Husni’s ‘deadly’ questions submitted in Parliament for answers! Second Finance Minister Ahmad Husni Hanadzlah had before the start of the current Paliament sitting which started on Oct 17, 2016, said he will speak up for Malaysians and Malaysia without fear or favour.
All eyes are on him as he had only resigned voluntarily last June due to work pressure and stress.
He spoke in Parliament today (Oct 24, 2016) and this was what online news portal Free Malaysia Today reported:
However, what is most interesting are the questions that he submitted to Parliament for answers. Will he get the right answers, either oral or written?
Will 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB) Prime Minister Najib Razak’s federal government dare to engage him orally?
We at No News Is Bad News doubt it!
We believe these were the eight questions (shared in Facebook in Bahasa Malaysia) he submitted:
"The deadly questions that Cabinet members don't have the courage to answer..
1 - Why did the federal government set up 1MDB?
2 - Why did we park about US$4 billion @RM16 billion in Aabar PJS Limited which is now owned by IPIC? A company that belongs to two royal children registered in British Virgin Islands.
3 - Why (no) legal action is taken against 1MDB’s administration for depositing (RM16 billion) in a wrong place?
4 - Why no action is taken against the two royal children for laundering the (1MDB) monies?
5 - What has happened to the the US$1 billion in unit investments that was supposed to have matured last year but no one knows the status?
6 - What has happened to the Binding Term Sheet with IPIC? Why did 1MDB refused to honour the agreement until IPC had to submit for international arbitration involving up to US$6.5 billion or RM26 billion?
7 - What has happened to the sale of Bandar Malaysia? We sold 60% to a company from China which has only minority shares in two Malaysian companies? I (Husni) worked in a bank before. When we sell equities, up to 60%, the stake must be acquired now. Why are we allowing payment to be made in 2022? This is risky for 1MDB. Both business and payment risks. How do we know payment will be settled in 2022?
8 - Switzerland will take legal action, Likewise the British. In Singapore, two banks were closed down. What will happen to our country?
Now, I raise the question of SRC, why Kumpulan Wang Amanah Pencen (KWAP - Retirement Fund Inc established on March 1, 2007) gave out a RM4 billion loan and then “draw down sekaligus”.
Normally, we give out loans, draw down, we give out according to progress payments, and the sole purpose for the setting up of SRC is to venture into mining, but the final spending is about RM400 million in mining, therefore US$1.6 billion are in investments.
The issue is why did KWAP not take action because the money was not used specifically for mining and part of it is in BSI in Switzerland which has now been frozen by the monetary authority. So, what is KWAP’s move to discuss with SMA (Switzerland Monetary Authority)?"
2 - Why did we park about US$4 billion @RM16 billion in Aabar PJS Limited which is now owned by IPIC? A company that belongs to two royal children registered in British Virgin Islands.
3 - Why (no) legal action is taken against 1MDB’s administration for depositing (RM16 billion) in a wrong place?
4 - Why no action is taken against the two royal children for laundering the (1MDB) monies?
5 - What has happened to the the US$1 billion in unit investments that was supposed to have matured last year but no one knows the status?
6 - What has happened to the Binding Term Sheet with IPIC? Why did 1MDB refused to honour the agreement until IPC had to submit for international arbitration involving up to US$6.5 billion or RM26 billion?
7 - What has happened to the sale of Bandar Malaysia? We sold 60% to a company from China which has only minority shares in two Malaysian companies? I (Husni) worked in a bank before. When we sell equities, up to 60%, the stake must be acquired now. Why are we allowing payment to be made in 2022? This is risky for 1MDB. Both business and payment risks. How do we know payment will be settled in 2022?
8 - Switzerland will take legal action, Likewise the British. In Singapore, two banks were closed down. What will happen to our country?
Now, I raise the question of SRC, why Kumpulan Wang Amanah Pencen (KWAP - Retirement Fund Inc established on March 1, 2007) gave out a RM4 billion loan and then “draw down sekaligus”.
Normally, we give out loans, draw down, we give out according to progress payments, and the sole purpose for the setting up of SRC is to venture into mining, but the final spending is about RM400 million in mining, therefore US$1.6 billion are in investments.
The issue is why did KWAP not take action because the money was not used specifically for mining and part of it is in BSI in Switzerland which has now been frozen by the monetary authority. So, what is KWAP’s move to discuss with SMA (Switzerland Monetary Authority)?"

The original version in Bahasa Malaysia shared in Facebook:
"Soalan maut yang buat semua menteri kabinet KERAjaan terkedu kecut telur nak jawab..
Soalan Datuk Husni Hanadzlah berkaitan 1MDB dalam sidang Dewan Rakyat adalah seperti berikut :
1 - Mengapa Kerajaan tubuhkan 1MDB?
2 - Mengapa kita letak lebih kurang USD4 bilion @ RM16 bilion dalam Aabar PJS Limited yang bukan dimiliki oleh IPIC? Sebuah syarikat yang dimiliki oleh 2 anak raja yang didaftar di British Virgin Islands.
3 - Mengapa tindakan undang-undang diambil ke atas pengurusan 1MDB kerana masukkan duit (RM16 bilion) di tempat yang tidak betul?
4 - Mengapa tidak ambil tindakan kepada 2 anak raja ini kerana penyelewengan wang tersebut?
5 - Apa jadi kepada unit pelaburan bernilai lebih kurang USD1 bil yang sepatutnya matang pada tahun lalu tetapi tidak tahu kisahnya?
6 - Apa terjadi dengan Binding Term Sheet dengan IPIC? Mengapa 1MDB tidak memenuhi perjanjian tersebut sehinggakan IPIC membuat saman melalui arbitration sebanyak USD6.5 bil bersamaan dengan RM26 bilion?
7 -Apa jadi kepada penjualan Bandar Malaysia? Kita jual 60% kpada syarikat daripada negara China yang mempunyai minoriti shareholding daripada 2 syarikat daripada Malaysia?
Saya (Husni) kerja bank dulu. Bila kita jual ekuiti, tambah-tambah 60%, barangnya mesti diambil sekarang. Mengapa kita biarkan bayaran itu dibayar pada tahun 2022? Ia meletakkan risiko kepada 1MDB. Risiko perniagaan dan risiko pembayaran. Mana kita tahu tahun 2022 pembayaran akan dibuat?
8 - Switzerland akan mengambil tindakan undang2. Begitu juga dengan British. Di Singapura 2 bank telah tutup. Apa akan jadi kepada negara kita ?
“Kemudiaan saya bangkitkan soal SRC, mengapa Kumpulan Wang Amanah Pencen berikan pinjaman sebanyak RM4 bilion dan draw down sekaligus.
“Biasanya kita bagi pinjaman, draw down, kita bagi ikut progress payment, ini sekaligus dan tujuannya SRC ini ditubuhkan adalah untuk terlibat dalam bidang perlombongan, tapi akhirnya perbelanjaan hanya lebih kurang RM400 juta dalam perlombongan, jadi yang US$1.6 bilion itu dalam bentuk pelaburan.“Isunya mengapa KWAP, tidak mengambil tindakan kerana wang itu tidak digunakan spesifik untuk perlombongan dan itu sebahagiannya dalam BSI di Switzerland telah dibekukan oleh pihak berkuasa monetary, Jadi apakah tindakan KWAP untuk berbincang dengan SMA?"
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