A wake-up call to all Malaysians on Hudud
Warning: Gory visuals
Warning: Gory visuals
A Malaysian has taken pains to pen a wake-up on Islamist PAS president Hadi Awang’s private member’s bill (RUU 355) in Parliament next week.
Ravinder Singh has also done much homework to cite examples how and why 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB) Prime Minister Najib Razak’s Umno-led Barisan Nasional (BN) federal government cannot be trusted to honour their promises and assurances.
Also read this earlier posting for context: http://victorlim2016.blogspot.my/2016/10/bn-umno-mca-gerakan-and-other-lackeys.html
No News Is Bad News has also posted two video clips (above) on Hudud. (Warning: Gory visuals)
Politics | October 15, 2016 by | 0 Comments

Are religious leaders exempted from sin if they tell lies in the furtherance of their agendas, like some royalties are exempted from Hudud?
Hadi, peddling his RUU 355 has repeatedly been telling Malaysians that hudud is the law of God, that it will not apply to non-Muslims, that it is a must for Muslims, etc….
Penang Mufti Wan Salim Mohd Noor is quoted by Bukit Bendera MP Zairil Khir Johari to have said that the Shariah Courts (Criminal Jurisdiction) Act 1965, or Act 355, is not “the law of God.”
In the Aliran Monthly (12:6 1992) Dr. Chandra Muzaffar wrote “The proponents of hudud laws have created the erroneous impression that hudud laws are central to Islam, that they define the character and identity of an Islamic state and society”.
On 7-5-2014 the Malay Mail online reported “Non-Muslims should not be exempted from severe hudud punishments if the controversial Islamic penal law is implemented in Malaysia, religious scholars suggested in a forum discussing the issue today”.
Panellists at the forum said exempting non-Muslims from punishments prescribed for Muslims would create an unjust system, which would disturb the peace, ultimately defeating the original purpose of hudud itself.
Prominent religious cleric Dr Mohd Asri Zainal Abidin said “Should Ah Chong get a lighter punishment than Ahmad, although they both committed the same crime? Where is the justice?” He stressed that “even non-Muslims must also get hudud punishments like Muslims. Hudud is meant to keep the peace. How can you keep the peace if non-Muslims can choose their punishments?”

Politicians in any clothing find it expedient to do anything to remain in power and do what they want to do regardless of the far reaching negative consequences which they will not be around to see and regret decades later. They flaunt their authority and abuse their positions to show that “might is right”, even if it is religiously, morally, ethically wrong to do so.
An excellent Malaysian example of this is the amendment to the Constitution that Dr. Mahathir made to snub the King in getting laws into action. He has lived long enough to regret doing so after seeing how his amendment was used by the present government to ram through the National Security Council (NSC) Act 2016 and enforce it despite the King’s advice that certain sections of it be reviewed. But can he undo the damage he has done?
Such acts can be compared to the licensing of certain industries with the short term interest of allowing certain parties to make money, giving the excuse that the state will earn much needed revenue. Asian Rare Earth in Papan near Batu Gajah, Perak which was shut down after a long court battle by the residents affected by the radioactive pollution is an outstanding example. Will those who approved bauxite mining in Kuantan still be around 50 years or more from now to see the consequences. Similarly with Lynas Advanced Material Plant in Pahang that an Australian company set up as it could not set it up in Australia.
Hadi is playing political games, encouraged by the Sword of Damocles in the form of the NSC Act hanging over the heads of Malaysians. The game is to keep the present government, to which he is now adviser, in office at any cost, with him and PAS standing to gain as well.
He is blowing the Hudud trumpet like the pied piper of Hamelin trying to get back the “wayward” Malays under his influence. The “independent” EC is frantically gerrymandering to help BN retain power in “democratic elections”. The red-shirts are out intimidating the dissenting voices trying to silence them. Finally, if all these fail, the NSC is ready for use at the slightest excuse to shut down parliament. Recall that a high ranking retired judge of the secular courts had a few years back literally threatened Malaysians with the “dendam kesumat tidak tersudah-sudah” (unlimited vengeance) of the malays who are “offended”. And some of them choose to be offended by just anything, creating smoke where there is no fire.
Giving Hadi the benefit of the doubt – that he personally won’t use Hudud, or allow anyone to use it on the non-Muslims during his lifetime, can he give a guarantee that after he is no longer around, he will still have control of those he leaves behind to implement his Hudud, not to use it on the non-Muslims? How will he do that?

Today’s younger generation is being indoctrinated with religious fanaticism from kindergarten, what with war games in army uniforms and weapons. Outfits like the BTN are preaching “ketuanan Melayu”. The youth are being desensitised to the brutal slaughter of humans in the name of religion by ISIS, whose bravery Malaysians were at one time advised to emulate. The religious police of Jais, Jakim, etc. have a history of disrupting funerals and marriages, even without RUU 355! Religious leaders other than Hadi are already demanding that Hudud must be applied to non-Muslims for it to be fair to the Muslims. And, hardly a fortnight ago, Health Minister Dr S.Subramaniam informed Malaysians that the 2015 National Health and Morbidity Study found one in three Malaysians experience issues related to mental problems. How will Hudud not be enforced on non-Muslims by people from this kind of an upcoming society?
What’s driving RUU 355 is ego, pride, arrogance and concern for the political here and now regardless of the future consequences and abuses of RUU 355 by enforces of the law from such a society. Promises made when tabling certain Acts, like the Sedition Act, have been broken. The same will happen with RUU 355 and it will be, sooner than later, applied to non-Muslims so that they don’t get lighter punishments (under secular laws) than Muslims under hudud for the same offence.
Could Hadi please list out what offences under Hudud are not already covered by secular laws such as the Penal Code?
Could Hadi please explain why Ireland, a Roman Catholic country, was found by Muslim scholars just a couple of years ago to be the most Islamic compared to Islamic countries with Hudud laws?
The non-Muslims will be watching the non-Muslim partners of the BN to see if their promises to leave BN if Hudud is passed are honoured or whether they would just eat their words and remain in BN, giving some lame excuses that “in the national interest” they could not object to Hadi’s Hudud though it is not God’s law!
If non-Muslim MP’s are not allowed to speak on the motion on RUU 355, then that is the point at which their respective parties should divorce themselves from the BN, not after Hudud is passed.

That heavier syariah punishments would deter Muslims from committing crimes is a fallacy, a perception, a “khayalan”. Does Hadi mean to say the percentage of Muslims who commit Hudud crimes is greater outside Kelantan than in Kelantan? Does the PDRM agree with this?
The Malaysian Digest of 29 May 2014 reported that during a forum on hudud at University Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) titled: “Hudud in Malaysia: Opportunities, obstacles and challenges”, Dr Asri had stressed that “hudud must not be seen as a solution for Muslims, and that there are many countries which practice hudud but are riddled with major problems”.
So why is Hadi so obsessed with RUU 355?
He should rather focus on how schools have abdicated their duty to mould the character of children like the mission schools used to do in the pre-war and post war years. Perhaps Hadi should consider bringing back the Irish Catholic teachers to re-introduce character development of school children so that they will grow up into civilised adults and not wayward ones. It is not surprising that Muslim scholars who carried out a research to measure how Islamic/non-Islamic countries fared in the practice of Islamic values found that Roman Catholic Ireland topped the list.
WRITER: Ravinder Singh– MAILBAG/Malaysia Chronicle)"
Also read this earlier posting for context: http://victorlim2016.blogspot.my/2016/10/bn-umno-mca-gerakan-and-other-lackeys.html
No News Is Bad News has also posted two video clips (above) on Hudud. (Warning: Gory visuals)
Politics | October 15, 2016 by | 0 Comments

Are religious leaders exempted from sin if they tell lies in the furtherance of their agendas, like some royalties are exempted from Hudud?
Hadi, peddling his RUU 355 has repeatedly been telling Malaysians that hudud is the law of God, that it will not apply to non-Muslims, that it is a must for Muslims, etc….
Penang Mufti Wan Salim Mohd Noor is quoted by Bukit Bendera MP Zairil Khir Johari to have said that the Shariah Courts (Criminal Jurisdiction) Act 1965, or Act 355, is not “the law of God.”
In the Aliran Monthly (12:6 1992) Dr. Chandra Muzaffar wrote “The proponents of hudud laws have created the erroneous impression that hudud laws are central to Islam, that they define the character and identity of an Islamic state and society”.
On 7-5-2014 the Malay Mail online reported “Non-Muslims should not be exempted from severe hudud punishments if the controversial Islamic penal law is implemented in Malaysia, religious scholars suggested in a forum discussing the issue today”.
Panellists at the forum said exempting non-Muslims from punishments prescribed for Muslims would create an unjust system, which would disturb the peace, ultimately defeating the original purpose of hudud itself.
Prominent religious cleric Dr Mohd Asri Zainal Abidin said “Should Ah Chong get a lighter punishment than Ahmad, although they both committed the same crime? Where is the justice?” He stressed that “even non-Muslims must also get hudud punishments like Muslims. Hudud is meant to keep the peace. How can you keep the peace if non-Muslims can choose their punishments?”

Politicians in any clothing find it expedient to do anything to remain in power and do what they want to do regardless of the far reaching negative consequences which they will not be around to see and regret decades later. They flaunt their authority and abuse their positions to show that “might is right”, even if it is religiously, morally, ethically wrong to do so.
An excellent Malaysian example of this is the amendment to the Constitution that Dr. Mahathir made to snub the King in getting laws into action. He has lived long enough to regret doing so after seeing how his amendment was used by the present government to ram through the National Security Council (NSC) Act 2016 and enforce it despite the King’s advice that certain sections of it be reviewed. But can he undo the damage he has done?
Such acts can be compared to the licensing of certain industries with the short term interest of allowing certain parties to make money, giving the excuse that the state will earn much needed revenue. Asian Rare Earth in Papan near Batu Gajah, Perak which was shut down after a long court battle by the residents affected by the radioactive pollution is an outstanding example. Will those who approved bauxite mining in Kuantan still be around 50 years or more from now to see the consequences. Similarly with Lynas Advanced Material Plant in Pahang that an Australian company set up as it could not set it up in Australia.
Hadi is playing political games, encouraged by the Sword of Damocles in the form of the NSC Act hanging over the heads of Malaysians. The game is to keep the present government, to which he is now adviser, in office at any cost, with him and PAS standing to gain as well.
He is blowing the Hudud trumpet like the pied piper of Hamelin trying to get back the “wayward” Malays under his influence. The “independent” EC is frantically gerrymandering to help BN retain power in “democratic elections”. The red-shirts are out intimidating the dissenting voices trying to silence them. Finally, if all these fail, the NSC is ready for use at the slightest excuse to shut down parliament. Recall that a high ranking retired judge of the secular courts had a few years back literally threatened Malaysians with the “dendam kesumat tidak tersudah-sudah” (unlimited vengeance) of the malays who are “offended”. And some of them choose to be offended by just anything, creating smoke where there is no fire.
Giving Hadi the benefit of the doubt – that he personally won’t use Hudud, or allow anyone to use it on the non-Muslims during his lifetime, can he give a guarantee that after he is no longer around, he will still have control of those he leaves behind to implement his Hudud, not to use it on the non-Muslims? How will he do that?

Today’s younger generation is being indoctrinated with religious fanaticism from kindergarten, what with war games in army uniforms and weapons. Outfits like the BTN are preaching “ketuanan Melayu”. The youth are being desensitised to the brutal slaughter of humans in the name of religion by ISIS, whose bravery Malaysians were at one time advised to emulate. The religious police of Jais, Jakim, etc. have a history of disrupting funerals and marriages, even without RUU 355! Religious leaders other than Hadi are already demanding that Hudud must be applied to non-Muslims for it to be fair to the Muslims. And, hardly a fortnight ago, Health Minister Dr S.Subramaniam informed Malaysians that the 2015 National Health and Morbidity Study found one in three Malaysians experience issues related to mental problems. How will Hudud not be enforced on non-Muslims by people from this kind of an upcoming society?
What’s driving RUU 355 is ego, pride, arrogance and concern for the political here and now regardless of the future consequences and abuses of RUU 355 by enforces of the law from such a society. Promises made when tabling certain Acts, like the Sedition Act, have been broken. The same will happen with RUU 355 and it will be, sooner than later, applied to non-Muslims so that they don’t get lighter punishments (under secular laws) than Muslims under hudud for the same offence.
Could Hadi please list out what offences under Hudud are not already covered by secular laws such as the Penal Code?
Could Hadi please explain why Ireland, a Roman Catholic country, was found by Muslim scholars just a couple of years ago to be the most Islamic compared to Islamic countries with Hudud laws?
The non-Muslims will be watching the non-Muslim partners of the BN to see if their promises to leave BN if Hudud is passed are honoured or whether they would just eat their words and remain in BN, giving some lame excuses that “in the national interest” they could not object to Hadi’s Hudud though it is not God’s law!
If non-Muslim MP’s are not allowed to speak on the motion on RUU 355, then that is the point at which their respective parties should divorce themselves from the BN, not after Hudud is passed.

That heavier syariah punishments would deter Muslims from committing crimes is a fallacy, a perception, a “khayalan”. Does Hadi mean to say the percentage of Muslims who commit Hudud crimes is greater outside Kelantan than in Kelantan? Does the PDRM agree with this?
The Malaysian Digest of 29 May 2014 reported that during a forum on hudud at University Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) titled: “Hudud in Malaysia: Opportunities, obstacles and challenges”, Dr Asri had stressed that “hudud must not be seen as a solution for Muslims, and that there are many countries which practice hudud but are riddled with major problems”.
So why is Hadi so obsessed with RUU 355?
He should rather focus on how schools have abdicated their duty to mould the character of children like the mission schools used to do in the pre-war and post war years. Perhaps Hadi should consider bringing back the Irish Catholic teachers to re-introduce character development of school children so that they will grow up into civilised adults and not wayward ones. It is not surprising that Muslim scholars who carried out a research to measure how Islamic/non-Islamic countries fared in the practice of Islamic values found that Roman Catholic Ireland topped the list.
WRITER: Ravinder Singh– MAILBAG/Malaysia Chronicle)"
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