Dr M: Embezzling 1MDB PM Najib is also obstructing justice
Dr Mahathir Mohamad (Dr M) says 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB) Prime Minister Najib Razak is not only involved in embezzling state wealth.
In his blogpost chedet, the 91-year-old Dr M who ruled Malaysia as prime minister for 22 years, also accuses Najib of obstructing justice.
And, fellow blogger syesoutsidethebox has picked up two highly “flammable” articles, one asking key Umno politicians where they stand with Najib being confirmed as the United States Department of Justice (DoJ)’s MO1 and another how Singapore and China are holding 1MDB Malaysia to ransom:
Politics | September 23, 2016 by | 0 Comments

Former premier Dr Mahathir Mohamad has said that it’s Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak who doesn’t follow the rule of law, and not the public.
This is after Najib said the Mahathir-led Citizens’ Declaration was not accepted by the Yang di-Pertuan Agong for not being “in accordance with the constitution”.
“Actually the Malaysian constitution provides various ways to deal with problems faced by the country, and this includes embezzlement by the prime minister.
“Read the constitution before making a statement that the people did not act in accordance with the constitution.
“Don’t reprimand people for not following the law when you yourself don’t follow it, but actually obstructing justice,” Mahathir wrote in his blog today.
Mahathir had met with the Agong last week, and handed to him the Save Malaysia movement’s Citizens’ Declaration, which among others called for Najib to quit office.
Najib on Wednesday however said the Agong had taken notice of the matter that was brought up by Mahathir.
“However, the Agong explained to Mahathir that he cannot be involved in what Bersatu is doing.

“This is as the declaration made by Bersatu was not in accordance with the constitution. Any action should be in line with accepted practices via the Parliament and electoral system for the rakyat to make their decision,” the premier had said in a statement.
Mahathir in his blog said under Najib, the people who lodged police reports about billions of public funds were questioned instead.
He also said reports by Bank Negara and the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) were rejected by the attorney-general Mohamed Apandi Ali, allegedly because there’s no case against Najib.
A vote of no confidence in Parliament meanwhile, can’t take place he said, because BN lawmakers had been fed ‘dedak’ (animal feed), threatened or sacked.
“They (the BN lawmakers) are not free. Once again Najib has denied the legal process for the people’s wellbeing,” he said,
Mahathir and the opposition have been pressuring Najib to step down, accusing him of corruption.
The premier however has denied these allegations, while Apandi has cleared him of any criminal misconduct. – M’kini"
Politics | September 24, 2016 by | 0 Comments

1. Now that Rahman Dahlan has identified who is MO1, we would like to ask a few questions.
We start with Pak Lah, the Mister Clean. Mister Clean what is your stand on Najib and 1MDB, now that DOJ has issued its report and MO1 has been confirmed as Najib by no less than a Minister in the PM’s department?
You have kept quiet and seem to support MO1 and recently attended the launching of that RM650m Tugu Negara park. Your silence gives the impression you don’t care about 1MDB or have you eaten dedak like most UMNO members? You are now Advisor to Petronas and are you still Advisor to MAS? Many people know the government built a retirement home for you next to Carcosa and that you are very happy with the house. But Mr Clean, please take a stand on 1MDB and MO1.
2. Tun Musa Hitam, can we know your stand please. Frankly speaking, you too have been quiet on 1MDB and MO1. Is it because you were Chairman of Sime Darby and now Chairman of Sime Charity? You dont read Sime Darby’s Annual Report very well but surely you must have read the DOJ’s report. The DOJ nails MOI as a thief. Rahman Dahlan has linked MO1 with Najib. So no comment from you? So you are actually very much simpler and more predictable than the sophisticated wannabe image that you project. Very much Segamat after all.
3. Next would like to ask Ku Li what is his stand on 1MDB and MO1? Ku Li had an intention to replace Najib as PM so let’s get his views on these subjects as he has ambitions to be PM.
Then there is Rafidah, the iron lady who said she is a member of UMNO. So let us hear her stand on 1MDB and MO1. She has been quiet of late after writing and criticizing the government before this, does it mean she supports MO1?
4. Next we like to hear from the RM240 million cow condo as she said foreign interference could turn our country into lraq, Syria and Libya. This is a lawyer speaking. RM240 million was not enough and her son got a scholarship from Khazanah and yet poor Malays and Malaysians are deprived of opportunities to study at universities and these th_ _ves share the scholarship among themselves.
5. What about the Oxford graduate? His ministry lost about RM100 million under him. Before this, Azalina who was Minister of Sports was investigated by MAAC. Many thieves around but now since the thieves know who is MO1, what is their stand? Cousin Hishammuddin, your stand too please. Your father would never tolerate corruption.
6. What about the former car salesman who must be very successful as now he is scared to declare his assets because of security?
And Nazri Aziz, a lawyer who claims he is rich and MACC did not even ask him where he got his money?
Hamzah Zainuddin who was a businessman before joining cabinet, any comment on 1MDB and MO1?
What about ldris Jala and Wahid who are no longer in cabinet, your stand on 1MDB and MO1 please?
We don’t expect these people to say anything although Najib has been identified by his own minister as MO1.
Rais wants BN and opposition to have a tea party.
As a lawyer, what is his stand on MO1 AND IMDB?
Only they know why they still support Najib while rakyat want Najib to resign.
7. Let us hear from UMNO MBs : now that MO1 is Najib, what have they got to say?
Sarawak state before this said 1MDB has nothing to do with them?
What about MCA, Gerakan, MIC and other component parties? Is it OK to them that MO1 is Najib?
What about YB Shahril the outspoken MP? Rakyat want to hear from those people. Please speak up.

8. The sultans have issued a statement on 1MDB and the various agencies have indirectly replied to the sultans.
AG said no case although both MACC and BNM appealed.
AG even directed MACC to stop the investigation.
New BNM governor issued statement that BNM has closed case on 1MDB.
Our police is only halfway with its investigations yet DOJ America has come out with a 136 page statement and said those named in its statement stole money from 1MDB and this is biggest financial scandal and MO1 name mentioned 36 times.
The sultans can, if they want, ask BNM, MACC and police to restudy and reopen the case – in view of the DOJ’s report. There is no politics here. A serious crime has been committed and rakyat wants the truth.
Our government has been described as a government of thieves and the sultans as the protector of the rakyat must protect the rakyat.
On Malaysia Day the PM wants Malaysians to find similarities in everything we do. Malaysians do not want to be similar to you.
You are MO1 and why should they become MO1 like you?
9. We hope the leaders we mentioned here will let us know their stand as they have influence on the Malays and UMNO members.
lf they say Najib who is MO1 is OK and can carry on as PM, then we must not be surprised if UMNO members are convinced by these leaders that stealing as shown in DOJ document is OK.
If so, the Malays have no future and are doomed.
– By our Editorial Consultant
My comments : None. Just sad.
– http://syedsoutsidethebox.blogspot.my/"
Politics | September 24, 2016 by | 0 Comments

Indonesia recently introduced an amnesty for its citizens who parked their money oversea.
Malaysia did this during the recession but not one cent came back as Malaysian crooks will never bring back their money.
But Indonesians were slowly responding to their country’s call. About US200 billion of Indonesian funds were deposited in Singapore. Singapore got worried if all that money goes back then it will create problems for Singapore.
Now Singapore threatens to report to the police those who withdraw money. Why now?
When they accepted the money, it was deemed clean money as if the banks were under no obligation to check where the money came from.
Where was Singapore’s money laundering law when their banks accepted those US200 billion deposits from Indonesians? So much for Singapore being clean. Where is Asean solidarity when one member can sabotage another?
Singapore is only interested in Singapore and dollars and cents. lt is only interested in itself.
Singapore claims to be clean but its private sector is corrupt and only the government tries to be clean. And yet a Minister was caught taking money and the secretary general of the trade union congress committed CBT and ran away.
Their private sector knows how to bribe but that is quite normal with them. See what is happening in China today. lt is in their culture. That is Singapore. And now M * 1 is at the mercy of Singapore.
Singapore has complete files on him and 1-DB. They know everything. Yet an article in Straits Times (the mouthpiece of the Singapore government) said Malaysia and Singapore now have “the best relationship”. What are they trying to say? “Dance to our tune or we will squeeze your nuts.”

Of course Singapore has the upper hand and can blackmail M * 1 anytime.
Singapore did nothing on 1-DB until the Swiss came out with a statement which forced Singapore to do something. And after it was completed, Singapore passed the files to the Swiss authorities.
Singapore has only charged their citizens but will not take action against Jho Lo. Yes, they closed one Swiss bank and froze the accounts but will do nothing else. They will use the information to blackmail.
Not only are we at the mercy of Singapore but China too. Asean came out with a statement condemning China over the disputed islands in the South China sea.
Someone got a call at night asking him to use his influence to withdraw the statement and he was reminded Chinese companies rescued him from 1*DB.

Next day the statement was withdrawn. We, because of M*1’s stupidity, are now subject to blackmail.
– By Our Editorial Consultant
My comments : Wow. I know at least one Singaporean who will be contacting me on this. – http://syedsoutsidethebox.blogspot.my/"
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