Of Malaysia’s tall tale of ‘Nasi Lemak’ graduates …
Good Lord! Please save Malaysia!
We have a prime minister who is feeling so proud that an engineering graduate is selling nasi lemak (coconut milk rice) on the streets.
And 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB) Prime Minister Najib Razak praised her as a role model successful entrepreneur!
So, now Najib wants or encourages Malaysian graduates to become street peddling entrepreneurs to contribute to nation-building and achieve Vision 2020’s developed nation status.
Oops! Our, No News Is No News, apologies. Slip of the tongue.
Vision 2020 is not achievable and is dead. It’s now 1MDB Najib’s TN50! His new 30-year economic development policy - sell more nasi lemak … there are no engineering jobs in the market for our engineering graduates.
Read on what a Malay blogger has to say about selling nasi lemak to help develop or progress Malaysia:
Politics | October 24, 2016 by | 0 Comments

Rakyat can ikat perut, university graduates can become shoe shine boys
Prime Moron has been saying the dumbest things again. It is about that electronic engineer girl selling nasi lemak to survive.
Nasi Lemak sells 1,000 packets after PM’s mention
§ Sunday October 23, 2016
§ Siti Nasi Lemak was mentioned by Najib in Budget 2017
§ Najib said Siti an example of graduate who took a big leap, with her education background in electronic engineering, to be a young entrepreneur.
§ Siti started two months after she completinjg her studies
§ there was not much planning that went into Nasi Lemak
§ Prior to this, I had never even made nasi lemak
My comments : Ya Allah Ya Rahman why is this moron so stupid?
You mean you sent a top student to Electronic Engineering school so that she can graduate with a degree in electronic engineering and then sell nasi lemak on the road side?
I say mangkuk, then what is the purpose of the New Economic Policy?
Then why bother to send them to university?
It costs hundreds of millions of Ringgit to build a university. It costs about RM50,000 to train an engineer. Why does it cost so much? Because this is higher education, tertiary education, technology based education that will create high tech products and high income jobs in the economy.
You do not need any investment at all to create a nasi lemak seller.
Why not just stop them from going to school? Or send the girls to school until Darjah 6 (Std 6). You dont need a degree in engineering to sell nasi lemak.
Belajar sampai Darjah Enam cukup lah. After that send them into the streets to sell nasi lemak. Apa susah sangat. She can become an “entrepreneur” at 12 years old.
In other countries they call them ‘street vendors’. Not entrepreneurs.

Above and below : Thousands of “entrepreneurs” in Jakarta.
With moron’s leadership, soon Malaysia will also become like them. Hooray.

Siti herself says :
§ there was not much planning that went into Nasi Lemak
§ Prior to this, I had never even made nasi lemak
You dont need any education to sell nasi lemak. Or prior experience. What is the purpose of studying electronic engineering if you want to become a nasi lemak seller?
And if all the university graduates become nasi lemak sellers, then what happens to the makcik nasi lemak with a Std 6 education or Tingkatan 3 education who sells nasi lemak now?
All the university educated nasi lemak “entrepreneurs” will put the makcik nasi lemak out of business. What will the makcik nasi lemak do then?
What about the hundreds of thousands of SPM leavers? What will they do to become ‘entrepreneurs’? Cuci jamban ke?
That other stupid nut Nazri says a cheaper Ringgit is better for tourism. Maybe the medical graduates can become shoe shine “entrepreneurs” at the airports (since there is NO MORE slots for Housemen at gomen hospitals).
When it falls to RM5.00 to the US Dollar, unemployed doctors can earn “gaji besar” becoming shoe shine boys at the KLIA. How about that? Nazro will agree with that.
If the stupid gomen fails to create enough employment for doctors, why not doctors become shoe shine “entrepreneurs”. (Nasi lemak shall be reserved exclusively for electronic engineers ok).

Shoeshine “entrepreneurs” – top graduates of top universities?

Pesta konvo – future nasi lemak sellers, shoe shine boys
Prime Moron 1 or PMO1 says it is an “ikat perut” Budget. The alternative media has gone to town with this ‘ikat perut” thingy.

First here are some graphics and images:

Above Someone sent me this cartoon drawing. The menteri character is eating like a pig. The people character gets to chew on bones. Dalam kartun ini watak menteri makan macam babi. Marhaen pula makan tulang.
Below here is another picture. This is a real picture. Not a cartoon. What do you think folks? Do you see human beings in this picture? Or do you see XXXXXXX?
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