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Opposition’s failure to unite loses the political battle but will it also lose the electoral war? |
Those who have been following and reading No News Is Bad News postings regularly for the past two months will know how much we have written about the Opposition’s mega weakness - unity.
As such, we have also been saying in our analysis that 1Malaysia Develoment Berhad (1MDB) Prime Minister Najib Razak and his Umno-led Barisan Nasional (BN) coalition are set to coast to a relatively convincing and easy snap 14th General Election (GE14) victory.
As the days near to Najib calling for a snap GE14, the Opposition parties look to be getting more and more fractured, instead of uniting to topple BN; while the Umno-led BN is fast consolidating from within and outside.
Given the current politicking and bickering among the Opposition party leaders, No News Is Bad News has no doubt that 1MDB PM Najib is set to consolidate his premiership after GE14 and Malaysians will have to live under the thumb of an Umno-led BN or a new coalition for the next several decades.

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Is this the case for Malaysian Opposition parties? |
"PAS man says ‘no’ to Muhyiddin’s Terengganu proposal
Zulkifli Sulong
| October 4, 2016
A former PAS candidate questions the PPBM president's suggestion that the new party be allowed to take on BN in seats PAS previously lost.

KUALA LUMPUR: A Terengganu PAS leader has scoffed at Muhyiddin Yassin’s suggestion that the Islamist party make way for his Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia (PPBM) to contest in seats held by the Barisan Nasional (BN) at the next general election.
Former PAS candidate Dr Azman Ibrahim said elections were a serious matter and required machinery.
In a Facebook outburst, the dentist said parties which had “no branches, members and machinery” should not expect PAS to let them contest in seats they had lost in the last elections.
This followed Muhyiddin’s speech in Kemaman on Saturday – his maiden appearance at a PAS event – where he suggested that his one-month-old PPBM could take on BN-held seats in Terengganu.
“We do not want to take seats which have been won by PAS, but seats won by Umno, give us these seats so we can defeat Umno. We will defeat Umno and form the government together,” Muhyiddin told the gathering, amid efforts to get PAS to agree on an electoral pact with other opposition parties to ensure one-to-one contests at the next polls.
Azman said PAS’s chances of winning in BN strongholds should not be dismissed.
“Neither should they think that just because PAS has no chance of winning in a constituency, they are entitled to contest there,” said Azman, who had stood for the state seat of Jabi in the 2013 general election.
Muhyiddin’s suggestion was, however, welcomed by Terengganu Amanah, which said it was ready to negotiate with PPBM and PAS to ensure straight fights with BN.
“It will be an uphill task,” Amanah’s Terengganu Election Bureau Chairman Mohd Zubir Mohamad told FMT.
PAS has so far declined to cooperate with Amanah, the party formed by several former leaders following the purge of non-religious scholars from PAS in the wake of the PAS muktamar last year.
PAS, which already has cut ties with DAP, still maintains cooperation with PKR.
Muhyiddin’s gestures to PAS come at a time when the ruling BN is faced with a rebellion led by its former menteri besar Ahmad Said in Terengganu.
The BN is currently ruling with a two-seat majority. It has 17 seats against the opposition’s 15.
PAS, which has 14 state seats in the state assembly, also controls three parliamentary constituencies in the state: Marang, Dungun and Kuala Nerus.
Terengganu has long been considered a stronghold of PAS, which ruled the state for one term following the 1999 general election.
Analysts say the fragile political balance and the power struggle within the state BN could work in favour of PAS, but the party has indicated it preferred to wait for state-wide polls."
Politics | October 4, 2016 by | 0 Comments

KUALA LUMPUR – Brace for a major shock to occur before the 14th general election where it is possible the Barisan Nasional may form a new coalition, hints Tan Sri Annuar Musa.
The Umno and BN information chief said the political situation in the country was ripe for the establishment of new parties, and it was not impossible for BN to form a pact with other parties.

“Give us some time to find a balance and this new alliance will be formed before the election.
“There will be a shock that shook the heart,” he told a press conference at the Putra World Trade Centre (PTWC) on Monday.
Describing the situation as normal, Annuar said Umno and BN parties have reached equilibrium when solving issues among themselves and Umno is now seeking a balance between the government and the opposition.
“This balance will take time because there is a party that wants to form a new coalition as the third block.
“The third block is not sure yet whether to go to the left (opposition) or right (the government). Who knows maybe PAS will work with BN.
“Or who knows Tun Mahathir might become the new chairman of the (opposition) and Anwar Ibrahim wants to work with Najib (Tun Razak).
“Do not dismiss this possibility because in politics nothing is impossible,” he said.
Meanwhile, Annuar said, to streamline the party machinery ahead of the Umno General Assembly (PAU), the party has decided to convert its strategy from defense mode to attack.
The implementation of the new strategy will involve a series of roadshows in each country beginning 7 October.
Instead of focusing solely on the task of governing, Annuar said it was time for Umno and BN are at the forefront of the grassroots.
“We want to reach out to people to correct the negative perception that is directed against the government and the party.
“So I call on all levels of Umno to rise to meet this challenge,” he said.

Commenting on the issue of the delimitation proposed the Election Commission (EC), Annuar said Umno was not unanimously in support of the motion and would allow party members to make objections.
He added that the opposition allegations that Umno played a role in the redrawing of seat boundaries was unfounded.
“Umno and the opposition faces a similar situation because there are some party members who do not agree with the EC proposal.
“Even the Umno Supreme Council permits any member to submit an objection in a group or individually through the proper channels to the EC,” he said.
The original in Malay:
“Ada Kejutan Menggoncang Jantung Menjelang PRU14” – Annuar Musa
KUALA LUMPUR: Kejutan besar dijangka berlaku menjelang Pilihan Raya Umum ke-14 (PRU14) dengan kemungkinan Barisan Nasional (BN) membentuk pakatan baharu, demikian bayangan yang disampaikan Tan Sri Annuar Musa.
Ketua Penerangan Umno dan BN itu berkata, berdasarkan situasi politik tanah air dengan penubuhan parti baharu, tidak mustahil BN akan membentuk pakatan dengan parti lain.
“Berikan kami sedikit masa untuk mencari kesimbangan dan pakatan baharu ini akan terbentuk sebelum PRU.
“Akan ada kejutan yang menggoncang jantung,” katanya pada sidang media di Pusat Dagangan Dunia Putra (PTWC) pada Isnin.
Menyifatkan situsasi berkenaan sebagai normal, Annuar berkata, Umno dan BN telah mencapai kesimbangan apabila menyelesaikan isu antara parti dan kini mencari keseimbangan antara parti kerajaan dan pembangkang.
“Kesimbangan ini akan mengambil masa sedikit kerana ada parti yang mahu membentuk pakatan baharu seperti blok ketiga.
“Blok ketiga tidak pasti lagi sama ada ke kiri (pembangkang) atau kanan (kerajaan). Siapa tahu mungkin PAS akan bekerjasama dengan BN.
“Atau mana tahu Tun Mahathir jadi ketua baharu (pembangkang) dan Anwar Ibrahim mahu bekerjasama dengan Najib (Tun Razak).
“Jangan ketepikan kemungkinan itu kerana dalam politik tiada yang mustahil,” katanya.
Sementara itu, Annuar berkata, bagi memperkemaskan jentera parti menjelang Perhimpunan Agung Umno (PAU), parti mencapai persetujuan untuk menukar gerak kerja daripada bertahan kepada serangan.
Jelasnya, pelaksanaan strategi baharu itu melibatkan siri jelajah di setiap negeri bermula 7 Oktober ini.
Berbanding memberi tumpuan sepenuhnya menggalas tugas kerajaan, Annuar berkata, sudah tiba masanya Umno dan BN berada di barisan hadapan iaitu di peringkat akar umbi.
“Kita mahu mendekati rakyat untuk memperbetulkan persepsi negatif yang ditujukan terhadap kerajaan dan parti.
“Jadi saya menyeru semua peringkat Umno untuk bangkit menyahut cabaran ini,” katanya.
Mengulas tentang isu persempadanan semula yang dicadangkan Suruhanjaya Pilihan Raya (SPR), Annuar berkata, Umno juga tidak sebulat suara menyokong usul berkenaan dan memberi pilihan kepada semua ahli parti untuk membuat bantahan.
Tambahnya, tuduhan pembangkang bahawa Umno memainkan peranan dalam isu persempadanan semula adalah tidak berasas.
“Umno dan pembangkang berdepan situasi yang sama kerana ada antara ahli parti yang tidak bersetuju dengan cadangan SPR itu.
“Malah Majlis Tertinggi Umno membenarkan mana-mana ahli untuk mengemukakan bantahan secara berkumpulan atau individu mengikut saluran yang betul kepada SPR,” ujarnya.
Politics | October 4, 2016 by | 0 Comments

The ruling BN coalition will win big in the next general elections, Selangor government think-tank Institute Darul Ehsan (IDE) deputy chairperson Mohammad Redzuan Othman said.
Redzuan said this was based on the outcomes of past elections, when redelineation exercises were conducted.
He added that the opposition allegations that Umno played a role in the redrawing of seat boundaries was unfounded.
“Umno and the opposition faces a similar situation because there are some party members who do not agree with the EC proposal.
“Even the Umno Supreme Council permits any member to submit an objection in a group or individually through the proper channels to the EC,” he said.
The original in Malay:
“Ada Kejutan Menggoncang Jantung Menjelang PRU14” – Annuar Musa
KUALA LUMPUR: Kejutan besar dijangka berlaku menjelang Pilihan Raya Umum ke-14 (PRU14) dengan kemungkinan Barisan Nasional (BN) membentuk pakatan baharu, demikian bayangan yang disampaikan Tan Sri Annuar Musa.
Ketua Penerangan Umno dan BN itu berkata, berdasarkan situasi politik tanah air dengan penubuhan parti baharu, tidak mustahil BN akan membentuk pakatan dengan parti lain.
“Berikan kami sedikit masa untuk mencari kesimbangan dan pakatan baharu ini akan terbentuk sebelum PRU.
“Akan ada kejutan yang menggoncang jantung,” katanya pada sidang media di Pusat Dagangan Dunia Putra (PTWC) pada Isnin.
Menyifatkan situsasi berkenaan sebagai normal, Annuar berkata, Umno dan BN telah mencapai kesimbangan apabila menyelesaikan isu antara parti dan kini mencari keseimbangan antara parti kerajaan dan pembangkang.
“Kesimbangan ini akan mengambil masa sedikit kerana ada parti yang mahu membentuk pakatan baharu seperti blok ketiga.
“Blok ketiga tidak pasti lagi sama ada ke kiri (pembangkang) atau kanan (kerajaan). Siapa tahu mungkin PAS akan bekerjasama dengan BN.
“Atau mana tahu Tun Mahathir jadi ketua baharu (pembangkang) dan Anwar Ibrahim mahu bekerjasama dengan Najib (Tun Razak).
“Jangan ketepikan kemungkinan itu kerana dalam politik tiada yang mustahil,” katanya.
Sementara itu, Annuar berkata, bagi memperkemaskan jentera parti menjelang Perhimpunan Agung Umno (PAU), parti mencapai persetujuan untuk menukar gerak kerja daripada bertahan kepada serangan.
Jelasnya, pelaksanaan strategi baharu itu melibatkan siri jelajah di setiap negeri bermula 7 Oktober ini.
Berbanding memberi tumpuan sepenuhnya menggalas tugas kerajaan, Annuar berkata, sudah tiba masanya Umno dan BN berada di barisan hadapan iaitu di peringkat akar umbi.
“Kita mahu mendekati rakyat untuk memperbetulkan persepsi negatif yang ditujukan terhadap kerajaan dan parti.
“Jadi saya menyeru semua peringkat Umno untuk bangkit menyahut cabaran ini,” katanya.
Mengulas tentang isu persempadanan semula yang dicadangkan Suruhanjaya Pilihan Raya (SPR), Annuar berkata, Umno juga tidak sebulat suara menyokong usul berkenaan dan memberi pilihan kepada semua ahli parti untuk membuat bantahan.
Tambahnya, tuduhan pembangkang bahawa Umno memainkan peranan dalam isu persempadanan semula adalah tidak berasas.
“Umno dan pembangkang berdepan situasi yang sama kerana ada antara ahli parti yang tidak bersetuju dengan cadangan SPR itu.
“Malah Majlis Tertinggi Umno membenarkan mana-mana ahli untuk mengemukakan bantahan secara berkumpulan atau individu mengikut saluran yang betul kepada SPR,” ujarnya.
Politics | October 4, 2016 by | 0 Comments

The ruling BN coalition will win big in the next general elections, Selangor government think-tank Institute Darul Ehsan (IDE) deputy chairperson Mohammad Redzuan Othman said.
Redzuan said this was based on the outcomes of past elections, when redelineation exercises were conducted.
“History shows that each time there is a redelineation, BN will record a big win. BN’s victory in 2004, most people think it was solely because of the Pak Lah (feel good) factor.
“But actually it is not. Pak Lah was only one factor,” Redzuan said in an interview with Sinar Harian today.
In the 2004 polls, then-premier Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, better known as Pak Lah, led BN to its biggest win since 1978, capturing 198 out of 219 parliamentary seats, and 63.9 percent of the popular vote.
PAS only held on to seven of the 27 seats it had previously won, while PKR lost four out of five seats with party president Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail barely holding on to Permatang Pauh with a 509 vote majority.
Only DAP improved, gaining two extra seats to bag 12 parliamentary constituencies in total.
“Most of these seats which was by the opposition in 1999 was recaptured by BN not because of the Pak Lah factor, but instead it was due to redelineation,” Redzuan said,
The current redelineation exercise has been widely panned as a BN gambit to hold on to power, at the cost of causing greater racial polarisation in Malaysia, as studies show the new boundaries create constituencies that are dominated by one ethnic group or another.

Redzuan, who is also Universiti Selangor (Unisel) vice chancellor, said redelineation along racial lines had been carried out in 2004 as well.
Back then, he said, many Malays were upset with the government following Anwar Ibrahim’s black eye incident, while the Chinese were solidly behind BN.
Thus he said, the redelineation sought to create more mixed seats to balance out Malay sentiments.
However this worked the other way in 2008, where mixed-seats swung their support to the opposition, he noted.
“So this new redelineation, will be carried out according to groups. Malays are in one group, the Chinese in another.”
Redzuan said the redelineation exercise can be considered a “cheating and legalising a lie”.
“They will win in an ungentlemanly manner,” he added.
– M’kini"
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