1MDB PM Najib proving to be more a master in politics than Dr M
Well! Well! Well! In the run-up to the 14th General Election (GE14), 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB) Prime Minister Najib Razak is proving to be a smarter politician than all the rest, including former premier Dr Mahathir Mohamad.
Not only has Najib got the Islamist PAS to his side, he may now also have the DAP, or at least half of the Chinese-dominated Opposition party, working with him.
Najib is widely expected to call for a snap GE14 A.S.A.P to take advantage of a grossly fractured Opposition bent only on fighting with each other instead of the BN. (Read this for context: http://victorlim2016.blogspot.my/2016/09/dap-to-plunge-into-leadership-dilemma.html)
Malaysians are seeing the most fluid ever political scenario in Malaysia and it is happening with GE14 only due in March 2018.
However, Najib has the power and right now to call for a general election anytime he so wishes. And he is expected to call for GE14 sooner than later to seize the advantage presented to him and Umno and BN by a severely fractured Opposition.
The political developments now seem to be looking better and better, brighter and brighter for Najib. Why?
DAP secretary-general and Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng today (Sept 22, 2016) sprang a shock by taking to task former Bar Council president cum social activist Ambiga Sreenevasan for working with former premier Dr Mahathir Mohamad.
Online news portal malaysiakini reported that Lim, in ending a hard-hitting question-and-answer session, asked how Ambiga could reconcile with Dr M, given that he is seen as the source of the country’s problems created during his 22-year rule as prime minister.
Wow! Does this mean Lim and DAP cannot work with Dr M’s Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia (Pribumi), just like the DAP cannot work with PAS over the implementation of Hukum Hudud (an Islamic criminal law).
So, is the DAP going into GE14 as a lone ranger or will it work with BN or join the BN after GE14?

Amanah-DAP tag-team, a Third Force for GE14?
There goes Pakatan Harapan after barely a year? Or, is the DAP left with only the splinter PAS party, Amanah, as the Malay party to lead an Amanah-DAP tag-team in GE14 as a third force?
Such a tag-team is a win-win situation for both Amanah and DAP. Amanah gets to contest in all the Malay majority seats and DAP gets to contest in all the Chinese-majority seats.
And they also get to share the mixed seats, with no PKR or Pribumi to dictate terms in seat allocations.
Has No News Is Bad News forgotten Anwar Ibrahim and PKR? Far from it!
Relations between DAP and PKR have strained tremendously and significantly the past month. Already, there are already talks that PKR deputy president and Selangor Mentri Besar Azmin Ali is already showing his Umno roots in politics and politicking. This arose with his strong lobbying for Pakatan to work with Dr M and his Pribumi.
DAP certainly does not trust PKR and if the powerful DAP secretary-general and his party are openly showing their disgust with PKR leaders, especially in Penang, it only means DAP has lost confidence in Anwar who is now also bent on working with Dr M.
So, given the present scenario, Najib and Umno stand to gain the most in GE14.
No wonder Umno leaders are now treating its peninsula BN coalition partners, MCA, Gerakan and MIC with utter disdain and as politically irrelevant.
So, what happens to the Chinese after GE14 with Umno, PAS and BN Sabah and Sarawak winning enough to form the federal government after GE14?
That’s when the DAP is likely to feature as the saviour for the Chinese in politics and governance. A new coalition? Just like how Alliance evolved into BN and then BN into …

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It did not happen after GE13. Will it happen in GE14, with Umno still in dominant power? |
Malaysians! Isn’t it so, so very interesting indeed, the possibilities of political realignments and how fluid the political scenario is turning out to be.
Given the present political scenario, what will Malaysians decide in GE14 with the possibility of these three-cornered electoral battles: BN-Umno-PAS vs Pribumi-PKR vs Amanah-DAP! Wow!
Read this malaysiakini report as republished by the Malaysian-banned online news portal Malaysia Chronicle. Try to digest it, read in between the lines and form your own opinion:
Politics | September 22, 2016 by | 0 Comments

Grilled by Ambiga Sreenevasan at a conference today, DAP secretary-general Lim Guan Eng turned the tables on the social activist and asked why she was willing to work with Dr Mahathir Mohamad.
The Penang chief minister, in ending a hard-hitting question-and-answer session, asked how Ambiga could reconcile with the former prime minister, given that he is seen as the source of the country’s problems.
To this, the former Bar Council president pointed out that the Penang chief minister’s own father, DAP parliamentary advisor Lim Kit Siang, is able to work with Mahathir.
She added that the question of her and Bersih chairperson Maria Chin Abdullah forgiving the 91-year-old does not arise.
“We are facing a bigger evil that is insurmountable (with Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak). Even your father Kit Siang who was imprisoned (under the Internal Security Act) has managed to put aside his difference as so with Anwar Ibrahim.
“That really says something about the political reality and this creates a necessity for realignment. Look, I did not face any jail unlike Kit Siang or Anwar and even they are willing to go ahead.
“Who am I compared to both of them. I completely agree the entire system is rotten because of the previous regime. However, the country should come first now before anything else,” she said.

Lim was attacking Ambiga for her cooperation with Mahathir on the Citizens’ Declaration, a petition calling for Najib’s removal over the 1MDB scandal.
They were speaking on the second day of the International Malaysian Law Conference 2016, in Kuala Lumpur.
– M’kini"
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