malaysiakini readers blast ‘no dignity’ 1MDB PM Najib
1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB) Prime Minister Najib Razak and his Umno-led Barisan Nasional (BN) lackeys criticised the Opposition’s walkout in Parliament on Friday (Oct 21, 2016) as unbecoming as elected representatives.
Well, the readers asked: Who politicised the Budget 2017 speech?
Read on what the online malaysiakini readers have to say:
Politics | October 24, 2016 by | 0 Comments

We have become identified as a nation that breeds corruption, thievery and thuggery in high places.’
Rowdy opposition embarrassed themselves, says PM
GE14Now!: This is quite a rich statement coming from you, Mr PM. A group of opposition MPs holding up placards asking who MO1 (Malaysian Official 1) is constitutes a disgrace, but the person who is actually MO1 and who has been identified by the US Department of Justice (DOJ) as having allegedly siphoned off RM2.6 billion brings shame and disgrace to the entire nation.
We have become identified by the world as a nation that tolerates and breeds corruption, thievery and thugg ery in high places.
This, Mr PM, is the national disgrace, and you, Mr PM, are the personification of that disgrace.
Trueglitter: The chorus of loud cheers and applause from the right-thinking rakyat could clearly be heard from afar at the opportune and appropriate display of placards with the words ‘Who is MO1?’ and the subsequent walkout by most opposition MPs during the 2017 Budget speech.
It was apt to demonstrate their utter disgust and frustrations at PM Najib Razak’s insistence on his innocence and non-involvement, particularly in the 1MDB scandals and MO1 identity issue.
It is evident the collective show of total disregard and vehement attacks on his credibility as prime minister will hopefully gather strength and momentum that will inevitably encourage local and foreign influence to effectively implicate Najib for the many misdeeds and abuse of power.
We should not allow ourselves to wallow in indignities or despair at the hands of one man’s misdeeds, and in order for us to walk tall again and the nation cleansed, Umno-BN under the helm of Najib should be booted out at the impending general election.
Anonymous_1372558750: “Najib criticised the opposition for the walkout, adding that such behaviour does not happen in developed countries even when there are differences of opinion.”
In developed countries, he and most of his cabinet members could mostly likely be in jail rather than sitting in the Parliament.
Vent: PM, we don’t think the opposition MPs “embarrassed themselves” at all. Only the fawning sycophants around you will say so.
On the other hand, it is you who has embarrassed us internationally – your kleptocratic behaviour that “does not happen in developed countries”, which certainly wouldn’t have been condoned.
And it has nothing to do with mere “differences of opinion”. The opposition MPs are acting in our best interests by standing up for us and showing you up for what you are. It is only because you have the majority in Parliament that you are getting away with your shameless sanctimony.
You are of no “good character” and you are certainly no leader. And you are not respected at all by the people for you have brought utter disrepute to Parliament and to our democratic process.
We have nothing but contempt for you. And please let’s not get started on that woman you call your wife.
Jack Goh: I am not sure if everyone felt embarrassed by the walkout by the opposition MPs, but I am very sure I was terribly embarrassed when I was asked about the DOJ lawsuit by the airline helper at JFK airport in New York in my recent trip there.
The Analyser: An extraordinarily childish performance from a collection of losers who have failed at everything they have tried… not that they have tried much. It’s no wonder they have to resort to such juvenile behaviour.
Hplooi: To purely blame the opposition as losers is to deliberately sow the black propaganda of Umno. History does not favour citizen movements.
The Germans (back in the 1930s) did not overwhelmingly support Hitler. But after being appointed chancellor, Hitler started his programme similar to that of Umno (brainwashing the majority volks[folks], commandeering the executive, etc, etc).
And he enjoyed success and even admiration from his electorate. He was only brought down by outside forces after his overreach of WWII.
Ditto the Russians who had to endure more than 80 years of harsh Soviet dictatorship. In the end, the economy imploded while the land was gutted (remember Chernobyl). In the case of Umno, what is even worse is apart from rank race-fascism, they are incompetent.
Jaycee: Yes, what is embarrassing to the world is have someone who continue to hold on to power after being allegedly caught with his hand in the cookie jar. And then have his surrogates and minions speaks on his behalf.
Bluemountains: MO1 had been identified by DOJ as having allegedly stolen US$681 million from his own people. Minister Abdul Rahman Dahlan has publicly admitted MO1 is Najib.
How can Najib then continue as PM and finance minister to present the 2017 Budget? Perhaps he does not know how to feel embarrassed anymore.
Chipmunk: As a leader, what good character did you show to be respected by the people and what dignity did you bring to the Parliament and country? Aren’t you ashamed of yourself for being a failed PM?
You have no dignity or the guts to step down after you have been officially declared as MO1 by your own minister.
HaveAGreatDay: Throwing the stone and hiding the hand, it is typical of you, MO1. Why did youpoliticise the Budget speech? The opposition are just giving you back what you have gave them in your speech.
One Malaysia: Their only mistake really is that they tried to shame him. Sadly, that’s the one word that doesn’t exist in BN vocabulary.MKINI/Malaysia Chronicle"
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