‘Cash Is King’ 1MDB Malaysia evolving from Democracy to Autocracy of politics
The Star online Oct 11, 2016, news headline read: “Three Sabah Water Dept employees surrender RM1mil of ill-gotten fund”.
Have you wondered in amazement how three peons could surrender RM1 million just like that, probably out of fear of being jailed or made scapegoats by the rich and powerful.
If peons can come up with RM1 million in dirty money just like that, imagine how much the dirty filthy rich and powerful, those who hold high and influential positions, can cough out?
That is the reality today in 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB) Malaysia, and the obvious tip of the iceberg, so to speak, with the World’s No.2 most corrupt country.

And Malaysia is certainly becoming the global role model of a country that supports “Cash Is King” (Read as corruption) and of a country that is slowly but surely transforming from Democracy to Autocracy of politics.
Here is a selection of online news reports that reflect all the powerful shadow play behind corrupt 1MDB Malaysia:
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Tuesday, 11 October 2016 | MYT 8:36 PM
Three Sabah Water Dept employees surrender RM1mil of ill-gotten funds

KOTA KINABALU: Three Sabah Water Department employees have "voluntarily'' surrendered about RM1mil allegedly taken in the process of approving water projects under the RM3.3bil federal allocations since 2010.
Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) sources disclosed that the three returned the money after they were called in for questioning as witnesses in the ongoing graft investigations against two top water department officials who allegedly amassed some RM190mil through abuse of power and corruption.
The three were among several water department officials believed to be heads of sections involved in the approval process of the projects under Federal funding.
"They have been very cooperative and there have been no arrests,'' the source said in reference to earlier expected arrests within the Department after evidence linking several mid-management heads came to light.
Four people, including the director and his deputy director, have been arrested in connection with the case.
About 40 others, including family members linked to the companies given the contracts and water officials, have been called in to give their statements.
MACC deputy chief commissioner (operations) Datuk Azam Baki, when contacted, confirmed the return of the money but declined to elaborate."
Politics | October 12, 2016 by | 0 Comments

Swiss Issue Warning : ‘It is equally important for the future health of the financial system that through close international cooperation all relevant parties are brought to justice’
The following is a gist of a Press Statement by FINMA the Swiss financial regulator:
Falcon sanctioned for 1MDB breaches
seriously breached money laundering
proceedings against two bank executives
proceedings against Falcon Bank beginning 2016
breaches relate to corruption surrounding 1MDB
FINMA analysed transactions, processes, controls
Falcon breached anti-money laundering, due diligence requirements
FINMA concluded proceedings beginning Oct 2016
Assets RM15.8b transferred to accounts associated with 1MDB
business relationships with companies in 1MDB Group
transactions RM10.4b via these offshore companies
did not question RM5.4b transferred between accounts
(pass-through transactions).
Falcon relationship with (J.Lo) with links to M’sian govt circles.
did not verify how JLo acquire assets RM560m in extremely short time
or why RM5b transferred to his accounts later date
transaction clearly at variance with information he provided
Falcon failed to investigate pass-through transxns RM2.8b
repayment six months later of RM2.6b via these accounts
Falcon email states: “We started this six months ago and now we have to go through with it – somehow”.
employees expressed serious concerns about relationship with JLo
numerous suspicious factors, key questions unanswered
internal email relating to transfer of RM5b states: “We can’t find any reason why this transaction has to pass through Falcon and not [Bank X] directly to the respective parties “
bank’s decision-makers aware of internal concerns
they decided to carry out transactions.

senior manager warned S’pore branch : “Head Office is watching you”.
board of directors initiated business relationships
bank’s owners initiated relationships with 1MDB Group
FINMA in regular contact with Swiss AG and MAS of S’pore
FINMA CEO Mark Branson :
1MDB largest case of corruption in recent times.
global financial system blatantly misused.
Suspect financial flows in billions
shifted through banks of multiple nationalities
It is equally important for the future health of the financial system that through close international cooperation all relevant parties are brought to justice.”
FINMA has conducted investigations in context of 1MDB
launched proceedings against five banks in addition to Falcon.
FINMA concluded proceedings against BSI in relation to 1MDB
ordering BSI to be dissolved.
FINMA enforcement proceedings against six execs at banks
four of which are linked with 1MDB case.
My comments : The fireball has started rolling down the hill. The MO1 will need properly educated spin doctors to put a spin to all these financial and legal facts coming out in such huge volume from Singapore and Switzerland.
The prepaid pelacur types, the grossly overweight morons, the kerbau gila (Khairuddin’s favorite phrase) will not be able to cut this cloth to any measure.
This is way beyond their mental capacities.
Fear these two statements by FINMA :
“It is equally important for the future health of the financial system that through close international cooperation all relevant parties are brought to justice.”
FINMA in regular contact with Swiss AG and MAS of S’pore
Tick tock tick tock

Facing camera L to R : Loco, Puto, Gato, Lupo, Gordo and Ratta. CDCR means California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (aka penjara).
The 1MDB trial will be heard in Los Angeles, California.– http://syedsoutsidethebox.blogspot.my/"
Politics | October 12, 2016 by | 0 Comments

SHAME ON UMNO’! As Singapore And Swiss Point Finger At Najib Once More
There were more shockwaves created by 1MDB on Tuesday with a series of coordinated announcements by Switzerland’s regulatory agency FINMA and the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS).

These included another banking shutdown; more arrests in Singapore; threatened arrests in Switzerland and for the first time the formal naming of Jho Low and his father in the BSI affair.
At the centre of all these charges and accusations lay the glaring, monster-payments, stolen from the Malaysian development fund and then channelled by these guilty parties into the KL bank accounts of Prime Minister Najib Razak.
The CEO of FINMA, Mark Branson, was quoted calling 1MDB:
“one of the largest cases of suspected corruption in recent times. The global financial system has been blatantly misused. Suspect financial flows in the billions have been shifted through banks of multiple nationalities and financial centers on three continents, and warning signals ignored.” [FINMA Statement]
However, as everyone in Malaysia knows, Najib’s UMNO party will claim that ‘no wrong-doing has been proven’ and that the Prime Minister ‘was not mentioned by name’ as the politically exposed person, described as having received $681 million into his bank account in March 2013 and then returned $620 million from KL to Singapore following the GE13 election (as admitted by Najib).
FINMA/ MAS Statements Decoded
As actions continue to be taken to clean up and punish the facilitators of Najib’s thefts officials have made little effort to disguise the transactions they are referring to.
Just last month SR had predicted that the sudden resignation of Falcon Bank CEO Eduardo Leemann signalled a chaotic situation at the bank, owned by Abu Dhabi’s Aabar fund, whose own top managers had been exposed as key collaborators in Najib’s removal of billions from Malaysia in the US Department of Justice suit of July 20th.

First arrest of a European banker over 1MDB – BSI’s HansPeter Brunner remains grounded in Singapore following questioning, his passport confiscated.
Today MAS shut down Falcon’s Singapore branch; fined the bank US$4.3 million for 14 separate breeches of money laundering regulations and sensationally announced that the Commercial Affairs Department had arrested its Swiss Manager Jens Sturzenegger.
There had been a repeated pattern of failings when it came to due diligence and Anti-Money Laundering procedures at the bank, MAS said, not only at branch level but Head Office in Switzerland.
It was then that MAS pointed its finger directly at the focal 1MDB case in this affair and at the Prime Minister’s relationship with the two Aabar fund bosses, Chairman Khadem Al Qubaisi and CEO Mohammed Al Husseiny, both arrested in Abu Dhabi on evidence of having conspired in the looting of 1MDB.
Al Husseiny was Chairman of the Board of Falcon during the period in 2013 when $681 million was passed into Najib’s KL account and then $620 million received back again a few months after the May election. And, according to MAS:
“[Falcon’s] Head Office failed to guard against conflicts of interest when managing the account of a customer who was associated with the bank’s former Board Chairman Mohamed Ahmed Badawy Al-Husseiny. The former Chairman misled and influenced the Singapore Branch into processing the customer’s unusually large transactions despite multiple red flags.” [MAS Statement]
That customer (as any ‘idiot’ can tell, in the words of Rahman Dahlan) was Jho Low’s agent, Eric Tan, who was sending hundreds of millions of dollars to Najib Razak.
FINMA’s own parallel statement on Falcon Bank filled the gaps on MAS’s story. The Swiss said their own investigation covered the period from 2012 – 2015, identified by Sarawak Report as the period during which Aabar first assisted in the theft of billions from 1MDB, then the laundering of the money:
“Falcon Private Bank Ltd. has seriously breached money laundering regulations by failing to carry out adequate background checks into transactions and business relationships associated with Malaysian sovereign wealth fund 1MDB which were booked in Switzerland, Singapore and Hong Kong…. The breaches in question relate to business relationships and transactions in the context of the alleged corruption scandal surrounding the Malaysian sovereign wealth fund 1MDB.”

Original 2012 power purchase loans by 1MDB were funnelled through Falcon – Jho Low’s side-kick Jasmine Loo received her kickback into an account at Falcon Anyone with links to political figures is considered a ‘PEP’, including Jho Low, his father, Jasmine Loo, Eric Tan, Al Husseiny, Al Qubaisi
Not only has FINMA therefore fined Falcon CHF 2.5 million; banned the bank from entering into relationships with ‘foreign politically exposed persons’ for three years and threatened it will remove its banking licence at any further breech, the regulator also equally sensationally announced that it has launched ‘law enforcement proceedings against two of the bank’s former executive office holders’ back in Zurich.
Potential candidates for such a prosecution include the former CEO of the bank Eduardo Leemann, who had earlier lectured journalists that what the banking industry needed was less regulation not more:

In the frame? Leemann was anxious to please his Aabar bosses
The responsible Falcon top managers, FINMA explained, failed to take appropriate action over suspicious 1MDB transactions involving around $3.8 billion dollars, which triggered standard banking ‘red alerts’, even when asked by staff to do so [red alert points added in bold]
“Assets amounting to approximately USD 3.8 billion were transferred to accounts at Falcon and associated with the 1MDB Group during that period. These funds were generallymoved on quickly. The business relationships and transactions booked in Switzerland and at Falcon’s Singapore and Hong Kong branches were unusual and involved a high level of risk for the bank both through their nature and the amounts transacted. Although management’s attention was drawn to these matters, it repeatedly failed to properly investigate the business relationships,specifically those with politically exposed persons (PEPs), and high-risk transactions; “

Second major Falcon Bank transaction involved Tanore Finance Corporation’s transfers to Najib
Again FINMA focused on the known transactions related to Najib, managed by a Malaysian agent of Jho Low, called Eric Tan.
Tan was also referred to in the US Department of Justice indictment in July as the stated beneficial owner of the Tanore Finance Corporation account in Singapore, which passed the US$ 681 million to Najib in March 2013.
According to FINMA:
“Falcon also had a client relationship with a young Malaysian businessman [ERIC TAN] with links to individuals in Malaysian government circles [JHO LOW]. The bank did not verify how this individual had been able to acquire assets of USD 135 million in an extremely short period of time or why a total of USD 1.2 billion was transferred to his accounts at a later date – a transaction which was clearly at variance with the information he had provided when opening the account. Falcon also failed to adequately investigate the commercial background to pass-through transactions amounting to USD 681 million and the repayment six months later of USD 620 million via these accounts despite conflicting evidence.”[FINMA Statement]
Sarawak Report has identified the transactions referred to in this case as those linked to Tanore Finance Corporation, which passed money raised by a Goldman Sachs bond issue for 1MDB raised in March 2013 straight through to Najib’s KL bank account in one single day… ready to finance UMNO expenses for the election Najib was about to announce.
The Department of Justice has already detailed how the money raised by Goldman was transferred in the course of a single day – 21st March – through a complex financial path on to Najib. From Goldman it had been transferred to New York Mellon bank, then all on the 21st March $1.5 billion was sent to first BSI Lugano (now also closed by regulators owing to breeches linked to 1MDB); then distributed amongst three off-shore investment funds; then sent to Eric Tan’s Tanore Finance Corporation account at Falcon Bank in Singapore and then finally (all on the same day) forwarded to Najib’s AmBank account in KL
Staff at lower levels in Falcon Bank immediately raised the red alert with their senior management about this huge and suspicious transaction, says FINMA. But, their rightful protests were ignored at the highest levels in the bank, purely because of pressure from the Najib’s Aabar co-conspirators on the Board.
“Falcon ..failed to adequately investigate the commercial background to pass-through transactions amounting to USD 681 million and the repayment six months later of USD 620 million via these accounts despite conflicting evidence. In this context, an internal Falcon email states: “We started this six months ago and now we have to go through with it – somehow”…. A number of bank employees expressed serious concerns to their managers about the relationship with the Malaysian businessman because of numerous suspicious factors and key questions remaining unanswered. One internal email relating to the transfer of USD 1.2 billion states: “We can’t find any reason/motivation/statement why this transaction has to pass through FPB [Falcon] and not from [Bank X] directly to the respective parties […].” Nevertheless, these internal warnings were not followed up satisfactorily. Although the bank’s decision-makers were aware of these internal concerns, they decided to carry out the transactions. The focus was always on trying to process the transactions on time. One senior manager warned the Singapore branch carrying out the transactions: “Head Office is watching you”.
The DOJ indictment has already confirmed that both the Falcon Bank ex-Board Members involved, Aabar CEO Al Husseiny and Aabar Chairman Al Qubaisi received kickbacks from the 1MDB stolen money for utilising Falcon in this way. The banks Swiss management were willing to allow it, FINMA says.
Members of the board of directors initiated the business relationships
Two representatives of the bank’s owners who were on the board of directors initiated business relationships with the 1MDB Group and with individuals from their immediate circle. The managers responsible for these relationships therefore attached great significance to them and were concerned to ensure that they operated smoothly.
According to their own statements, they assumed that the two board members represented the will of the bank’s owners as far as these relationships were concerned. Both board members pursued their own illegitimate purposes.”
Again, whilst all these parties are now facing the destruction of their careers, fines and far worse punishments, the author of the crime remains Najib Razak, protected by UMNO in KL.
Further major announcements point to Najib also
Further 1MDB related announcements the same day emphasised the criminal nature of the enterprise set up and orchestrated by Prime Minister/ Finance Minister Najib and managed through his agent Jho Taek Low.
In July Sarawak Report broke the news that UBS Bank had handled major transfers for 1MDB, through an account in the name of the fake off-shore Aabar PJS Investments Limited BVI, held in Singapore.
Sarawak Report illustrated how this UBS account was used to funnel hundreds of millions of dollars in fast transfers (often the money remained for less than one day in the account) of 1MDB related money – the purpose being to fool the fund’s accountants that money had been returned from a bogus Cayman fund investment of non-existent profits from 1MDB’s original PetroSaudi deal.
The Monetary Authority of Singapore has announced that as a consequence of its negligence, apparently over this ’round-tripping”, UBS has been fined US$1.3 million for 13 breaches of MAS Notice 626:
“The inspections revealed several breaches of AML requirements and control lapses. There were deficiencies in the on-boarding of new accounts, weaknesses in corroborating the source of funds, inadequate scrutiny of customers’ transactions and activities, and failure to file timely suspicious transaction reports.

UBS did not file suspiscious transaction reports on these fast flow transactions until long after
Also in the frame is the Singapore Bank, fined $10 million for ten similar breaches linked to 1MDB (Sarawak Report has yet to obtain the details).
The MAS made clear that it has yet to complete its findings on Standard Chartered Bank, which also acted as a clearing bank and receiving bank on a number of these deals and also hosted the vast Jho Low account for the bogus off-shore company Blackstone Asia Real Estate Partners, which funnelled large sums to Khadem Al Qubaisi’s Rothschild account in Luxemboug and into further kickbacks to Najib’s AmBank account, to Jasmine Loo and to Al Husseiny.
Jho Low and his Dad cited in further BSI arrests

Yak Yew Chee, ex-BSI manager finally arrested for his handling of suspicious Jho Low accounts as well as SRC and 1MDB/Brazen Sky transactions
For the first time also the welter of Singapore announcements included direct referrals to the lynch-pin Jho Low and his father’s roles in the 1MDB money-laundering system as two more arrests were also made relating to the nowdefunct BSI.
Yak Yew Chee, who has faced questioning for months and a colleague, Yvonne Seah Yew Foong were finally arrested, making the total of employees arrested from the former bank to four. They are charged with failing to alert to suspicious transactions on Low’s account and to forgery of references for Low.
The suspicious transactions related to the $700 million stolen from 1MDB’s joint venture from PetroSaudi, according to court papers. This was the money, which had been siphoned into Low’s Good Star account in RBS Coutts Zurich. Low and his father later transferred the money a number of times before using it to buy investments in the United States under the guise of ‘family’ money, according to the DOJ.
The charges against Yak and Seah relate to the transfer on Nov 2, 2012 of US$153 million from a Coutts Zurich account of Good Star, a firm Mr Low controlled, to the BSI Singapore account of Abu Dhabi-Kuwait-Malaysia Investment Corp. Three days later, the US$153 million was moved to Mr Low Hock Peng’s BSI account. On Nov 7, US$150 million was moved to another BSI account held by Mr Jho Low. And from his account, US$110 million was transferred to a Swiss account of Selune, a firm he beneficially owned. [Straits Times]
However, whilst authorities the world over are prosecuting in all directions over 1MDB’s vast web of stolen money, Najib remains in KL ‘cleared’ of all charges by his own appointed Attorney General and UMNO party stalwarts.
Much of Malaysia’s stolen money has been spent on keeping UMNO big wigs quiet, as this global scandal just grows and grows.
– http://www.sarawakreport.org/"
Politics | October 12, 2016 by | 0 Comments

In an article on SRC by Sarawak Report, the following appeared:-
“Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak said details on the RM4 billion loan from Retirement Fund Inc (KWAP) to SRC International cannot be revealed as it has not been audited. Najib, who is also Finance Minister, in a written reply to Datuk Mohd Ariff Sabri Abdul Aziz (DAP-Raub) said 1Malaysia Development Bhd (1MBD), the former parent company of SRC International, would not reveal such information before it was audited. “The information requested (by Ariff) is part of the information that has not been audited. “1MDB has a standard practice where only detailed information that has been audited will be shared to the public to ensure that the information is accurate and genuine,” he said. [New Straits Times]
That is Blue Ocean Strategy in practice for you. Create an uncontested boundary. Erect all sort of obstacles. Legislate something to block people from entering the boundary. Apply the OSA. Provide the tipping point leadership in elevating refusal to answer as something respectable. Najib is 5th Amendment-ing himself.
Many of us lost track on the questions we asked in parliament. It is becoming a frustrating and depressing avenue to ask meaningful questions and get meaningful answers. The government places us in a merry go round. To-ing and fro-ing. Therefore talking directly to people- in the streets, n coffee shops is better. Let people listen to us unplugged.

Almost every question asked about 1MDB, and SRC or any investment and spending by GLCs were almost never answered.
I won’t dignify the refusal to answer by asking the next logical question- if the amount of money spent by SRC cannot be answered on account of its accounts haven’t been audited, when can they be audited? I won’t ask in parliament that is. I didn’t ask whether the accounts on SRC are audited or not- I merely asked what happened on the money already spent. Waiting for the audited reports would mean only now applying medical assistance, when the patient has already died.
I just want answers to what happened to the RM4 billion loan taken by SRC and where was it applied? Yes- the usual Dale Carnegieic or Napoleon Hill who, what, where, why, when and how.
Don’t give us the filibuster treatment. Getting a truthful answer is always frustrated by all sort of red-herrings. It’s not audited. It’s still a classified case. We are looking after the money- it is safe assures the PM.
No one believes the PM anymore.
What happened to the 2 goons who were looking after the money? The Nik Faisal person and the Dato Subuh chap. I hear the Dato Subuh chap is frequently sighted at the Chengkih restaurant in Taman tun Dr Ismail while the Nik Arif Faisal fellow is rumoured to be having a good time in Indonesia. Pak- kamu sudah diperkosai atau sudah memperkosai? Bila pulang pak?
They are protected by MO1.
Why aren’t these people brought in for questioning? Up to today, SRC hasn’t explained its illegal transfer of RM42 million into Najib’s account. If Najib doesn’t have control and doesn’t know about his personal account, how can we trust this man with running this country? This man must be thickest PM we have ever had.

Every question on SRC has been stonewalled. Najib and his band of thieves will make sure they are never answered, or will evade answering by giving 1001 excuses. I hope that imbecilic mercenary residing in Manchester will not ask to list the 1001 reasons to defend SRC.
1MDB, SRC or any other GLC for that matter, each and single one of them, is another instrument for extractive economics pursued by blue ocean thinker Najib. They are just fronts for milking money on behalf of UMNO.
Please don’t pontificate about the Blue Ocean strategy on us. The only means Najib understand by which to create uncontested boundaries is to eliminate competitors and create a monopoly or in the case of this SRC, to create a black hole from which no information emerges. Indeed Najib provides the tipping point leadership- everything he heads tips towards the cliff end.
The big picture, is how to steal money using the least cost thieving operations. Justify every spending as part of an overall investment in strategic business projects. The only thing strategic about Najib’s business ventures thus far, is the speed by which billions are sucked into a bottomless vortex.

Almost every question asked about 1MDB, and SRC or any investment and spending by GLCs were almost never answered.
I won’t dignify the refusal to answer by asking the next logical question- if the amount of money spent by SRC cannot be answered on account of its accounts haven’t been audited, when can they be audited? I won’t ask in parliament that is. I didn’t ask whether the accounts on SRC are audited or not- I merely asked what happened on the money already spent. Waiting for the audited reports would mean only now applying medical assistance, when the patient has already died.
I just want answers to what happened to the RM4 billion loan taken by SRC and where was it applied? Yes- the usual Dale Carnegieic or Napoleon Hill who, what, where, why, when and how.
Don’t give us the filibuster treatment. Getting a truthful answer is always frustrated by all sort of red-herrings. It’s not audited. It’s still a classified case. We are looking after the money- it is safe assures the PM.
No one believes the PM anymore.
What happened to the 2 goons who were looking after the money? The Nik Faisal person and the Dato Subuh chap. I hear the Dato Subuh chap is frequently sighted at the Chengkih restaurant in Taman tun Dr Ismail while the Nik Arif Faisal fellow is rumoured to be having a good time in Indonesia. Pak- kamu sudah diperkosai atau sudah memperkosai? Bila pulang pak?
They are protected by MO1.
Why aren’t these people brought in for questioning? Up to today, SRC hasn’t explained its illegal transfer of RM42 million into Najib’s account. If Najib doesn’t have control and doesn’t know about his personal account, how can we trust this man with running this country? This man must be thickest PM we have ever had.

Every question on SRC has been stonewalled. Najib and his band of thieves will make sure they are never answered, or will evade answering by giving 1001 excuses. I hope that imbecilic mercenary residing in Manchester will not ask to list the 1001 reasons to defend SRC.
1MDB, SRC or any other GLC for that matter, each and single one of them, is another instrument for extractive economics pursued by blue ocean thinker Najib. They are just fronts for milking money on behalf of UMNO.
Please don’t pontificate about the Blue Ocean strategy on us. The only means Najib understand by which to create uncontested boundaries is to eliminate competitors and create a monopoly or in the case of this SRC, to create a black hole from which no information emerges. Indeed Najib provides the tipping point leadership- everything he heads tips towards the cliff end.
The big picture, is how to steal money using the least cost thieving operations. Justify every spending as part of an overall investment in strategic business projects. The only thing strategic about Najib’s business ventures thus far, is the speed by which billions are sucked into a bottomless vortex.
– http://mpraub.blogspot.my/"
Politics | October 12, 2016 by | 0 Comments

Singapore’s Aggressive Actions Re 1MDB : AG Apandi is beginning to look even more and more stup_d. Memalukan Melayu.
MAS Directs Falcon Bank Cease Operations in S’pore

Financial Penalties Imposed on DBS Bank and UBS
S’pore, 11 October 2016
Monetary Authority of Singapore today withdrawing status of Falcon Bank
serious failures anti-money laundering controls
improper conduct at Head Office in Switzerland & S’pore Branch
financial penalties on DBS and UBS for breaches of MAS’ AML requirements
actions follow examinations into 1MDB-related fund flows from March – May 2015.
Falcon Bank
Falcon Bank in Singapore since August 2008, HQ in Switzerland.
MAS inspections on Falcon in 2013 and 2015.
2013 inspection found weaknesses in client acceptance, transaction surveillance
breaches of MAS’ AML requirements.
Falcon Bank paid fine of S$300,000 for these breaches
2015 inspection uncovered even larger number of regulatory breaches
serious failings at Head Office and Singapore Branch Manager.
MAS withdraw Falcon Bank’s status as merchant bank in S’pore
HQ conflict of interest managing account of bank Chairman Badawy Husseiny.
Chairman misled, influenced Singapore Branch
unusually large transactions despite multiple red flags.
improper conduct of Branch Manager and HQ impaired effectiveness of compliance
interference wrongful, egregious, substantial breaches of AML regulations.

S’pore Branch Manager Jens Sturzenegger arrested on 5 Oct 2016.
Falcon Bank’s financial penalties S$4.3 million for 14 breaches
irregularities in customer accounts, suspicious transaction reports.
DBS and UBS breaches of AML requirements and control lapses.
lapses in DBS and UBS relate to specific bank officers
financial penalties S$1 million on DBS for 10 breaches
S$1.3 million on UBS for 13 breaches
Notice 626 – Prevention of Money Laundering, Countering Financing of Terrorism.
MAS finalising assessment of StanChart
will make announcement in due course.
MAS referred 1MDB-related transactions by Raffles Money Change
Commercial Affairs Department for their follow-up investigation.
Falcon Bank originally owned by (AIG) known as AIG Private Bank.
2009, AIG Private Bank acquired by Aabar Investments PJS and renamed Falcon
My comments : All this sh_t happened because of the Malay infatuation with anything Arab and Islamic. And the mamak fellow encouraged them into being stupid.
Please note this ok – the Arabs have NO technology.
And now the Arabs do not even have money.
So please stop bringing the Arabs into Iskandar ke, banking ke, business ke or anything else. What is wrong with you people?
Tak cukup ke the village boys got liwatted by the Arabs in Iskandar.
The village boys got liwatted by the Arabs over 1MDB, IPIC, Aabar, Gaabar entah ape lagi.
Non stop kena liwat by the Arabs who have no technology, no good business acumen, no money and no good integrity. Melayu kena tipu Arab lagi.
Here is some street talk ok – that Raffles Money Changer is a Singapore outfit, owned by Singapore Chinese (which is unusual because even in Singapore the Money Change business is monopolised by the mamaks). Anyway the money flowed everywhere, including to and from KL. Talk is there was a KL money changer (a mamak fellow) who was also involved. But when this 1MDB crap started hitting the fan the mamak money changer guy was “told to balik India by Auntie” until further notice. This is the gossip I picked up.
So Falcon Bank has been shut down for good in Singapore. Also note the AIG connection of Falcon Bank. They are all crooks. We must remember all these names.
DBS Bank and UBS Bank have been heavily fined. Even Stanchart will most likely end up paying a fine. All in relation to breaches of the law involving this 1MDB caper.
In the United States the DOJ will also be prosecuting the 1MDB related cases soon.
In Switzerland it looks like that recent Media Statement was a precursor to a Court process.
And yet our AG case no laws have been broken in Malaysia, the Ground Zero of the entire 1MDB scandal.
Memalukan Melayu lagi.
And then you expect other people to show respect to you?
How stupid can you get?
– http://syedsoutsidethebox.blogspot.my/"
Politics | October 12, 2016 by | 0 Comments

KUALA LUMPUR – Sarawak Deputy Chief Minister Tan Sri Datuk Amar James Masing urged his Barisan Nasional (BN) colleagues against underestimating Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad’s influence, even in East Malaysia, now that the former prime minister has turned against the ruling coalition.
Masing noted Dr Mahathir has been seeking out smaller Opposition parties in the two Borneo states and warned that he still posed a significant threat to BN at the next general elections if he could persuade them to join forces with his new party under a united front.
Politics | October 12, 2016 by | 0 Comments

Singapore’s Aggressive Actions Re 1MDB : AG Apandi is beginning to look even more and more stup_d. Memalukan Melayu.
MAS Directs Falcon Bank Cease Operations in S’pore

Financial Penalties Imposed on DBS Bank and UBS
S’pore, 11 October 2016
Monetary Authority of Singapore today withdrawing status of Falcon Bank
serious failures anti-money laundering controls
improper conduct at Head Office in Switzerland & S’pore Branch
financial penalties on DBS and UBS for breaches of MAS’ AML requirements
actions follow examinations into 1MDB-related fund flows from March – May 2015.
Falcon Bank
Falcon Bank in Singapore since August 2008, HQ in Switzerland.
MAS inspections on Falcon in 2013 and 2015.
2013 inspection found weaknesses in client acceptance, transaction surveillance
breaches of MAS’ AML requirements.
Falcon Bank paid fine of S$300,000 for these breaches
2015 inspection uncovered even larger number of regulatory breaches
serious failings at Head Office and Singapore Branch Manager.
MAS withdraw Falcon Bank’s status as merchant bank in S’pore
HQ conflict of interest managing account of bank Chairman Badawy Husseiny.
Chairman misled, influenced Singapore Branch
unusually large transactions despite multiple red flags.
improper conduct of Branch Manager and HQ impaired effectiveness of compliance
interference wrongful, egregious, substantial breaches of AML regulations.

S’pore Branch Manager Jens Sturzenegger arrested on 5 Oct 2016.
Falcon Bank’s financial penalties S$4.3 million for 14 breaches
irregularities in customer accounts, suspicious transaction reports.
DBS and UBS breaches of AML requirements and control lapses.
lapses in DBS and UBS relate to specific bank officers
financial penalties S$1 million on DBS for 10 breaches
S$1.3 million on UBS for 13 breaches
Notice 626 – Prevention of Money Laundering, Countering Financing of Terrorism.
MAS finalising assessment of StanChart
will make announcement in due course.
MAS referred 1MDB-related transactions by Raffles Money Change
Commercial Affairs Department for their follow-up investigation.
Falcon Bank originally owned by (AIG) known as AIG Private Bank.
2009, AIG Private Bank acquired by Aabar Investments PJS and renamed Falcon
My comments : All this sh_t happened because of the Malay infatuation with anything Arab and Islamic. And the mamak fellow encouraged them into being stupid.
Please note this ok – the Arabs have NO technology.
And now the Arabs do not even have money.
So please stop bringing the Arabs into Iskandar ke, banking ke, business ke or anything else. What is wrong with you people?
Tak cukup ke the village boys got liwatted by the Arabs in Iskandar.
The village boys got liwatted by the Arabs over 1MDB, IPIC, Aabar, Gaabar entah ape lagi.
Non stop kena liwat by the Arabs who have no technology, no good business acumen, no money and no good integrity. Melayu kena tipu Arab lagi.
Here is some street talk ok – that Raffles Money Changer is a Singapore outfit, owned by Singapore Chinese (which is unusual because even in Singapore the Money Change business is monopolised by the mamaks). Anyway the money flowed everywhere, including to and from KL. Talk is there was a KL money changer (a mamak fellow) who was also involved. But when this 1MDB crap started hitting the fan the mamak money changer guy was “told to balik India by Auntie” until further notice. This is the gossip I picked up.
So Falcon Bank has been shut down for good in Singapore. Also note the AIG connection of Falcon Bank. They are all crooks. We must remember all these names.
DBS Bank and UBS Bank have been heavily fined. Even Stanchart will most likely end up paying a fine. All in relation to breaches of the law involving this 1MDB caper.
In the United States the DOJ will also be prosecuting the 1MDB related cases soon.
In Switzerland it looks like that recent Media Statement was a precursor to a Court process.
And yet our AG case no laws have been broken in Malaysia, the Ground Zero of the entire 1MDB scandal.
Memalukan Melayu lagi.
And then you expect other people to show respect to you?
How stupid can you get?
– http://syedsoutsidethebox.blogspot.my/"
Politics | October 12, 2016 by | 0 Comments

KUALA LUMPUR – Sarawak Deputy Chief Minister Tan Sri Datuk Amar James Masing urged his Barisan Nasional (BN) colleagues against underestimating Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad’s influence, even in East Malaysia, now that the former prime minister has turned against the ruling coalition.
Masing noted Dr Mahathir has been seeking out smaller Opposition parties in the two Borneo states and warned that he still posed a significant threat to BN at the next general elections if he could persuade them to join forces with his new party under a united front.
“The gathering of smaller parties in Sarawak and Sabah by Tun Mahathir, if he could do it, will have an impact come GE14. If Tun Mahathir could rope in all smaller parties under one political umbrella, there must be valid reasons or justification for them to follow Tun Mahathir,” local daily The Borneo Post quoted Masing saying.
Masing, who is also Parti Rakyat Sarawak president, said that BN should understand the reasons behind the local political idealogies to follow Dr Mahathir and be ready to counter his arguments.
“One must always remember that the winner of an election cannot be taken for granted before the last vote is counted. Similarly, BN should take the fight with Tun Mahathir seriously,” he said.
Dr Mahathir who quit Umno earlier this year is now the protem chairman of Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia, which is said to have linked up with former rural and regional minister and Semporna MP Datuk Seri Shafie Apdal who will be heading a local, yet-to-be-named party in Sabah.

However, The Borneo Post quoted Universiti Malaysia Sarawak senior lecturer Dr Jeniri Amir in saying that Dr Mahathir’s idea of consolidating all local parties to fight the ruling BN coalition would not make any impact in the local political scene.
He said that it was unlikely that small opposition parties could face and take down the strong Parti Pesaka Bumiputera Bersatu (PBB) led by chief minister Tan Sri Adenan Satem, due to a lack of a credible and influential leader who could consolidate and get all the parties in Sarawak under one umbrella.
“Even if the local parties could be gathered under one umbrella, as Tun Mahathir has suggested, I am sceptical about what they could achieve. PBB is just too influential and strong. I doubt they have the room to manoeuvre,” said Jeniri.– Malay Mail"
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