Obama, cronies benefited from 1MDB stolen monies?
The Thai royal pardon that cut down PetroSaudi-1Malaysia Development Sdn Bhd (1MDB) whistleblower Andre Xavier Justo’s three-year jail-term to two has triggered a global speculation that is spreading like wild fire.
And the most amazing of all speculations and claims is that US President Barack Hussein Obama and the Democrats benefited from some of the billions of dollars stolen from 1MDB.
Justo was jailed three years on Aug 17, 2015, in Bangkok for attempted blackmail of his former employer, PetroSaudi. His release of thousands of copies of PetroSaudi documents and emails to the media plunged 1MDB, a so called national sovereign fund of sorts, into a global financial scandal that has triggered money laundering probes in at least 10 countries.
Here is an extract of some of the key points of http://syedsoutsidethebox.blogspot.my/ blog posting:
“July 28, Guardian published ‘1MDB: inside story of world’s biggest financial scandal’, included audio link to taped conversation.
taped conversation between Justo's wife Laura and PetroSaudi’s business affairs director Patrick Mahony revealed immense information on 1MDB scandal which was not revealed before.
Mahony spoke in French with Laura in November 2015.
He refers to a powerful person who could help reduce Justo’s sentence.
“I told you the other evening, who the ultimate person is controlling this, and I am due to have another meeting with him soon… This guy is still stressed because it’s his political career on the line. He’s in deep shit and that’s all he cares about, nothing else.”
Mahony says: “You are ready to denounce all the people who are conspiring against him (the politician) …You can help the situation or you cannot help the situation.”
terrified and angry Mahony snaps when Laura pressed for Justo’s release.
“..a lot of other people are in the shit. A prime minister of a country is in deep shit .

Frank White is Obama's No. 1 fund raiser. This is the guy who was instrumental in bringing Obama to Malaysia TWICE in two years.”
And OutSyed The Box commented: “Prior to this, the only other US president to visit Malaysia was Lyndon Johnson in 1968. Not only did Obama come here twice but he stayed in KL a record FOUR DAYS - quite unheard of for any US President to spend that many days in any foreign country.
What exactly did the US get from Obama’s TWO visits in two years to a Third World country? Not much.
The bigger question is what did Obama get from his TWO visits in two years to a Third World country? Getting paid with stolen money (for campaign contribuAnd tions) is one thing but seeing an innocent fellow (Xavier Justo) getting thrown into jail for whistleblowing on a crime is quite something else.
The recent expose by Britain's Guardian newspaper on the unfair and unjust treatment meted out to Xavier Justo in Thailand has certainly caused severe embarrassment not just for the Thais but also to the United States. Obviousy that is the reason for the Royal pardon for Xavier Justo.”

So, are the speculations and claims to be believed or just a tale to serve one’s political agenda? Of course time will tell but what is puzzling is this:
If Obama and his cronies benefited from 1MDB’s stolen monies, why then get the US Attorney-General Loretta E. Lynch to trigger a global money-laundering probe on 1MDB, an entity now owned by Malaysia’s Finance Ministry whose minister is no other than Prime Minister Najib Razak.
Food for thought, don’t you think so, amid the wild fire?
And what is almost certain now is that the Umno-led Barisan Nasional (BN) federal government is feeling the heat or getting burnt, unable to control and cover-up the 1MDB-link scandals erupting globally.
Malaysia’s Second Finance Minister Johari Abdul Ghani told The Straits Times Singapore in an interview last week that “we are trying to amicably resolve the payment issues of 1MDB and Abu Dhabi’s soverign wealth fund”.
“This would enable the government to decide on legal action against 1MDB’s previous management or directors over the soured dealings,” he added.
The dispute over a US$6.5 billion (RM26 billion) payment between Abu Dhabi’s International Petroleum Investment Company (IPIC) and 1MDB is headed for arbitration next month (September 2016).
“It doesn’t look good for two countries to fight over a business transaction. This is all about getting two parties to sit down and discuss and thrash out whatever differences that we have,” Johari is reported to have said.
1MDB signed a debt asset swap deal with IPIC in May 2015, but the Emirati firm claimed in April that 1MDB had not repaid a US$1 billion (RM4 billion) advance and applied for arbitration in London, where it is publicly listed.
Johari said his ministry, which owns 1MDB and provided indemnity on the deal, is “trying to see if we can settle this amicably.”
Reaching a settlement would prevent the matter – which goes into case management next month – from dragging on. Seventy per cent of cases at the London Court of Arbitration take more than 18 months to resolve, said The Straits Times report.
The Straits Times also reported that Malaysia’s public debt stood at RM630.5 billion at the end of last year (2015), or 54.5% of gross domestic product, just short of a self-imposed 55% ceiling which the government has vowed not to breach.
So, are all these about out-of-court settlement or is someone or party shitting bricks now?
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