 yang dilafaz Idris Jala.
untuk mencapai US$15,000, kadar pertumbuhan purata PNK mestilah 7% setahun
dari 2010 - 2014 PNK per kapita hanya bertumbuh 4.1% setahun.
mustahil kita akan menjadi negara berpendapatan tinggi pada 2020
tidak ada erti hanya sebahagian kecil rakyat menikmati kekayaan
negara perpendapatan tinggi, tetapi rakyat majoriti berpendapatan rendah.
gaji pertengahan rakyat Malaysia pada 2015 adalah RM1,600 sebulan.
separuh pekerja mempunyai gaji kurang dari RM1,600.
Ini bukan pencapaian yang kita boleh banggakan.
negara berpendapatan tinggi tidak bermaksud rakyat akan terus menjadi kaya.
Lihat Kuala Lumpur.
Sekiranya Kuala Lumpur sebuah negara, ia sudah negara berpendapatan tinggi.
Namun, separuh pekerja di KL mendapat gaji bulanan kurang dari RM2,200 (2015)
tiada peningkatan gaji langsung bagi warga pekerja di Kuala Lumpur (2015)
Bukannya makin kaya, tetapi makin tersempit.
Kuala Lumpur kaya, namun Kelantan dan negeri lain masih miskin.
Kuala Lumpur kaya seperti Korea dari pendapatan per kapita
Kelantan masih di bawah paras negara miskin, lebih miskin dari Sri Lanka.
Kesimpulannya, kita harus jujur
Ini penting supaya pembaikan boleh dilakukan.
My comments : Syabas Sdra Awang.
Our economy has been shrinking. Bank Negara Reports show that the per capita GDP has been shrinking since 2013.
The per capita GDP has shrunk from US$10,345 (2013) to US$9,291 (2015) - a reduction of 10% ! !
And according to Bank Negara the per capita GDP will shrink to US$8821 in 2016. That is 15% down from 2013 ! !
And US8821 is 58% of the desired US$15,000 high income nation !
We are going backwards. The per capita income is shrinking.
To me the worst case is the median income in Malaysia at RM1600 per month. This means half of all our workers earn less than RM1600 per month.
In KL the median income is RM2200.
This is not a good situation at all.
Ok here is the crunch. Awang has not stated this, but he has implied it. The vast majority of those under the median income level are Malays.
Awang mentions that Kelantan is poorer than Sri Lanka. That is the Malay economy.
Awang mentions that Kuala Lumpur has a per capita GDP that is higher than Korea. That is the non Malay economy (largely).
Awang mentions that half of all Malaysian workers earn less than RM1600 per month. That is also largely the Malay / bumiputra economy.
The Malays are getting poorer. Melayu miskin dulu.
As I said before, the solutions are all simple. Clean, effective and most important of all they will make everyone rich.
It all starts with getting rid of that monkey and the troop of baboons that swing in the trees together. - http://syedsoutsidethebox.blogspot.my/"
Also read this for more context: http://victorlim2016.blogspot.my/2016/08/has-malaysias-federal-debt-surpassed.html
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