Shame’s not in the vocabulary of 1MDB PM Najib and wife Rosmah
This blog posting is a compilation of four selected interesting stories for the day for the convenient reading of No News Is Bad News visitors and readers:
Politics | September 14, 2016 by | 0 Comments

‘Like all Umno people, ‘shame’ isn’t part of her vocabulary.’
WSJ claims Rosmah spent US$6m on clothes, shoes and jewellery
FellowMalaysian: Everyone would have thought that after the expose of the free-wheeling shopping spree when she took off using the government-owned Airbus jet to the US, United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Bangkok, Rosmah Mansor would have relented and repented from her follies as such foolish frolics will only damage the PM’s reputation.
Now Rosmah is back with a vengeance in her incorrigible and profligate ways and this time she has upped her ante to US$6 million.
She claimed nonplussed over the attention she received from the press but she owes the rakyat a duty in explaining how she has got hold of such enormous wealth and money that even a ruling monarch will cringe in envy.
Rosmah need no reminder that her brazen and unrepentant behaviour will only lead to her downfall when all is exposed and revealed.
CQ Muar: There you go again, PM Najib Razak… more scandals. It’s getting worse with each passing day.
With such demeaning and disgraceful allegations being splashed in headlines read by half the globe, our PM shouldn’t tolerate it with his silence and that silly grin. You ought to consider immediate retaliation by suing WSJ… enough is enough, right, Najib?
According to the latest revelation, the credit card spending was drew on 1MDB funds. Thus, how could you possibly deny having used public money for personal gains?
No way you can escape, Najib. Many world leaders like you ended up in misery and dishonour, surely you can’t be an exception, can you?

RM2.6 Billion Turkey Haram: If WSJ report is true, our very own FLOM (First Lady of Malaysia) is in the mould of Imelda Marcos.
It goes on to show how stupid and blind Malaysians are. When Imelda and her husband plundered the Philippines high and dry, I thought the Filipinos were stupid for supporting a leader whose wife spent lavishly while the people are so poor.
Never did it ever occur to me that our very own country would have an Imelda in the making, assuming the report is true.
Mushiro: Yes, when President Idi Amin of Uganda looted Uganda, the world including Malaysia thought that the Ugandans were fools to allow that to happen.
Then Imelda and Ferdinand Marcos looted the Philippines to pay for her shoes, clothes and other extravaganzas and the world including Malaysia thought that the Filipinos were dumb to allow that to happen.
Now Najib and Rosmah are freely looting Malaysia and I wonder what the world will think of us?
Drngsc: Dear WSJ, are you sure that this is not an underestimation? US$6 million in seven years? Please do not insult her.
She gets what she wants, and she wants plenty. I suspect that the amount is probably two or three times that amount.
Malaysia just simply cannot afford her. We must retire her husband and her soon, or else Malaysia will go bankrupt.
Anonymous: Where are the Pahang, Perak, Selangor muftis and all other religious scholars and Muslim NGOs? Not a tweet from them on this most hideous and most ‘haram’ attack against the country’s leader?
The dignity of the FLOM and the good name of the PM is being undermined and under severe attack by WSJ.
Any decent person and especially a respectable leader of a country, if he has any iota of dignity, would sue WSJ for publicly dragging him/her through this mud and filth, right?
Kangkung: Rosmah can spend US$6 million or US$6 billion, it makes no difference as nothing is going to happen to her.

The police, the MACC, Bank Negara, etc, will protect her and her husband. MO1 has powers beyond comprehension, so Rosmah can do anything she likes and she will get away with it.
Annonymous: We are certain all the sultans, the king and royalties will be very concern and will act against leaders who are corrupt and save the country.
It is a duty and responsibility for all concern citizens, and especially the leaders and the three main institutions – the parliament, the judiciary and the king – to act against corrupt leaders who plunder the country’s coffers and to bring the evil perpetrators and traitors to justice for the good of the country and the people, and to uphold Allah’s law as true Muslims in this so-called Islamic state.
One Malaysia: Like all Umno people, ‘shame’ isn’t part of her vocabulary. She ‘rises’ above it all and will not answer to any charges.
Besides, it’s like a competition among the women, how much glitter and glamour one can afford and is able to show off. She wins, no matter if she’s the ‘ugliest of them all’. It’s her own mirror that counts.
Baldev Singh: It is time the Malays look into the mirror and realise that their money is being looted. Thousands of them have no jobs despite having university degrees.
If only the money is spent wisely, all can share the wealth.
MACC must probe Rosmah for ‘living beyond her means’
– M’kini"
Politics | September 14, 2016 by | 0 Comments

There is nothing to shout about at Najib’s declaration that he is not afraid of anyone, except Allah almighty. It was only a Tarzan-esque chest-thumping gesture to reassure him and his home supporters. Mustn’t upset the punters! Bums on the seats, bums on the seats.
The only ones celebrating with him are his toadying sycophants.
Najib’s footprints and handprints are all over the 1MDB financial scandal. No one is blind to that.
We have here a crooked leader and his corrupt government. He has been singled out as MO1. The nature of his links with 1MDB will be spilled out sooner or later. Don’t be fooled by his what-me-worry Alfred Newman’s composure.
It’s disgraceful- nobody is quarreling with Malaysia. The quarrel is with Najib. Najib did not steal in the name of this country. He uses this country to legitimise his pillage. The country does not abandon him, Najib abandons Malaysia.
As to not being afraid of anyone, everyone can say that. More so, such personal affirmation is not limited to the Muslim only. Other people of any religious denomination will say he is not afraid of anyone mortal except his immortal God. Except that Najib speaks in his capacity as PM- what he says therefore has a higher decibel level. But that is all.
He is afraid or not afraid of God, is not relevant to us. Since he is a Muslim, I take it that when he spoke those words, he has in mind, only a Muslim audience. So we shall answer him- hello brader- all Muslims are not afraid of anyone except Allah.
If he Najib is afraid, he would not have created 1MDB; he would not have committed all those wrongdoings with 1MDB. Actually he mocks Allah. Allah does not hurl lighting spears to skewer Najib while he was delivering his speech on stage.

If he is afraid of God, why protect Shahrol Azral, why fire Ghani Patail, why kick out Muhyidin, intimidate MACC officers, some police, and why place the whole of Malaysia in economic harm’s way? Shall we wait for God to reveal the answers to Najib since he has arrogated himself as the chief spokesman and interpreter of whom God likes or dislikes? A few weeks ago, one minion of a leader described Najib as God’s gift to the Malays.
It is not difficult to envisage that soon, some UMNO brown noses will declare Najib as God’s shadow on earth. I think that has already happened when Nazri Aziz declared that whatever the president does, must be supported absolutely. That invitation to complete obeisance is usually reserved for the Sultan who is described in such reverential terms.
Ergo, Hail Sultan Najib.
Just don’t be a pompous braggart. Najib has no special relationship with Allah. Allah is no UMNO member. Or could it be, that I have missed some piece of crucial information that has declared that Najib has gotten special dispensation and permission from God that he can steal, rob and plunder the country? Or could I have missed any announcement that declared that God is an UMNO member who must answer and obey the omnipotent party president? The great leader?
Then, all hail Kim il Najib.
So please stop being sanctimonious by dragging Allah’s name to save your skin. The rapist appearing before the judge in court wears a skullcap and dressed himself in some religious accoutrement. He thinks God is on his side already. There is a similarity between Najib invoking God’s name and the rapist who now appears with a renewed sense of religiosity in court.
Invoking God’s alliance with him, does not excuse Najib from being answerable to the temporal courts should he be found involved in the 1MDB heist and sting job. There are countless others who swore on Wallahi, wabillahi , watallahi.
So we move to the more basic but mysterious question as why Malays especially the UMNO people continue to be complicit with a party president who is deep in his arse with the greatest embezzlement job in the history of Malaysia?
Has the Malay got no moral compass?
I think there is one underlining reason that can explain why Malays continue to support Najib and his UMNO despite knowing and being aware that this man has stolen money from 1MDB. Despite knowing that this country’s PM is a common money launderer. We shall come to that in a moment.
For the moment, allow us to hurl some bitterness and diatribe so as to release our tension.
We now know that he is the embezzler–in-chief. It is impossible for us to accept that as chief, he got only USD1 billion when we still cannot account for USD6-8 billion from 1MDB. The rest of the money may be stashed somewhere in secret accounts yet to be discovered.
This is a kleptocratic government. It is a kleptocratic government, by the kleptocratic clique for the kleptocratic clique. It’s the stylised version of Joe Stiglitz’s government of the 1%, by the 1% for the 1%. The corruption epidemic has infected the sinews and bowels of government. The cancer of corruption is ravaging the government.

In the last few days, the MACC has redeemed some of its credibility and fearlessness by hauling in an ex general and a senior officer from Bandaraya.
We should not be too worried about the admission from Najib’s chief macai that he is proud to be Najib’s bootlicker. This intellectual gnome has nothing else to say but utter some apologetic puke-like rationalisation. We enjoyed our laughs at his pained invocation that Najib is committed to religion, race and country supplication. Every thief will say the same thing. All rogues and scoundrels will hide behind the religion, race and country claptrap.
When we take over this government, we shall freeze all the accounts belonging to the KSUs, TKSUs, and heads of departments, judges and the accounts of those who have leeched on the body government. We will check the accounts of the gatekeepers including that of the cerebral gnome offering his tail in between the legs rationalisation.
Or will UMNO spring to their defence?
Let us get back to the basic reason why Malays continue to support UMNO despite knowing it is corrupt. The reason appears to be known to many thinkers. The reason being, Malays cannot afford to distinguish between wrong and right for as long they do not have economic independence. As long as they are economically dependent on the government, they continue to be pliant and submissive. Hence economic emancipation is the key to Malay liberation- not heightened religious consciousness nor unmitigated nationalism.
As long as Malays depend on BR1M, on command centre economic planning, waiting for government initiatives, rely on government assistance and other forms of goodwill often masking exploitative business agendas, the Malays will continue to be enslaved. –"
This blog posting is a compilation of four selected interesting stories for the day for the convenient reading of No News Is Bad News visitors and readers:
Politics | September 14, 2016 by | 0 Comments

‘Like all Umno people, ‘shame’ isn’t part of her vocabulary.’
WSJ claims Rosmah spent US$6m on clothes, shoes and jewellery
FellowMalaysian: Everyone would have thought that after the expose of the free-wheeling shopping spree when she took off using the government-owned Airbus jet to the US, United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Bangkok, Rosmah Mansor would have relented and repented from her follies as such foolish frolics will only damage the PM’s reputation.
Now Rosmah is back with a vengeance in her incorrigible and profligate ways and this time she has upped her ante to US$6 million.
She claimed nonplussed over the attention she received from the press but she owes the rakyat a duty in explaining how she has got hold of such enormous wealth and money that even a ruling monarch will cringe in envy.
Rosmah need no reminder that her brazen and unrepentant behaviour will only lead to her downfall when all is exposed and revealed.
CQ Muar: There you go again, PM Najib Razak… more scandals. It’s getting worse with each passing day.
With such demeaning and disgraceful allegations being splashed in headlines read by half the globe, our PM shouldn’t tolerate it with his silence and that silly grin. You ought to consider immediate retaliation by suing WSJ… enough is enough, right, Najib?
According to the latest revelation, the credit card spending was drew on 1MDB funds. Thus, how could you possibly deny having used public money for personal gains?
No way you can escape, Najib. Many world leaders like you ended up in misery and dishonour, surely you can’t be an exception, can you?

RM2.6 Billion Turkey Haram: If WSJ report is true, our very own FLOM (First Lady of Malaysia) is in the mould of Imelda Marcos.
It goes on to show how stupid and blind Malaysians are. When Imelda and her husband plundered the Philippines high and dry, I thought the Filipinos were stupid for supporting a leader whose wife spent lavishly while the people are so poor.
Never did it ever occur to me that our very own country would have an Imelda in the making, assuming the report is true.
Mushiro: Yes, when President Idi Amin of Uganda looted Uganda, the world including Malaysia thought that the Ugandans were fools to allow that to happen.
Then Imelda and Ferdinand Marcos looted the Philippines to pay for her shoes, clothes and other extravaganzas and the world including Malaysia thought that the Filipinos were dumb to allow that to happen.
Now Najib and Rosmah are freely looting Malaysia and I wonder what the world will think of us?
Drngsc: Dear WSJ, are you sure that this is not an underestimation? US$6 million in seven years? Please do not insult her.
She gets what she wants, and she wants plenty. I suspect that the amount is probably two or three times that amount.
Malaysia just simply cannot afford her. We must retire her husband and her soon, or else Malaysia will go bankrupt.
Anonymous: Where are the Pahang, Perak, Selangor muftis and all other religious scholars and Muslim NGOs? Not a tweet from them on this most hideous and most ‘haram’ attack against the country’s leader?
The dignity of the FLOM and the good name of the PM is being undermined and under severe attack by WSJ.
Any decent person and especially a respectable leader of a country, if he has any iota of dignity, would sue WSJ for publicly dragging him/her through this mud and filth, right?
Kangkung: Rosmah can spend US$6 million or US$6 billion, it makes no difference as nothing is going to happen to her.

The police, the MACC, Bank Negara, etc, will protect her and her husband. MO1 has powers beyond comprehension, so Rosmah can do anything she likes and she will get away with it.
Annonymous: We are certain all the sultans, the king and royalties will be very concern and will act against leaders who are corrupt and save the country.
It is a duty and responsibility for all concern citizens, and especially the leaders and the three main institutions – the parliament, the judiciary and the king – to act against corrupt leaders who plunder the country’s coffers and to bring the evil perpetrators and traitors to justice for the good of the country and the people, and to uphold Allah’s law as true Muslims in this so-called Islamic state.
One Malaysia: Like all Umno people, ‘shame’ isn’t part of her vocabulary. She ‘rises’ above it all and will not answer to any charges.
Besides, it’s like a competition among the women, how much glitter and glamour one can afford and is able to show off. She wins, no matter if she’s the ‘ugliest of them all’. It’s her own mirror that counts.
Baldev Singh: It is time the Malays look into the mirror and realise that their money is being looted. Thousands of them have no jobs despite having university degrees.
If only the money is spent wisely, all can share the wealth.
MACC must probe Rosmah for ‘living beyond her means’
– M’kini"
Politics | September 14, 2016 by | 0 Comments

There is nothing to shout about at Najib’s declaration that he is not afraid of anyone, except Allah almighty. It was only a Tarzan-esque chest-thumping gesture to reassure him and his home supporters. Mustn’t upset the punters! Bums on the seats, bums on the seats.
The only ones celebrating with him are his toadying sycophants.
Najib’s footprints and handprints are all over the 1MDB financial scandal. No one is blind to that.
We have here a crooked leader and his corrupt government. He has been singled out as MO1. The nature of his links with 1MDB will be spilled out sooner or later. Don’t be fooled by his what-me-worry Alfred Newman’s composure.
It’s disgraceful- nobody is quarreling with Malaysia. The quarrel is with Najib. Najib did not steal in the name of this country. He uses this country to legitimise his pillage. The country does not abandon him, Najib abandons Malaysia.
As to not being afraid of anyone, everyone can say that. More so, such personal affirmation is not limited to the Muslim only. Other people of any religious denomination will say he is not afraid of anyone mortal except his immortal God. Except that Najib speaks in his capacity as PM- what he says therefore has a higher decibel level. But that is all.
He is afraid or not afraid of God, is not relevant to us. Since he is a Muslim, I take it that when he spoke those words, he has in mind, only a Muslim audience. So we shall answer him- hello brader- all Muslims are not afraid of anyone except Allah.
If he Najib is afraid, he would not have created 1MDB; he would not have committed all those wrongdoings with 1MDB. Actually he mocks Allah. Allah does not hurl lighting spears to skewer Najib while he was delivering his speech on stage.

If he is afraid of God, why protect Shahrol Azral, why fire Ghani Patail, why kick out Muhyidin, intimidate MACC officers, some police, and why place the whole of Malaysia in economic harm’s way? Shall we wait for God to reveal the answers to Najib since he has arrogated himself as the chief spokesman and interpreter of whom God likes or dislikes? A few weeks ago, one minion of a leader described Najib as God’s gift to the Malays.
It is not difficult to envisage that soon, some UMNO brown noses will declare Najib as God’s shadow on earth. I think that has already happened when Nazri Aziz declared that whatever the president does, must be supported absolutely. That invitation to complete obeisance is usually reserved for the Sultan who is described in such reverential terms.
Ergo, Hail Sultan Najib.
Just don’t be a pompous braggart. Najib has no special relationship with Allah. Allah is no UMNO member. Or could it be, that I have missed some piece of crucial information that has declared that Najib has gotten special dispensation and permission from God that he can steal, rob and plunder the country? Or could I have missed any announcement that declared that God is an UMNO member who must answer and obey the omnipotent party president? The great leader?
Then, all hail Kim il Najib.
So please stop being sanctimonious by dragging Allah’s name to save your skin. The rapist appearing before the judge in court wears a skullcap and dressed himself in some religious accoutrement. He thinks God is on his side already. There is a similarity between Najib invoking God’s name and the rapist who now appears with a renewed sense of religiosity in court.
Invoking God’s alliance with him, does not excuse Najib from being answerable to the temporal courts should he be found involved in the 1MDB heist and sting job. There are countless others who swore on Wallahi, wabillahi , watallahi.
So we move to the more basic but mysterious question as why Malays especially the UMNO people continue to be complicit with a party president who is deep in his arse with the greatest embezzlement job in the history of Malaysia?
Has the Malay got no moral compass?
I think there is one underlining reason that can explain why Malays continue to support Najib and his UMNO despite knowing and being aware that this man has stolen money from 1MDB. Despite knowing that this country’s PM is a common money launderer. We shall come to that in a moment.
For the moment, allow us to hurl some bitterness and diatribe so as to release our tension.
We now know that he is the embezzler–in-chief. It is impossible for us to accept that as chief, he got only USD1 billion when we still cannot account for USD6-8 billion from 1MDB. The rest of the money may be stashed somewhere in secret accounts yet to be discovered.
This is a kleptocratic government. It is a kleptocratic government, by the kleptocratic clique for the kleptocratic clique. It’s the stylised version of Joe Stiglitz’s government of the 1%, by the 1% for the 1%. The corruption epidemic has infected the sinews and bowels of government. The cancer of corruption is ravaging the government.

In the last few days, the MACC has redeemed some of its credibility and fearlessness by hauling in an ex general and a senior officer from Bandaraya.
We should not be too worried about the admission from Najib’s chief macai that he is proud to be Najib’s bootlicker. This intellectual gnome has nothing else to say but utter some apologetic puke-like rationalisation. We enjoyed our laughs at his pained invocation that Najib is committed to religion, race and country supplication. Every thief will say the same thing. All rogues and scoundrels will hide behind the religion, race and country claptrap.
When we take over this government, we shall freeze all the accounts belonging to the KSUs, TKSUs, and heads of departments, judges and the accounts of those who have leeched on the body government. We will check the accounts of the gatekeepers including that of the cerebral gnome offering his tail in between the legs rationalisation.
Or will UMNO spring to their defence?
Let us get back to the basic reason why Malays continue to support UMNO despite knowing it is corrupt. The reason appears to be known to many thinkers. The reason being, Malays cannot afford to distinguish between wrong and right for as long they do not have economic independence. As long as they are economically dependent on the government, they continue to be pliant and submissive. Hence economic emancipation is the key to Malay liberation- not heightened religious consciousness nor unmitigated nationalism.
As long as Malays depend on BR1M, on command centre economic planning, waiting for government initiatives, rely on government assistance and other forms of goodwill often masking exploitative business agendas, the Malays will continue to be enslaved. –"

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Demeaning? Then don’t allow yourself to be demeaned! And look at that look on the man on the right! |
Politics | September 14, 2016 by | 0 Comments

A picture has been circulating on social media showing a demeaning act by Deputy Prime Minister Ahmad Zahid Hamidi petting the base of Gerakan Penang leader Teng Chang Yeow’s chin.
Teng is said to be undergoing tremendous pressure for Gerakan’s poor performance in the last two elections. He is taking the brunt now after leading the state’s machinery in both the 2008 and 2013 general elections.
What is interesting to me is that no one pinpointed the real campaigner, Jho Low, who had allegedly claimed to be the director of elections for Penang, or Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak who should be the one taking full responsibility for BN’s overall poor performance in the last general election.
Why is Teng now made the scapegoat for Najib’s failure to garner the support of the Chinese voters in Malaysia despite spending millions on the campaign? If anything, his 1Malaysia has turned into an embarrassment with the ongoing expose on the 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB) scam.
The Zahid-Teng photograph, coupled with a master’s hand petting a dog’s neck, speaks volume to most urban voters. It is a symbol of uncouth arrogance not befitting the behaviour of someone who will be helming the nation.
Face it! “Umno’s lap dogs” are three words these days which best describe the existing unhealthy relationship between Umno and the three BN’s major component parties – Gerakan, MCA and MIC. Other small fry like Makkal Sakti and the People’s Progressive Party are waiting to be the next lap dogs.
Besides, under the leadership of Abdul Hadi Awang, PAS appears to be leaning towards Umno as its ‘little brother’ (adik bongsu) in the coming election.
Changing to a different tune
After the squabble between MCA’s Ti Lian Ker and Tourism Minister Nazri Abdul Aziz, Ti has suddenly changed to a different tune altogether. There is not even a squeak from him.
I thought I respected Ti for being bold enough to speak up as an MCA politician, but within Round 2, he is already thrown out of the ring. We can see through the entire irony although Ti is now suddenly blaming it on Dr Mahathir Mohamad.
I wonder, if Dr Mahathir had not stepped out of Umno, would Ti have the courage to blame it on the former prime minister. Would he then have blamed it on Anwar Ibrahim instead?
In fact, I wrote an article to support Ti’s arguments, saying that one major reason why 52 percent of the voters abandoned the BN is because of Umno’s dirty politics in the lead-up to the last general election.
Another writer, JD Lovrenciear, pointed out that Nazri’s challenge “to quit BN to prove it could win without Umno is not only an insult to every Chinese Malaysian who stood by the party in good times and bad these past five over decades, but also tests MCA to the hilt.”
Lovrenciear has hit the nail on the head. The Chinese community will now find it difficult to support both MCA and Gerakan, especially when Ti suddenly pulled back his punches.

Instead, it is now MCA Youth secretary-general, Leong Kim Soon who is going for the kill. Would Leong now be able to defeat Nazri without first convincing Najib that Nazri is useless as a cabinet minister and that MCA still plays an important role in BN?
Between Nazri and the entire Chinese-based party, who would Najib choose? Would he sack Nazri to appease MCA? This is highly unlikely as Najib also needs his lap dog to suppress MCA’s barking dogs and to bring them to submission.
In my opinion, Leong will just be another casualty in the on-going squabble between Umno and MCA leaders. If both MCA president and deputy president are not even sticking their necks out, why should Leong think he can survive the battle with the Titans?
Tough times for BN component parties
As events unfold, it is obvious that BN component parties will have a tough time in the coming general election.
With PAS coming into the fold, it is unlikely that Umno will share its current allocation of seats. Someone would have to sacrifice the seats for PAS, and it is either MCA, Gerakan or MIC.
It has already happened in the last general election, but I believe we are going to see more of it in the 14th general election.
Umno is already in a major crisis, with more members and grassroot leaders quitting the party. Currently, Umno leaders are laughing it over it, but if Mukhriz Mahathir’s words ring true, there will be more defections in Kedah.
Umno is also having to face major attacks on all fronts with the re-alignment of Pakatan Harapan and Muhyiddin Yassin’s Bersatu. Most people in the urban cities, I believe, are willing to give Pakatan Harapan another go, provided that they start doing their ground work in the rural areas.
As Nurul Izzah Anwar put it in her interview with Beverley O’Connor of ABC, there is “the need to unseat the ruling coalition, there has to be straight fights.”
It is no longer cronyism and nepotism, but kleptocracy that Malaysians have to face. The whole world knows about it except certain individuals in the corridors of power. Former finance minister II Ahmad Husni Hanadzlah has claimed that 1MDB has to pay some RM2.7 billion in interest for the RM42 billion loans taken by the state investment arm.
– M’kini"
Politics | September 14, 2016 by | 0 Comments

KUALA LUMPUR – Segambut MP Lim Lip Eng has called on Bank Negara Malaysia to investigate a local bank over allegations of money laundering in an article by the Wall Street Journal.
“I hope BNM as the banking watch dog investigates the matter thoroughly,” he said when met outside Bank Negara headquarters on Wednesday.
Lim, together with Kajang councillor Young Syefura Othman, handed a letter to the Governor’s office over the allegations.
He lodged a police report over the matter on Saturday.
The WSJ article had named two AmBank officials as having assisted Malaysian businessman Low Taek Jho, better known as “Jho Low”, in transferring monies from 1Malaysia Development Berhad to the private bank account of Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak. – ANN"
Politics | September 14, 2016 by | 0 Comments

A picture has been circulating on social media showing a demeaning act by Deputy Prime Minister Ahmad Zahid Hamidi petting the base of Gerakan Penang leader Teng Chang Yeow’s chin.
Teng is said to be undergoing tremendous pressure for Gerakan’s poor performance in the last two elections. He is taking the brunt now after leading the state’s machinery in both the 2008 and 2013 general elections.
What is interesting to me is that no one pinpointed the real campaigner, Jho Low, who had allegedly claimed to be the director of elections for Penang, or Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak who should be the one taking full responsibility for BN’s overall poor performance in the last general election.
Why is Teng now made the scapegoat for Najib’s failure to garner the support of the Chinese voters in Malaysia despite spending millions on the campaign? If anything, his 1Malaysia has turned into an embarrassment with the ongoing expose on the 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB) scam.
The Zahid-Teng photograph, coupled with a master’s hand petting a dog’s neck, speaks volume to most urban voters. It is a symbol of uncouth arrogance not befitting the behaviour of someone who will be helming the nation.
Face it! “Umno’s lap dogs” are three words these days which best describe the existing unhealthy relationship between Umno and the three BN’s major component parties – Gerakan, MCA and MIC. Other small fry like Makkal Sakti and the People’s Progressive Party are waiting to be the next lap dogs.
Besides, under the leadership of Abdul Hadi Awang, PAS appears to be leaning towards Umno as its ‘little brother’ (adik bongsu) in the coming election.
Changing to a different tune
After the squabble between MCA’s Ti Lian Ker and Tourism Minister Nazri Abdul Aziz, Ti has suddenly changed to a different tune altogether. There is not even a squeak from him.
I thought I respected Ti for being bold enough to speak up as an MCA politician, but within Round 2, he is already thrown out of the ring. We can see through the entire irony although Ti is now suddenly blaming it on Dr Mahathir Mohamad.
I wonder, if Dr Mahathir had not stepped out of Umno, would Ti have the courage to blame it on the former prime minister. Would he then have blamed it on Anwar Ibrahim instead?
In fact, I wrote an article to support Ti’s arguments, saying that one major reason why 52 percent of the voters abandoned the BN is because of Umno’s dirty politics in the lead-up to the last general election.
Another writer, JD Lovrenciear, pointed out that Nazri’s challenge “to quit BN to prove it could win without Umno is not only an insult to every Chinese Malaysian who stood by the party in good times and bad these past five over decades, but also tests MCA to the hilt.”
Lovrenciear has hit the nail on the head. The Chinese community will now find it difficult to support both MCA and Gerakan, especially when Ti suddenly pulled back his punches.

Instead, it is now MCA Youth secretary-general, Leong Kim Soon who is going for the kill. Would Leong now be able to defeat Nazri without first convincing Najib that Nazri is useless as a cabinet minister and that MCA still plays an important role in BN?
Between Nazri and the entire Chinese-based party, who would Najib choose? Would he sack Nazri to appease MCA? This is highly unlikely as Najib also needs his lap dog to suppress MCA’s barking dogs and to bring them to submission.
In my opinion, Leong will just be another casualty in the on-going squabble between Umno and MCA leaders. If both MCA president and deputy president are not even sticking their necks out, why should Leong think he can survive the battle with the Titans?
Tough times for BN component parties
As events unfold, it is obvious that BN component parties will have a tough time in the coming general election.
With PAS coming into the fold, it is unlikely that Umno will share its current allocation of seats. Someone would have to sacrifice the seats for PAS, and it is either MCA, Gerakan or MIC.
It has already happened in the last general election, but I believe we are going to see more of it in the 14th general election.
Umno is already in a major crisis, with more members and grassroot leaders quitting the party. Currently, Umno leaders are laughing it over it, but if Mukhriz Mahathir’s words ring true, there will be more defections in Kedah.
Umno is also having to face major attacks on all fronts with the re-alignment of Pakatan Harapan and Muhyiddin Yassin’s Bersatu. Most people in the urban cities, I believe, are willing to give Pakatan Harapan another go, provided that they start doing their ground work in the rural areas.
As Nurul Izzah Anwar put it in her interview with Beverley O’Connor of ABC, there is “the need to unseat the ruling coalition, there has to be straight fights.”
It is no longer cronyism and nepotism, but kleptocracy that Malaysians have to face. The whole world knows about it except certain individuals in the corridors of power. Former finance minister II Ahmad Husni Hanadzlah has claimed that 1MDB has to pay some RM2.7 billion in interest for the RM42 billion loans taken by the state investment arm.
– M’kini"
Politics | September 14, 2016 by | 0 Comments

KUALA LUMPUR – Segambut MP Lim Lip Eng has called on Bank Negara Malaysia to investigate a local bank over allegations of money laundering in an article by the Wall Street Journal.
“I hope BNM as the banking watch dog investigates the matter thoroughly,” he said when met outside Bank Negara headquarters on Wednesday.
Lim, together with Kajang councillor Young Syefura Othman, handed a letter to the Governor’s office over the allegations.
He lodged a police report over the matter on Saturday.
The WSJ article had named two AmBank officials as having assisted Malaysian businessman Low Taek Jho, better known as “Jho Low”, in transferring monies from 1Malaysia Development Berhad to the private bank account of Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak. – ANN"
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