Slowly but surely, more and more unfolds in 1MDB Malaysia’s Sabah political earthquake
Sabah Deputy Chief Minister Joseph Pairin Kitingan is displaying signs of “unease” over the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC)’s arrest of the two top Sabah Water Works Department officers.
He had to issue a second statement, contradicting his first, within hours.
Why? No News Is Bad News will leave it to the wisdom of our learned visitors and readers to form their own judgment on the political intrigue that is “rocking” politics in 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB) Malaysia’s Sabah, one of the two East Malaysia states.
The arrests and seizure of RM114 million in cash, valuables and assets is believed to be only the tip of the iceberg and unwittingly being played out by high-level politicians from both sides of the political divide.
And 1MDB Prime Minister Najib Razak’s Umno-led Barisan Nasional (BN) politicians are especially uncomfortable with the political rumblings in Sabah because Sabah and Sarawak are regarded as the two BN “fixed deposits” in the next general election (GE) or snap GE14.
Losing any of the two states may just end Alliance/BN’s federal rule since Merdeka (Independence) 1957.
Read this for context to try and unravel the mystery of the significance of the news report by BORNEOTODAY: (also reproduced below for your convenient reading)
October 7, 2016

“I understand that this particular RM3.3 billion worth of federal projects is under the Ministry Of Rural and Regional Development, of which my ministry does not handle.” – Pairin in a second statement late Friday.
KOTA KINABALU – The controversial RM3.3 billion worth of water projects to Sabah, now under the intense probe of the Malaysian Anti Corruption Commission, was handled direct by the Ministry of Rural and Regional Development.
In a sudden twist of events, Tan Sri Joseph Pairin Kitingan has now denied that federal funds meant for the water projects in Sabah, did not go through his Infrastructure Development Ministry.
Contradicting an earlier statement sent out Friday morning, Pairin who is also Sabah Deputy Chief Minister, said the RM3.3 billion worth of federal projects came under the federal Ministry of Rural and Regional Development, (which was) once headed by Datuk Shafie Apdal.
Pairin, in his second statement issued Friday evening through his office via Whatsapp, now said his ministry would leave no stone unturned in investigating two of his officers (in the Sabah Water Department) suspected of corruption and abuse of power.
“I understand that this particular RM3.3 billion worth of federal (water) projects is under the Ministry of Rural and Regional Development, of which my ministry does not handle,” he said.
Pairin who is also Infrastructure Development Minister said he was truly shocked when he heard of the arrest, stories and photographs being circulated in social media.
Earlier in the first statement, Pairin was quoted as saying he hopes the two Sabah Water Department officials arrested for graft earlier this week, can explain themselves “properly” to the MACC so they can return to work peacefully after the investigations end.
Although he did not name them – Water Department Director, Ag Mohd Tahir Mohd Talib, and his deputy, Teo Chee Kong – Pairin said it was “sad to read in the newspapers and to know that two of my top officers have been taken in by the MACC for questioning recently.”
“In the meantime, we can be comforted by the law which states that a person is presumed innocent until proven otherwise,” he added.
The Water Department comes under the purview of Pairin’s ministry.
He said the allocations were directly channelled to the State Water Department as the implementing agency without the Ministry’s knowledge.
He said the procurement of the projects as well as the payments were handled by the Ministry of Rural and Regional Development and the State Water Department.
“In light of this development, my ministry will study and propose an appropriate reporting system, which will put the ministry in the loop,” he said.
On Wednesday, the MACC broke the news of Malaysia’s high-profile RM3.3 billion graft investigation.
The MACC also displayed a whopping haul of RM114 million worth in cash, jewelry, land grants and branded goods that they said had been seized from the duo’s properties, bank accounts and safety deposit boxes held by them and their family from around the state capital city.
Shafie was once Umno Vice President and Minister of Rural and Regional Development. Today he is waiting approval for a new Sabah-based multi-racial party.
KOTA KINABALU: Sabah Deputy Chief Minister Tan Sri Joseph Pairin Kitingan said his ministry would leave no stone unturned in investigating two of his officers suspected of corruption and abuse of power.
He said his ministry would extend its full cooperation to MACC in the investigation of the case.
Pairin who is also Infrastructure Development Minister said he was truly shocked when he heard of the arrest, stories and photographs being circulated in social media.
“I understand that this particular RM3.3 billion worth of federal projects is under the Ministry Of Rural and Regional Development, of which my ministry does not handle,” he said.
He said the allocations were directly channelled to the State Water Department as the implementing agency without the Ministry’s knowledge.
He said the procurement of the projects as well as the payments were handled by the Ministry of Rural and Regional Development and the State Water Department.
“In light of this development, my ministry will study and propose an appropriate reporting system, which will put the ministry in the loop,” he said. - BORNEOTODAY"
What’s really happening to 1MDB Malaysia’s politics, especially in Sabah?
Was the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC)’s detention of two top Sabah Water Department officers and the seizure of RM114 million in cash, valuables and assets really just an ordinary anti-graft enforcement action?
The arrests of the duo, the department’s director and his deputy, are in connection with alleged “kickbacks” from RM3.3 billion of projects over the years.
Is the case that simple and straight forward? Or is it just the tip of the iceberg involving high level politics and MACC really flexing its muscles?
If it is really a case of the MACC flexing its muscles against high level politicians and dirty politics, No News Is Bad News salutes the MACC.
Has the MACC really done with just going after the “ikan bilis” (anchovies) and are now after the “sharks” in the anti-graft war? If so, we wish to correct our and the public’s perception that the MACC is just another spineless enforcement agency.
This blog posting is triggered by a WhatsApp posting that is circulating in Malaysia.
We are really not sure of its accuracy but we will share it verbatim (but heavily censored) with No News Is Bad News visitors and readers, and leave it to them to form their own judgment and accuracy. And neither do we know the origin of the author:
Here’s the WhatsApp content (heavily censored):
"SOURCES: Whatsapp
Beberapa fakta menarik:-
1) Pengarah Air Sabah ialah Bendahari XXX. That fact explains a lot!
2) For years the money have been accumulated for election and XXX disbursement.
3) All top brass know about the money. Because at all times, they would need large cash to give out.
4) No banks in Sabah could withdraw such large cash. That amount of money must have been transported from Semenanjung.
5) Yesterday top leader tegur Pengarah SPRM Sabah, “You should get my advice first before the raid!”
Because now XXX has lost that money.
6) This is a retaliation by SPRM.
SPRM retaliated in style. Such publicity would make the action irreversible.
7) They changed and harassed SPRM boss, made them retire early. Now SPRM caught the entire XXX off guard. Who will be next? XXX?
8) Such a big rampasan (equivalent to Mexican drug cartels) ... until now zero comment from any Menteri Persekutuan at Putrajaya? Neither puji SPRM nor condemning that act of corruption.
This is my analysis of the Sabah corruption case.
The MACC is a potent tool for XXX.
There is now a clear and present danger for XXX and XXX.
When XXX quit, he is a major threat to XXX. He is now a force to be reckoned with in Sabah politics. With the looming general elections, Sabah n sarawAK will be the King maker.
These two jokers from Sabah Water Department are proxies and must be aligned to XXX to have kept $55 million cash lying around all over.
With so much money belonging to them if these are really theirs, only idiots will carelessly leave them all over the place. These are clearly election funds supposedly belonging to XXX originally but due to the split, is now for XXX’s faction so we have a blow out.
Now, this is really getting interesting. Had this been a genuine MACC bust( which I think is quite impossible without inside n privileged information) this episode will be amicable settled with all those involved sufficiently rewarded and no blow out at all. Say in total with known overseas ac of $60, Million total about $ 120 million or more, these two jokers will be allowed to keep $20 million each n the rest ..... for XXX n all those in power and in the know about this. The public as always will be blind sided.until now!
Don’t you think that this is the SOP in all such cases?
Why is it now that the SOP has changed?
The dynamics of XXX Sabah n Sarawak n hopefully peninsula has changed
XXX n XXX have fissures and cracks due to 1 MDB. The fight is now in the open for all to see! I am certain we will see more dirty linen washed publicly.
This the tip of the iceberg and and hopefully we get to see the whole iceberg that will bring down this corrupt XXX, XXX ... which had robbed the rakyat in TITANIC proporations all these years!!
Now is the beginning of the end. As much as XXX n the XXX believe that they are winning the battles there is still a WAR to be won!
Thanks to XXX, the pandora box is opened to end this XXX dominance!
God help Malaysia!!!!!"
And here are the related media reports all fetched from the Malaysian-banned online news portal Malaysia Chronicle:
Politics | October 7, 2016 by | 0 Comments

KOTA KINABALU – The state government had nothing to do with the RM3.3bil federal allocations as it was directly channelled to the state water department from the Federal-level Rural and Regional Development Ministry.
“I understand that this particular RM3.3bil worth of federal projects allocated since 2010 is under the Rural and Regional Development Ministry, which my ministry does not handle,” Sabah infrastructure development minister Tan Sri Joseph Pairin Kitingan said in a second statement issued Friday.
Pairin, whose state-level ministry also oversees the state water department, said the allocations were directly channelled to the department as the implementing agency without his ministry’s knowledge.
Pairin said the procurement of the projects as well as the payments were handled by the Federal-level ministry and the state water department.
“In light of this development, my ministry will study and propose an appropriate reporting system, which will put the ministry in the loop,” he said.
He said that his ministry would provide full assistance to the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Agency (MACC), which is investigating the department’s director and deputy director for allegedly amassing more than RM115mil through kickbacks from contracts.
Politics | October 7, 2016 by | 0 Comments

Foreign Minister Anifah Aman dismissed claims linking him to the high-profile graft case in Sabah as “preposterous and false”.
He said this in reference to allegations that the director and deputy director of a utilities company arrested by the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) were linked to Kimanis Umno, which Anifah heads.
MACC seized RM114.5 million, including RM53 million in cash, from the duo which was believed to have been corruptly obtained through their positions, where they oversaw RM3.3 billion in infrastructure projects.
“I refer to allegations being circulated that the recent arrests of two top officers of the Sabah Water Department and seizures of cash, jewellery and assets by MACC are related to Kimanis Umno and I as the Minister of Foreign Affairs Malaysia.
“These allegations are preposterous and false.
“Kimanis Umno and I are not in any way involved or implicated in the case under investigation,” Anifah said in a statement today.
He added that action would be taken against those who made the false allegations.
“We will not hesitate to take any legal action should these defamatory statements continue to be published,” he said.
Anifah said the MACC should be allowed to do its job fairly and without interference.– M’kini"
Politics | October 7, 2016 by | 0 Comments

KOTA KINABALU – The Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) is roping in international help in their investigation on the massive RM3.3 billion scandal involving the two Sabah utility department officials.
Its deputy chief commissioner (operations) Datuk Azam Baki said that it would utilise provisions under the Mutual Legal Assistance (MLA) to work with their counterparts in at least one neighbouring country to look into bank accounts belonging to the duo.
Yesterday, he told reporters that they were investigating leads into the two’s overseas accounts, but declined to say where or how much was involved.
MACC have already frozen local bank accounts belonging to the two, their siblings and other relatives linked to their dealings as well as their accountant, totalling some RM60 million.
The MACC are investigating the 54-year-old director, his 51-year-old deputy ,the latter’s 55-year-old businessman brother who carries the title Datuk, and his accountant, 50, for alleged corruption and money laundering.
“As of now, there have yet to be new arrests but we have taken statements from six people ― the staff and contractor recipients of the utility department involved. We are expecting to call up at least 40 more people to help with the case ― most of them staff and contractors as well,” he said when contacted.

Family members of the suspects were also cooperating with authorities in the investigation and have not attempted to flee the country. They are also expected to be called in for questioning soon.
Azam said that director involved in the case had utilised 17 companies belonging to his siblings and proxies to award federal-approved contracts under his department while the deputy director used 21 companies under his sibling’s names.
A special task force that was formed last year with over 70 officers have been investigating this case.
Yesterday, they announced the record-breaking RM114.5 million haul including RM52 million in cash stored in the homes and offices of the two, allegedly obtained from kickbacks involving RM3.3 billion worth of federal projects.
The case attracted attention for the eye-watering amount of cash involved as well as the nine luxury cars, 94 branded handbags, watches, gold jewelry and land grants seized during the raid.
– Malay Mail”
Politics | October 7, 2016 by | 0 Comments

KOTA KINABALU — Sabah Deputy Chief Minister Tan Sri Joseph Pairin Kitingan said today he is “sad” that two of his top officers were implicated in the one of the country’s largest ever corruption busts.
Pairin who is also state infrastructure development minister said he had learnt from newspaper reports that the duo held by the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) in the high-profile RM3.3 billion graft investigation are from the Sabah Water Department.

“It is sad to read in the newspapers and to know that two of my top officers have been taken in by the MACC for questioning recently,” he said in a statement.
He added that he has yet to receive any official report on their arrests.
“My permanent secretary and also the state secretary have advised me to wait for an official report or await for future developments to take place before certain procedures will have to be activated.
“In the meantime, we can be comforted by the law which states that a person is presumed innocent until proven otherwise,” he added.
Pairin also said he hoped the two officers can explain themselves “properly” to the MACC so they can return to work peacefully after the investigations end.
The MACC recently arrested two senior officials of an unnamed state agency for alleged corruption.
The national graft fighters have since held a news conference here where they announced and displayed a whopping haul of RM114 million worth in cash, jewellery, land grants and branded goods that they said had been seized from the duo’s properties, bank accounts and safety deposit boxes held by them and their family from around the state capital city.
The total wealth amassed is expected to grow as the MACC enlist professional pawnbrokers to evaluate the value of the items seized later today.
Four people are currently under remand pending the completion of investigations, upon which they may be charged. They are the state department director, 54, his 51-year-old deputy and 55-year-old businessman brother who carries the “Datuk” title, and his accountant, 50.
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