Husni: Consider how 1MDB’s problems would affect Malaysia’s survival
For the convenient reading pleasure of No News Is Bad News visitors and regular readers, here is a collection of five news stories to keep tou politically updated:
Politics | October 24, 2016 by | 0 Comments

Former second finance minister Ahmad Husni Hanadzlah (BN-Tambun) today urged the government to consider how 1MDB’s problems would affect Malaysia’s survival.
This was the first time Ahmad Husni has addressed the 1MDB controversy from the backbench after spending seven years as a cabinet minister, which incidentally coincides with 1MDB’s lifespan.
While debating the Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak’s Budget 2017 speech today, Ahmad Husni wanted the government to consider several negative outcomes from the 1MDB controversy.
“The prime minister said perception determines our survival. Let’s just say, and I’m not mentioning the US Department of Justice, but let’s just say the case is not in our favour. How will this affect the perception of our country?
“Let’s just say the US$4 billion in Aabar (BVI) goes missing, how will our country be perceived?” he asked.
Husni also asked if Malaysia will be perceived negatively if 1MDB loses its arbitration case to Abu Dhabi-based International Petroleum Investment Co, which is seeking over US$6.5 billion.
According to Husni, these are matters which may haunt BN in coming elections.
“BN may win the next election, but what about the elections after that?” he asked.MKINI/Malaysia Chronicle"
Politics | October 24, 2016 by | 0 Comments

Former second finance minister Ahmad Husni Hanadzlah has warned that Budget 2017 would become “nothing” if government funds are spread too thin.
“Focus (our funds) properly. Don’t give a bit here a bit there, in the end it becomes nothing,” he told the Dewan Rakyat today.
“We give (allocations) to everybody until it becomes very thin.”
This is the first time Husni had addressed the House since quitting the government in June, after being told that he would have been transferred to a different ministry in a cabinet reshuffle.
He said the government should do research to find out which sectors are worth investing in, saying this was how countries like South Korea were able to propel itself from a middle-income country to a high-income one.
Husni also said all ministries need to look at its strengths and weaknesses in a holistic manner, and urged the government “not to live with tunnel vision”.MKINI/Malaysia Chronicle"
Politics | October 24, 2016 by | 0 Comments

KUALA LUMPUR ― Veteran Umno leader Tan Sri Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah proposed today 10 ways Umno and its political partners can change to stay relevant, amid heavy criticism from voters.
The Gua Musang MP since 1986 said his party used to be a strong political power that was a binding force representing a multicultural Malaysia, but has changed into a self-preserving vehicle.
“As I see it, the party has let down the public badly. It does not, now, work in the interest of the country. Now Umno protects the interest of its leaders,” the politician known as Ku Li said while launching a book titled The End of Umno? Essays on Malaysia’s Dominant Party.
“It is time Umno cleaned its act and, together with its partners, adopt the sort of strategies for it to remain relevant,” said Razaleigh, who later admitted to feeling like an “outsider” inside his own party.
Foremost on his proposed reform agenda is for Umno to uphold constitutional democracy and the separation of powers as a fundamental principle, and making the equality of citizenship one of its objectives.
Among others, Ku Li urged Umno to adhere to the objectives of public service and for its leaders to refrain themselves from getting tangled in the corporate world to ensure the separation of business from politics in addition to upholding and respecting the independence of the judiciary and the judicial process.
He also said Umno must ensure that political dialogues and statements do not create racial or religious animosity, and aim not to use racial and communal agitation for political ends.
Umno should also uphold the federal and state constitutions and their democratic intent and spirit, the rule of law, and the fundamental liberties as enshrined in the Malaysian Constitution and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
“Umno needs to remain relevant and in doing so, the party must follow parameters acceptable to practising democracies. Most importantly, its struggle must be seen as being above board and within the law. It must not be accused of resorting to and justifying the practice of dirty, underhanded politics,” Razaleigh said earlier in his speech.
One of the writers of the essays in the book, Emeritus Prof Clive Kessler of the University of New South Wales, Australia, stressed that there can never be any change in Malaysia so long as that change is resisted by Umno.
“There can be no plausible and enduring change, nor change that has any prospect of enjoying broad acceptance and real effect that is not backed and supported, even promoted by Umno,” Kessler said.
“If change is to take hold, succeed and be generally accepted, then Umno must be part of its driving coalition. If not enthusiastically, even if reluctantly.”MALAY MAIL/Malaysia Chronicle"
Politics | October 24, 2016 by | 0 Comments

KUALA LUMPUR — Amid calls for some states to secede, Tan Sri Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah issued a warning today that any move away from federalism would be impossible to reverse.
The Gua Musang MP from federal ruling party Umno however admitted that “regionalism” and “regional loyalty” that are being bandied about has crept in because the federal government has lost respect.
“It would seem that regionalism has crept in because of eroding respect for central government due to the lack or loss of legitimacy,” the politician better known as Ku Li said while launching a book titled The End of Umno? Essays on Malaysia’s Dominant Party.
“Those clamouring for it does not take into account the role of Constitution in binding us together.
“We must not forget this. If we do, we would not be able to put Humpty Dumpty together again,” he added.
In August, former prime minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad similarly caution that promoting affinity to individual states over the country will divide Malaysians, as such notions could encourage “unhealthy” feelings of superiority by the residents of one state over another.
Johor crown prince Tunku Ismail Ibrahim had on several occasions suggested that his state was entitled to leave Malaysia if it was unhappy with the federal government, most recently in June.
The Johor royal family has also turned the “Bangsa Johor” catchphrase into an unofficial motto it said is aimed to rally its people regardless of their race or religions.
There have also been citizens’ groups in Sabah and Sarawak who have been pressuring their state governments to secede from the Malaysian federation to regain autonomous rights.
Calling for the secession from the Malaysian federation is considered seditious.MALAY MAIL/Malaysia Chronicle"
Politics | October 24, 2016 by | 0 Comments

1. Out of curiosity I read Musa’s book “Frankly Speaking”. I agree entirely with what he says about me. Of course I was a dictator for 22 years, requiring everyone to be absolutely loyal to me. The Majlis Tertinggi of UMNO and the Cabinet were quite dumb as I was the only one to speak. They merely nod their heads and shout yes.
2. I agree that Musa’s resignation had nothing to do with Tengku Razaleigh. To prove this I append two letters written by Musa to me about his support for the appointment of T.R. as Minister of Trade and Industry. I cannot uphold his desire for secrecy as he speaks frankly, implying he has nothing to hide.
3. Incidentally I would like to point out that all dictators, Hitler, Mussolini and Stalin, resigned voluntarily like I did. The mystery was how I managed to be elected five times. But now we know that elected Prime Ministers can also be dictators. There really was no mystery.
4. It is a pity. If I had been defeated by T.R., we would be able to see the close friendly relation between T.R. and Musa in the Government. The country would probably become fully developed by 2000 or earlier.
5. We missed a great opportunity.
6. To see how truthful Musa’s frank story about himself please read his two letters. The copy of the original is not legible. So I have printed the contents. You can compare.

Perdana Menteri Malaysia,
Kuala Lumpur.
Saudara YAB,
TR in the Cabinet
This letter is written with a very heavy heart and the greatest reluctance.
I did think that you were merely testing TR, quite confident that he would not accept it , until I learnt of your offer of the new Ministries to him.
His acceptance of Trade and Industry will carry the following implications :-
He shall use it to the full by giving out the following perks to his followers and would-be followers – import permits (cars, materials, etc.) licenses for business (MTI looks after Registrar of Companies); licenses and control/supervision of manufacturing ventures.
He shall have a very strong hold on the take-overs, purchases, distributions, approvals over companies wanting to divest or transfer shares either ordinarily or to comply to the NEP.
He shall choose, recommend, suggest Malaysian (Malay, more important) partners to foreign investors wishing to invest in Malaysia.
He shall control the licencing and supervision of the distributive trade
He shall choose, recommend, suggest names of individuals for distribution of shares.
He shall not only continue to have the support of the monied group but widen it greatly to the general business (Malay especially) community.
PATRONAGE would be aplenty to those of his choice. And MON DIEU! He shall have the greatest opportunity ever to prepare himself for his political future even better than Finance! Finance only give him prestige, influence and the ability to give tenders, licences etc. to a very limited top lucky few who would use their influence to get support for him.
But MTI would give him direct access to the actual UMNO voters in the widest way ever! Please remember he is not you, Hussein Onn, Tun Dr Ismail, Hamzah or Tengku Din, to mention past Ministers! Just as in Finance, he shall politicize the Ministry for his personal interest.
Personally, while in Finance he had been very difficult and I could only intervene in the most urgent/important circumstances. So was it, I believe, with you. In MTI, I would personally be rendered almost ineffective and whatever influence I could already assert on MTI so far, very crucial for NEP etc. shall certainly be blunted whichever way you look at it. But more important, the other Ministers would again have to seek his patronage and …. well, I cannot possibly go further without being accused by you as going into a tantrum and being irrational!
Before your final decision, I feel it now absolutely dutibound to remind you of the above. Personally, even though I never had done this before, with the greatest respect, I would like to register my strongest views against TR’s appointment at MTI.
Assuming that you go ahead with the appointment, I would have to review my own plans in a much hastier manner, which I would like to discuss with you after the announcement.
I would like vehemently to assure you that I have no intention of upsetting your administration and, as I said beginning this letter, I am doing this with a heavy heart. I am sure that events in the coming years will prove me right. For God’s sake, do ponder over my points and do remind yourself of the type of personality you are dealing with.
Again God Bless us all. God Bless you.
5 Julai, 1984 (sic)

31hb Julai 1984
YAB Perdana Menteri
Saudara YAB,
Berasas kepada percakapan-percakapan kita dalam jangka masa beberapa bulan lepas dan surat saya bertarikh 5hb Julai 1984, a salah Saya dengan perasaan begitu keberatan dan dukacitanya memaklumkan bahawa saya bercadang bersara daripada memegang jawatan Timbalan Perdana Menteri bermula daripada 1hb Ogos 1985. Keputusan saya ini adalah muktamad.
Saya members “notis” Selamat satu tahun ini sekarang-mata bertujuan supaya Saudara akan dapat membuat apa-apa jua proses pengambil alih dengan secara licin dan teratur olih (sic) sesiapa jua yang Saudara akan pilih nanti mengambil tempat saya.
Surat ini sengaja saya tikis dengan tangan sendiri untuk menjaga rahsia nya. Sementara itu, saya akan terus menjalan kan tugas seolah olah keadaan biasa.
Oleh sebab perlunya keputusan saya ….not legible…. bersetuju dengan hakikat ini bermakna saya tidak boleh berbuat sesuatu persediaan bagi kepentingan sara hidup saya selepas bersara kelak. Olih itu, saya memohon supaya Saudara memberi saya cuti sebelum bersara selama tiga bulan bermula 1hb Mei 1985 atau mana-mana tarikh sesuai bagi memboleh kan saya “menggulung tikar” dan mencari apa-apa kerja untuk menampung sara hidup saya kelak.
Saya sangat insaf atas segala implikasi keputusan saya ini.
Sekiranya Saudara memutuskan saya perlu dihenti kan lebih awal lagi, saya serahlah kepada kebijaksanaan Saudara sendiri. ineligible.
Saya akan menulis surat rasmi pada masa yang sesuai nanti.
Adalah saya dengan segala ikhlas,
Signed– chedet.cc/Malaysia Chronicle"
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