1MDB PM Najib’s Rosmah globally humiliated, the blame game begins in Malaysia
The 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB) creature is so very venomous that no one in the world should even want to touch it with a ten foot pole.
The Unesco or Unesco-linked ‘Lead by Example’ award fiasco has shown to the world how the 1MDB-linked alleged multi-billion-dollar/ringgit money laundering scandal can easily taint individuals and organisations globally.
Whether the coming Sept 22, 2016, award presentation ceremony, scheduled to be held at the ‘A Tribute to Heroes in the Global Campaign Against Violent Extremism’ event at the Metropolitan Museum of Arts, New York, was Unesco's or not is immaterial now.
The global damage has been inflicted.
It has taught individuals and organistions the importance of keeping a distance from anything thing or individual that’s linked to 1MDB.
If not, be prepared to face the wrath of the rest of the world, so to speak.
It has taught individuals and organistions the importance of keeping a distance from anything thing or individual that’s linked to 1MDB.
If not, be prepared to face the wrath of the rest of the world, so to speak.
Here are three news reports posted by online news portals on the Unesco fiasco:
Politics | September 20, 2016 by | 0 Comments

The Malaysian National News Agency (Bernama) yesterday clarified that its report on the selection of Rosmah Mansor, wife of the Prime Minister, to receive the ‘Lead by Example’ award was based on a statement from Malaysian National Commission for Unesco vice-president Alias Ahmad.
Bernama editor-in-chief Zakaria Abdul Wahab said the statement by Alias, who is the Education Ministry secretary-general, stated that the award was from Unesco and would be given on Sept 22.

“Bernama only reported the statement which said that the award was from Unesco,” he said.
The award presentation ceremony was scheduled to be held at the ‘A Tribute to Heroes in the Global Campaign Against Violent Extremism’ event at the Metropolitan Museum of Arts, New York.
– Bernama"
"Organisers cancel Rosmah Mansor's 'Lead By Example' award
By Coconuts KL September 19, 2016 / 13:42 MYT
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Photo: The Star Online
Just when Rosmah Mansor was about to celebrate receiving an international award, the organisers have decided to pull the rug from underneath her feet.
On Monday, US news site The New York Times reported that organisers of a high-profile event have canceled, at the last minute, the 'Lead By Example' award they had planned to present to the wife of the Malaysian Prime Minister in conjunction with the 71st UN General Assembly to be held this week.
According to the report, the organisers have decided not to honour Permata, a children's organisation founded by Rosmah in 2007, as they were concerned about possible links to the troubled Malaysian wealth fund 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB).
The decision came after an article published by US financial site Wall Street Journal last week claimed that the 64-year-old allegedly spent more than US$6 million (RM24 million) on clothes, shoes and jewellery, possibly with funds allegedly siphoned off 1MDB.
A spokesperson for Antiquities Coalition -- who are the actual organisers of the event -- told media in a statement: "Contrary to erroneous reports, the event is not a Unesco event, nor is Unesco giving the award."
Meanwhile, Professor Tudor Parfitt, the chair of the international academic advisory panel for the event, confirmed that the honour had been withdrawn in a written statement cited by Malaysian news site Malaysiakini.
"The committee recommended that Permata programmes receive recognition as they were seen to represent a model for potential imitation in other countries with diverse populations.
"The programme, which was founded in 2007 under the auspices of Rosmah Mansor, has already received recognition for its efforts to help deprived young people find employment and develop their potential," he was quoted as saying.
Parfitt added that questions have been raised about the source of Permata's fundings and although the organisers had no immediate means of verifying the fundings, they were not aware of any specific wrongdoing.
"However, we do not wish this important event to be dominated by anything other than the issue of how to mobilise and unite people in the fight against violent extremism.
"The committee therefore decided it requires more time to review the comments that have been received, and has removed Permata from the list of Thursday’s honourees," Parfitt was further quoted as saying.
The award ceremony will be held at the “A Tribute to Heroes in the Global Campaign Against Violent Extremism” event at the Metropolitan Museum of Arts in New York on Sept 22.
Among the scheduled honourees include Senegal President Macky Sall and several individuals who championed for universal peace like Kenya's Ayub Mohamud, Iraq's Nadia Murad and Nicholas Kristof of The New York Times."
Politics | September 20, 2016 by | 0 Comments

Had there been no official lawsuits filed by the U.S. Department of Justice on allegations that US$3.5 billion was misappropriated from 1MDB (1Malaysia Development Berhad), Prime Minister Najib Razak and his lovely wife Rosmah Mansor would now be in New York. After all, New York City is one of Rosmah’s favourite shopping destinations.
Besides shopping, both narcissists Najib and Rosmah love being photographed and talked by Western journalists. They like the feel of being celebrities – showing off their power, surrounded by bodyguards, and displaying expensive jewellery and Hermès Birkin handbag. Unfortunately, both individuals could only read with great sadness how their deputy is in New York on their behalf instead.
Deputy Prime Minister Ahmad Zahid Hamidi is now in New York City to represent Malaysia for the United Nations 71st General Assembly. Officials and heads of state from around the world are there – including President Barack Obama – Najib’s golf buddy. So, before pro-Najib bloggers plan to write that Najib wasn’t interested to be there, stop bullshitting.
Najib Razak loves rubbing shoulders with Barack Obama. He attended the 70th session last year, promising to welcome 3,000 Syrian migrants to Malaysia. This year, the Malaysian prime minister should be there to receive praises from the American president. So, why isn’t Najib Razak there this year?

The short answer – PM Najib Razak and self-proclaimed First Lady Rosmah Mansor areavoiding the Western media, who would surely ask them about their crooked activities. Najib would be roasted on his embarrassing corruption and money laundering related to 1MDB scandal. Rosmah would be grilled on her humiliating US$6 million shopping spree exposed by the Wall Street Journal.
The long answer – Najib, Rosmah and their band of supporters are panicked after the King (Agong) granted former premier Mahathir Mohamad an audience – a rare meeting. Bloggers, government-controlled mainstream media and other pro-Najib netizens are playing down the Agong-Mahathir audience and rubbished the significance of the meeting, of course.

The funny thing about these pro-Najib followers is this. Back in May this year, the same people were happily jumping like a monkey when Mahathir said the “Agong (King)” was under house arrest. They took it that the Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces was “physically under house arrest”, the same way Commander-in-Chief Obama was confined to house arrest.
Hilariously, Malaysian military was asked to search for Agong nationwide, as if the King was some sort of rare Pokémon creature worth thousands of CP (Combat Power). Even a former Transparency International stalwart and currently the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) advisory board chairman – Tunku Abdul Aziz Tunku Ibrahim – foolishly fell into the trap.

Can you imagine someone with the title “Tunku” saw it fit to lodge a police report against Mahathir, claiming his accusation posed a threat to the country’s national security? Everyone under Najib’s payroll was orgasm when the police interviewed and investigated Mahathir under Section 500 of the Penal Code for criminal defamation.
Much to Najib and his followers’ frustration, not only Mahathir didn’t get to be jailed up to two years, or a fine, or both, but successfully met the King to present 1.4 million signatures of the Citizens’ Declaration, seeking the removal of Najib Razak as the prime minister of Malaysia. Initially, they laughed and convinced that Mahathir will never get to meet the King.

Now, UMNO minister Salleh Said Keruak says Mahathir had (successfully) met the King because otherwise the former premier will be “losing face”. He talks as if it was Najib who “authorised the King” to do so. Weren’t Najib and his minions who were the one provoking the military and police to investigate and stop Mahathir from meeting the King?
Why suddenly granted 91-year-old Mahathir an audience when the objective was to imprison, or at least to embarrass him from the beginning by refusing the King-Mahathir meeting? That was why Mahathir bitched about not being able to see the King, hence throwing the “house arrest” red herring.

Can they make up their mind whether they had wanted Mahathir to meet the King or not in the first place? They’re making a U-turn now because they didn’t expect the King to grant an audience to Mahathir. But now, they’re cooking another Bollywood story – that Mahathir had gone to see the King unprepared when asked about the authentication of the 1.4 million signatures.
Are you trying to say an old fox like Mahathir who had ruled for 22 years from 1981 to 2003 was stupider than Najib who was caught with US$700 million of dirty money in his private banking account? If the King could check-mate Mahathir so easily, the monarchies would not have hadlost their precious power to the dumb Mahathir, would they (*grin*)?
In reality, the King and the 9 rulers were caught in a dilemma. They knew the level of embarrassment that Prime Minister Najib Razak and his wife Rosmah have brought to the country. They also realized the amount of pressure and the risk the rulers are facing when the people have no where to turn to but to the monarchies.
Sure, all the Raja, Sultans, Yamtuan Besar and Agong can easily declare they’re neutral and do not favour any political group. But how long can they stay neutral when even the U.S. Department of Justice and authorities stretching from Singapore, Abu Dhabi, Switzerland, Australia, Hong Kong, UK and Luxembourg are investigating Najib’s money laundering?

Like it or not, the King had no other choice but to grant an audience to Mahathir Mohamad. But what good does it do when His Majesty has no power to sack PM Najib Razak? That’s why one cannot help but admire the skillful Mahathir. He knew the King cannot fire Najib. But his objective was to pass the ball to the monarchies’ court.
Mahathir wants to use the rulers’ influence to pressure PM Najib Razak. He’s telling the 30-million populations – “Look, I have tried forcing Najib to resign but he corrupts and threatens every single agency. Today, I’ve presented 1.4 million signatures and seek Agong’s intervention to do the same. Whether the Agong wants to do anything is entirely up to him”.

Of course, the King and 9 rulers can still choose to do nothing. But would the Internet-savvy Malaysians forgive the monarchies for doing nothing when the country turns for the worse? The question is not about the 1.4 million signatures, of which its authenticity is up to debate and verification. The question is – the public’s perception of the Raja, Sultans and Agong in time of crisis.
The moment Agong granted an audience to Mahathir Mohamad, the monarchy is being dragged into PM Najib Razak’s crisis of administration. The only thing that can help Najib is this – skyrocketing crude oil, bullish demand for palm oil, booming global economy and a sudden increase in foreign direct investment. – http://www.financetwitter.com/"
By Coconuts KL September 19, 2016 / 13:42 MYT
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Photo: The Star Online
Just when Rosmah Mansor was about to celebrate receiving an international award, the organisers have decided to pull the rug from underneath her feet.
On Monday, US news site The New York Times reported that organisers of a high-profile event have canceled, at the last minute, the 'Lead By Example' award they had planned to present to the wife of the Malaysian Prime Minister in conjunction with the 71st UN General Assembly to be held this week.
According to the report, the organisers have decided not to honour Permata, a children's organisation founded by Rosmah in 2007, as they were concerned about possible links to the troubled Malaysian wealth fund 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB).
The decision came after an article published by US financial site Wall Street Journal last week claimed that the 64-year-old allegedly spent more than US$6 million (RM24 million) on clothes, shoes and jewellery, possibly with funds allegedly siphoned off 1MDB.
A spokesperson for Antiquities Coalition -- who are the actual organisers of the event -- told media in a statement: "Contrary to erroneous reports, the event is not a Unesco event, nor is Unesco giving the award."
Meanwhile, Professor Tudor Parfitt, the chair of the international academic advisory panel for the event, confirmed that the honour had been withdrawn in a written statement cited by Malaysian news site Malaysiakini.
"The committee recommended that Permata programmes receive recognition as they were seen to represent a model for potential imitation in other countries with diverse populations.
"The programme, which was founded in 2007 under the auspices of Rosmah Mansor, has already received recognition for its efforts to help deprived young people find employment and develop their potential," he was quoted as saying.
Parfitt added that questions have been raised about the source of Permata's fundings and although the organisers had no immediate means of verifying the fundings, they were not aware of any specific wrongdoing.
"However, we do not wish this important event to be dominated by anything other than the issue of how to mobilise and unite people in the fight against violent extremism.
"The committee therefore decided it requires more time to review the comments that have been received, and has removed Permata from the list of Thursday’s honourees," Parfitt was further quoted as saying.
The award ceremony will be held at the “A Tribute to Heroes in the Global Campaign Against Violent Extremism” event at the Metropolitan Museum of Arts in New York on Sept 22.
Among the scheduled honourees include Senegal President Macky Sall and several individuals who championed for universal peace like Kenya's Ayub Mohamud, Iraq's Nadia Murad and Nicholas Kristof of The New York Times."
Politics | September 20, 2016 by | 0 Comments

Had there been no official lawsuits filed by the U.S. Department of Justice on allegations that US$3.5 billion was misappropriated from 1MDB (1Malaysia Development Berhad), Prime Minister Najib Razak and his lovely wife Rosmah Mansor would now be in New York. After all, New York City is one of Rosmah’s favourite shopping destinations.
Besides shopping, both narcissists Najib and Rosmah love being photographed and talked by Western journalists. They like the feel of being celebrities – showing off their power, surrounded by bodyguards, and displaying expensive jewellery and Hermès Birkin handbag. Unfortunately, both individuals could only read with great sadness how their deputy is in New York on their behalf instead.
Deputy Prime Minister Ahmad Zahid Hamidi is now in New York City to represent Malaysia for the United Nations 71st General Assembly. Officials and heads of state from around the world are there – including President Barack Obama – Najib’s golf buddy. So, before pro-Najib bloggers plan to write that Najib wasn’t interested to be there, stop bullshitting.
Najib Razak loves rubbing shoulders with Barack Obama. He attended the 70th session last year, promising to welcome 3,000 Syrian migrants to Malaysia. This year, the Malaysian prime minister should be there to receive praises from the American president. So, why isn’t Najib Razak there this year?

The short answer – PM Najib Razak and self-proclaimed First Lady Rosmah Mansor areavoiding the Western media, who would surely ask them about their crooked activities. Najib would be roasted on his embarrassing corruption and money laundering related to 1MDB scandal. Rosmah would be grilled on her humiliating US$6 million shopping spree exposed by the Wall Street Journal.
The long answer – Najib, Rosmah and their band of supporters are panicked after the King (Agong) granted former premier Mahathir Mohamad an audience – a rare meeting. Bloggers, government-controlled mainstream media and other pro-Najib netizens are playing down the Agong-Mahathir audience and rubbished the significance of the meeting, of course.

The funny thing about these pro-Najib followers is this. Back in May this year, the same people were happily jumping like a monkey when Mahathir said the “Agong (King)” was under house arrest. They took it that the Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces was “physically under house arrest”, the same way Commander-in-Chief Obama was confined to house arrest.
Hilariously, Malaysian military was asked to search for Agong nationwide, as if the King was some sort of rare Pokémon creature worth thousands of CP (Combat Power). Even a former Transparency International stalwart and currently the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) advisory board chairman – Tunku Abdul Aziz Tunku Ibrahim – foolishly fell into the trap.

Can you imagine someone with the title “Tunku” saw it fit to lodge a police report against Mahathir, claiming his accusation posed a threat to the country’s national security? Everyone under Najib’s payroll was orgasm when the police interviewed and investigated Mahathir under Section 500 of the Penal Code for criminal defamation.
Much to Najib and his followers’ frustration, not only Mahathir didn’t get to be jailed up to two years, or a fine, or both, but successfully met the King to present 1.4 million signatures of the Citizens’ Declaration, seeking the removal of Najib Razak as the prime minister of Malaysia. Initially, they laughed and convinced that Mahathir will never get to meet the King.

Now, UMNO minister Salleh Said Keruak says Mahathir had (successfully) met the King because otherwise the former premier will be “losing face”. He talks as if it was Najib who “authorised the King” to do so. Weren’t Najib and his minions who were the one provoking the military and police to investigate and stop Mahathir from meeting the King?
Why suddenly granted 91-year-old Mahathir an audience when the objective was to imprison, or at least to embarrass him from the beginning by refusing the King-Mahathir meeting? That was why Mahathir bitched about not being able to see the King, hence throwing the “house arrest” red herring.

Can they make up their mind whether they had wanted Mahathir to meet the King or not in the first place? They’re making a U-turn now because they didn’t expect the King to grant an audience to Mahathir. But now, they’re cooking another Bollywood story – that Mahathir had gone to see the King unprepared when asked about the authentication of the 1.4 million signatures.
Are you trying to say an old fox like Mahathir who had ruled for 22 years from 1981 to 2003 was stupider than Najib who was caught with US$700 million of dirty money in his private banking account? If the King could check-mate Mahathir so easily, the monarchies would not have hadlost their precious power to the dumb Mahathir, would they (*grin*)?

Sure, all the Raja, Sultans, Yamtuan Besar and Agong can easily declare they’re neutral and do not favour any political group. But how long can they stay neutral when even the U.S. Department of Justice and authorities stretching from Singapore, Abu Dhabi, Switzerland, Australia, Hong Kong, UK and Luxembourg are investigating Najib’s money laundering?

Like it or not, the King had no other choice but to grant an audience to Mahathir Mohamad. But what good does it do when His Majesty has no power to sack PM Najib Razak? That’s why one cannot help but admire the skillful Mahathir. He knew the King cannot fire Najib. But his objective was to pass the ball to the monarchies’ court.
Mahathir wants to use the rulers’ influence to pressure PM Najib Razak. He’s telling the 30-million populations – “Look, I have tried forcing Najib to resign but he corrupts and threatens every single agency. Today, I’ve presented 1.4 million signatures and seek Agong’s intervention to do the same. Whether the Agong wants to do anything is entirely up to him”.

Of course, the King and 9 rulers can still choose to do nothing. But would the Internet-savvy Malaysians forgive the monarchies for doing nothing when the country turns for the worse? The question is not about the 1.4 million signatures, of which its authenticity is up to debate and verification. The question is – the public’s perception of the Raja, Sultans and Agong in time of crisis.
The moment Agong granted an audience to Mahathir Mohamad, the monarchy is being dragged into PM Najib Razak’s crisis of administration. The only thing that can help Najib is this – skyrocketing crude oil, bullish demand for palm oil, booming global economy and a sudden increase in foreign direct investment. – http://www.financetwitter.com/"
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