Dr M seals 1MDB PM Najib’s political ‘coffin’?
It must be the Malaysia Day federal holiday today! Happy Malaysia Day to all Malaysians, including the racial and religious bigots!
Writers and bloggers must be finding plenty of time and the mood to write during this extended weekend holiday week.
There’s a slew of Malaysian political stories in the net and here’s six selected by No News Is Bad News for the convenient reading pleasure of visitors and readers:
Politics | September 16, 2016 by | 0 Comments

FROM a cavernous office in a posh part of Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia’s capital, Mahathir Mohamad is sowing dissent. “This government is really destroying the country,” complains the cantankerous former prime minister, now 91 and still sporting his trademark safari suit. His 22 years in power came courtesy of UMNO, the party that has led Malaysia’s ruling coalitions since independence in the 1950s. But Dr Mahathir has lost all faith in UMNO: it is time, he says, to overthrow it.
On September 8th Dr Mahathir became the founding chairman of a new political party which aims to do just that. The registration of Bersatu, which means “United” in Malay, is the latest step in a long campaign that Dr Mahathir has been waging against Najib Razak, Malaysia’s scandal-hit prime minister. Even more strikingly, Dr Mahathir is seeking help from Anwar Ibrahim, his former deputy and now Malaysia’s opposition leader, with whom he fell out in dramatic fashion in 1998. The two men met for the first time since then earlier this month.
Dr Mahathir resigned Malaysia’s premiership in 2003, but has found it impossible to resist bashing his successors. In 2009 his carping helped to bring down the prime minister of the day, Abdullah Badawi, and usher Mr Najib into power. Since Mr Najib fumbled a general election three years ago, Dr Mahathir has campaigned for his removal too.
What looked like a personal vendetta became a national cause last year, when it emerged that billions had been looted from 1MDB, a state-owned investment firm. American investigators have indirectly accused Mr Najib of receiving hundreds of millions of dollars from the beleaguered company. Mr Najib admits to having banked whopping sums, but says the money was a gift from an unnamed Saudi royal, and that most of it has been returned.

To widespread disgust, Mr Najib has managed to squelch dissent within UMNO, thereby hanging onto his job. Indeed, he appears more safely enthroned than ever. He has brushed aside official enquiries and replaced critics in the cabinet with flunkeys. Long fading in the cities, UMNO has whipped up support among rural voters who have only limited knowledge of the scandal—to whom it bleats that it is being picked on by foreigners and ethnic minorities. The next general election is not due until 2018, but some think Mr Najib may be feeling confident enough to call it next year.
Bersatu aims to field as many candidates as possible in the coming polls, and promises to target UMNO’s seats in particular. At its heart are several former government officials whom Mr Najib has recently purged. They include Muhyiddin Yassin, a former deputy prime minister sacked last year after speaking out about the 1MDB affair, and Dr Mahathir’s son, Mukhriz, who used to run Kedah, a small northern state. Dr Mahathir says he will not stand for parliament himself.
The former prime minister still has many fans in Malaysia, including among young ethnic Malays who have little memory of his time in power. But snagging more than a handful of seats will be tough. Malaysian elections heavily favour incumbent governments, which control most print media and can train vast resources on gerrymandered constituencies.
To stand any chance, Bersatu will need to cosy up to Malaysia’s other opposition parties, which nearly toppled the government in 2013 but are now squabbling. That explains the courting of Mr Anwar, who was arrested shortly after Dr Mahathir sacked him, beaten by the chief of police and jailed for corruption and sodomy after a farcical trial, as Dr Mahathir stood by. Since last year Mr Anwar has been back in prison, convicted in a new sodomy case which looks just as suspect as the last. Dr Mahathir says he has “no problem with him now”. On September 5th he made a surprise appearance at a court hearing which Mr Anwar had been allowed out of his cell to attend (pictured). The two men spoke privately for half an hour.

A pact of some sort seems likely, and is essential if Mr Najib’s enemies are not to squander the next election through three- or four-cornered fights. But Malaysia’s liberals would feel much happier if Dr Mahathir were more contrite about his part in the country’s present predicament. He is probably right to insist that, on his watch, corruption was more limited than the lurid misdeeds of which the present leadership stands accused. But it was under his tenure that UMNO’s leaders became so hard to dislodge, and Malaysia’s courts so cowed.
One big worry for the opposition is how far Dr Mahathir’s conversion goes. No one doubts his visceral disdain for Mr Najib. Less certain is whether, given a choice, he and his party would stop short of ousting UMNO altogether. Previous splinters from UMNO have eventually reattached themselves to the party. The government claims Dr Mahathir’s real goal is to install his son as prime minister.
Dr Mahathir scoffs at all this. He admits he once thought that replacing the prime minister would be enough to put UMNO back on track. But he says Mr Najib has “totally corrupted” the party, which now “just functions to support him”. He says there is no way Bersatu would consider a deal that leaves UMNO in government, even under a new leader. “The time for UMNO is over,” he insists.
Politics | September 16, 2016 by | 0 Comments

Malaysia’s King, the Yang di Pertuan Agong, yesterday afternoon granted an audience to former prime minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad at the Istana Anak Bukit in Alor Star.
The event was organized to enable Dr Mahathir to present the People’s Declaration petition to the King. The meeting lasted more than an hour.
The People’s Declaration, which was launched on March 4, has received more than 1.4 million signatures.
The people demanding the resignation of Prime Minister Najib Tun Abdul Razak and reform of the political system and state institutions.
The People’s Declaration and Movement to Save Malaysia is also trying to present a similar petition to all the Sultans.
– the original article in Malay is appended below:
Dr Mahathir Serah Petisyen Rakyat Kepada Yang di-Pertuan Agong
DULI Yang Maha Mulia Sari Paduka Baginda Yang di-Pertuan Agong petang semalam menerima menghadap Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad di Istana Anak Bukit, Alor Star.
Majlis itu diadakan bagi membolehkan Dr Mahathir mempersembahkan petisyen Deklarasi Rakyat kepada Ke Bawah Duli. Pertemuan itu berlangsung lebih sejam.
Deklarasi Rakyat yang dilancarkan 4 Mac lalu telah menerima lebih 1.4 juta tanda tangan.
Ia antara lain mendesak pengunduran Perdana Menteri (Datuk Seri I Mappadulung Daeng Mattimung Karaeng Sandrobone Sultan Abdul Jalil) Mohd Najib Tun Abdul Razak dan mereformasikan sistem politik serta institusi negara.
Gerakan Deklarasi Rakyat Selamatkan Malaysia juga sedang mencuba menghadapkan petisyen yang sama kepada semua Raja-Raja.
Politics | September 16, 2016 by | 0 Comments

Kita orang Melayu tak banyak Hero….sekarang even Hang Tuah pon meraka kata bukan Melayu tapi orang Cina. Hang Tuah dan Hang Jebat di katakan adik beradik di hantar oleh Emperor of China ka Malacca – suatu “protectorate of China” – dan “Hang” ia lah surname orang Cina.
Let the historians sort out the right or wrong of that “historical fact”.
My concern is of the present.
As the state of our nation declines and a palpable shadow of doom and gloom permeates our nation, our people and our future……are the Malays bereft of real life heroes who will shoulder the mantle of responsibility to make the Malays….no make that Malaysia and Malaysians…to make Malaysia and Malaysians great again?
Is there no one to confront head-on the fact that corruption, arrogance, and greed now has certainly become us…become the rule by which we are measured in the things that Malaysians do within our nation …and the manner we are measured by other nations!
Two names have always been head and shoulders above everyone else. Two names that have survived the test of time and relevancy …..but first a caveat.
No one leader is utopia. All leaders have their strength and weaknesses. No one leader is ideal, not one single leader can escape from being imperial from time to time…not one leader is the be all and end all of our individual aspirations of what we want a leader to be.
With all this in mind, with all the druthers you and I might have, two names stands above everyone else…two names that we still have among us, alive and well. One incarcerated in Sungai Buloh the other aged but well.
Anwar Ibrahim and Mahathir. Mahathir and Anwar Ibrahim.

Whether Mahathir or Anwar Ibrahim prevails or fail, endure or die, depends on what they do to themselves rather than on what this BN-led government, do to them!
I do not have to tell any of you the trials and tribulations that Anwar Ibrahim has gone through…and it seems, that even today, this BN government thinks that he has not gone through enough. No man or women, no matter what he has done, should have to go through what Anwar Ibrahim has gone through.
As for Tun Mahathir….ask yourself this: Why would a man of 91, with more than enough money to take care of his needs, with a past that would more than put him among the greats of our Nation’s history…why would he now take it upon himself to meet with his once nemesis, Anwar Ibrahim, and join with Anwar to do what many of us wants to do : Get rid of Najib and his odious wife and take Umno to task for what it has done to our people, our nation, and our future in the name of government?
These two are now united in purpose. Who am I to dispute their commitment to what they now want to do? Who am I to tell Mahathir to apologise to Anwar for what he has done to Anwar and who am I to ask Anwar that he apologises to Mahathir for what he has done to Mahathir? These two are privy to each other’s secrets, to each other’s intents and to each other’s aspirations in a manner that we would never be.
So, can we all, for the sake of our nation, our people and our future sit back and watch with interest and concern the path these two will now take. Will all of us make not one comment, do any one deed or think any one thought that would in any way be an obstacle to what these two now wants to do…for what they want to do is more for us then for them. What they want to do will decide if our nation will succeed or fail in the short term and in the long. What they want to do…and I say this not without thought and deliberation…what they want to do will ensure if our future generation will succeed or fail. If our children will live in a better Malaysia than the one we are now living in.

For the past one week since the two met, I have been filled with hope and great expectations of what is to come. For now, what we have all been talking about, has become a reality. Two great Malaysian, Anwar and Mahathir, are united in purpose. Getting Anwar out of Sungai Buloh, the apologies and how all this will pan out can be seen in the days to come as this new political entity, PPBM, takes it first few tentative steps towards becoming what Umno should have become by now : A responsible and accountable political entity for all Malaysians.
For now, that is all that we have to hope for….all that we have to hope for against 1MDB, against that RM2.6 billion donation and against a billionaire couple living in Seri Perdana. If any of you have anything else…..I would like to hear of it. If not hush your mouth and prepare yourself for what you can do to make Malaysia the Malaysia we want!
– http://steadyaku-steadyaku-husseinhamid.blogspot.my/"
Politics | September 16, 2016 by | 0 Comments

steadyaku47 comment : This is what Kesavan Ragavan has to say about Anwar Ibrahim. Read and make your own mind as to the right and wrong of what he writes about….as soon as I post this I will write what I want to say about Anwar and Mahathir….the time for reckoning nears for all of us….even for Anwar and Mahathir!
Kesavan Ragavan
First of all Anwar must apologise to the nation.
I worked in a company owned by Realmild via Straits Times run by Anwar cronies. Those cronies do all the things except WORK.
Play golf and enjoy at companies expenses which is against my conscience thus I resigned.
Currently I am 67 years old and picked a profession which supports me now financially. Thank god l left the company run by Melayus at the age of 47. Staying with them no issues. Can play golf, no pressure, eat kuay during meeting which last for hours without any results. I would have retired at age of 55 like an idiot, blank. Anwar was dressed like “dashat” and walk his head high like a billionaire. I haven’t seen Bill Gates walking like that.
What happens to his Bahasa Baku when he was a Education Minister and changing school holidays from December to November.
My younger days I have attended government functions in the evening. Dinner served around 7.30pm. As the function.going on no mention of religion and prayers. Perhaps Muslim participants quietly would have gone and prayed, I wasn’t sure. He was the one made a lot noise about religion and destroyed the country till today people using religion to control the Malays and distant others nearing the Malays. He threatened to destroy Hindu temples.

Sir, frankly let me know. Are today’s Melayu you’re calibre?
So Anwar must come out and apologize to the nation all the policies he implemented, education and religion, to gain support from Malays and not benefit Malays as well as other communities. Mahathir really used him to maximum.to remain in power and chucked him like dirt.
Till today I am not convinced Anwar changed man unless he apologized to the whole nation about his nonsense and he would fight to make Malaysia as a cosmopolitan country.
Sir, (malaysian way addressing) pardon me if wronged.
– http://steadyaku-steadyaku-husseinhamid.blogspot.my/"
Politics | September 16, 2016 by | 0 Comments

People like Haji Hadi may never get this. While he needs 4 witnesses to prove what Najib did, and only because he wants to be on the side of Najib, we, the people, are not burdened by the unnecessary. We have seen a wheelbarrow full of indisputable facts. Call it a judgement call or whatever, we know we have a crooked prime minister.
With the help of a coterie of Machiavellian- Svengali consultants or just plain macais including the half breed outlaw residing now in Manchester, all Najib does is to do anything to hold on to power. He is only interested to hold on to power, by bending the will of the people. If it’s going to be a test of will power, we will win in the end.
And if he has to be an Islamic purist himself or enlist an Islamic purist wannabe like Hadi, he will. His declaration that he fears no one but Allah will endear him to the Malaysian Islamic purists like Hadi and his followers.
Because it’s fun to be an Islamic purist now- the whole world can be classified as your enemies. The whole world has wronged you and you have earned the right to be angry at about anything. Young women not wearing the headscarves, hapless females easily converted into comfort women, males wearing shorts doing exercises, those not like minded, those opposing Najib. And Hadi is ready, willing and able to dish out suitable fatwas.
What kind of leader is that who can unleash the brutality of our legitimate coercive forces on his own people? Our chief constable stands ramrod at the door, ready to implement Najib’s every twinkle of the eye and the slightest penile sensations.
The answer is a man whose constitution is the same like many dictators in the world- Pinochet, Idi Amin Dada, Marcos, Saddam Hussein, Qaddafi, and Papa doc Duvalier.
Anyone, who may be sympathetic to Najib initially, will in the end, cancel out the sympathy because of his or her inherent sense of ethics. The man actually many things wrong and unlawful. No sense of ethics can agree to that. As for Hadi, his sense of ethics is warped.
He is deceitful and a devious liar. He must be such a person- otherwise how can anyone explain of a person who goes to perform umrah 3 times a year and for the first time in his life, perhaps wears a sarong beneath the robes and participate in a mass hymnisation of the holy Prophet? Singing Ya Hana Na does not make Najib more Islamic than he is not. He is a bloody hypocrite.
Since 2009, when he took over, amidst the pomposity and grandiose declarations- since then, what we have had, are years of reptilian rule. Slithering and winding and just hissing. Where are the real policies for example for poverty eradication and fair distribution of income? What has happened is the concentration of power and wealth in the hands of a selected few. He came to power, promising heaven on earth for the masses, but delivered those promises to the select few. He still does this.

I Najib, son of Tun Razak hereby pledge that no one ought to live like this, I shall now pledge to prosper these people. I serve the 30 million Malaysian citizens.I am no Mahathir’s stooge.
And then he approves the construction of luxury housing and does nothing to stop the prices of houses from being manipulated by housing developers. He allows for the JVs with companies building the now familiar and luxury sounding ‘lifestyle accommodation’ while still mouthing his false concerns for the welfare of the ordinary people.He allows for the demolition of our national museum to make way for upscale condominiums. He approves of a project to break our our national monument. what kind of person obliterates the country’s sense of history?
Najib and his Svengali advisors- second rate ministers made to look credible only because of the power of their offices where in actual fact, they are mental gnomes, paid writers and hired journalists, will react with extreme indignation when confronted with facts. The minion of a chief minister described the disclosure of the DOJ, as an attempt by the Americans to kill Malays. Najib, he says is God’s gift to Malaysia. Ismail Sabri, how stupid can a lawyer be- says America wants to go after Najib because he is a Muslim. And the MP from Kuala Selangor says, since the DOJ has not said to whom will the seized property and assets be returned, says that omission is to be taken to mean the DOJ efforts are flawed.
Can we see how Najib insists his sycophants march in lockstep in his diabolical ways? The pronouncements and statements by these sycophants have become standardised and so predictable.
We must continue to be disgusted at Najib’s shameless gall. The one deserving persecution is the embezzler-in-chief and the hustler from Pekan. – http://mpraub.blogspot.my/"
Politics | September 16, 2016 by | 0 Comments

‘They will not or cannot even deny it. This is classic stone-walling.’
WSJ should submit candidates for GE14, minister opens fire
Victor Johan: Let’s all be clear that Communications and Multimedia Minister Salleh Said Keruak in his ‘broadside launch’ against The Wall Street Journal (WSJ), is not a representative of the people and the voters of Malaysia.
He is only making such remarks on his blog in his attempt to hoodwink and create doubts among the Malaysian public.
Malaccan: WSJ is a global journalistic icon and won’t engage in the Malaysian political arena; especially as it is, where rampant and unashamed misuse and abuse of state institutions and assets, including ‘donations’ and involuntary public ‘contributions’, can be used to hide the truth and make empty personal attacks.
This tactic is now synonymous with Umno and its vassal parties within BN. The invitation to duel in elections is standard fare for BN politicians and functionaries as they cannot trump reputable and honourable critics and opponents any other way.
They cannot respond with truth and facts. Salleh does not fool anyone and he laughs alone. But he still owes us answers.

Hmmmmmmmm: The WSJ report is about our beloved PM’s wife. Why does Salleh need to say anything in her defence?
Is he in a position to know whether the report is correct? Does the PM’s wife actually share with him her shopping details?
Rupert16: If what WSJ reported is not credible and/or unproven, the onus is on PM Najib Razak and his wife, Rosmah Mansor, to take legal actions against WSJ.
Asking WSJ to field candidates for GE 14 is just plain bullocks.

Anonymous 2362021442199789: MO1’s (Malaysian Official 1’s) storm troopers will keep attacking the messenger (WSJ) and conveniently ignore the message (FLOM’s obscene shopping list).
They will not or cannot even deny it. This is classic stone-walling. The hope is that Malaysians and the rest of the world have very short attention span and will soon be diverted to some other more pressing issues.
If they could, they would have sued the WSJ for slander and defamation ages ago but conveniently came up with various reasons why they did not.
Hence the WSJ will keep humiliating us and label us as world’s No 1 kleptocracy and drive away well-informed foreign investors.
MO1’s guard dogs can keep barking away until we all drop over the precipice and descend into a failed state situation as the rest of the world marches on.
Clever Voter: Obviously this minister needs to be reminded that the role of the media is much more than just mouthpiece for the rotten government or a propagandist.
Media reporting should ideally be fair and objective. The case of excessive spending by the high-profile wife of a PM attract attention.
Indeed, without the media will government behave responsibly? Quite unlikely.
Blogsmith: Yes, the media is the fourth estate, apart from the parliament, executive and judiciary.
The role of journalists is to uncover misdeeds wherever they happened. They have to protect their backside as they have to check the facts before publishing, otherwise they get sued for defamation.
Ib: Unless you stop hiding the auditor-general’s report on 1MDB, you have no moral standing to say anything about evidence not being available.
Malaysians are not stupid. We want those that have betrayed the rakyat, especially MO1, to be brought to justice
Anonymous 1890491455255851: How about you guys coming out with the truth and backing it up, instead of manipulating the whole system to keep it away from the people?
And please do not continue to insult our intelligence by sticking to that nonsensical ‘Arab donor’ story. No one in their right mind believes it.
And to date, WSJ has not been wrong. So their sources are obviously really strong.

If MO1 feels that his reputation has been tarnished, he should not hesitate to sue them. If MO1 has done nothing wrong, he should immediately commence legal proceedings to clear his name and at the same time instruct the MACC (Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission) and PDRM (Royal Malaysian Police) to conduct thorough investigations into the massive fraud in 1MDB and to arrest the culprits and their ring leader.
Tony Soprano: Going by Salleh’s logic, decades of mainstream Malaysian media excoriation of the US, its leaders and people must be responsible for the spectacle of Donald Trump running for president.
Vijay47: Be careful what you wish for, Salleh. WSJ may indeed put up a few candidates who may win hands down. And one of their candidates might even be in Sabah. – M’kini"
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