In MDB Malaysia: 'So if kicking someone is not an offence, and if throwing eggs at someone is not an offence, why is a yellow balloon an offence?'
This blog posting has two online news portal malaysiakini news that should interest No News Is Bad News visitors and regular readers.
The first is an interview with former prime minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad who says if PAS decides to go solo into the 14th General Election (GE14), then it is helping 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB) Prime Minister Najib Razak’s Umno-led Barisan Nasional (BN).
The second is a news analysis, round-up plus readers' comments of the Umno-linked Red Shirts mobsters who went about intimidating and assaulting the Bersih (Clean) 5 nationwide convoy that was organised to promote its Nov 19, 2016, rally.
The irony of lawlessness Malaysia is that dropping yellow balloons with the words Bersih in a shopping mall is an offence but kicking and assaulting people, pelting people with eggs are no offences.
Here are the two stories as re-posted by the Malaysian-banned online news portal Malaysia Chronicle:
Politics | October 11, 2016 by | 0 Comments

Dr Mahathir Mohamad shocked Malaysians last month when he turned up at the High Court in Kuala Lumpur to meet his former deputy turned nemesis, Anwar Ibrahim.
The image of the two smiling political titans shaking hands, for the first time in 18 years, quickly went viral` and became an iconic moment.
But many were let down when Mahathir said he was only there to support Anwar’s bid to quash the National Security Council Act, and that they did not make peace.
However, one month later, the 91-year-old former prime minister indicated, in an exclusive interview with Malaysiakini, that any bad feelings the two had for each other were no more.
“I have already buried the hatchet,” Mahathir said.
Asked if he felt there was no more bad blood between him and Anwar, he simply replied: “I should hope so.”
However, the brief answers he gave when asked about Anwar were in stark contrast with the rest of the interview.
Perhaps Mahathir was not quite ready to open up about how he felt, being on the same side again with the man who was once his heir apparent.
Either that, or he is still not yet Anwar’s biggest fan and would rather not dwell on the subject.
The two had a bitter fall out in 1998, when Anwar began accusing Mahathir of corruption and cronyism, prompting the latter to sack the former as deputy prime minister.
Anwar was then charged with sodomy and corruption, and sentenced to jail in 1999. The sodomy conviction was overturned by the Federal Court in 2004.
The PKR de facto leader had claimed that the charge against him was politically motivated, but Mahathir dismissed this.
“The police say they have evidence, it is their business to decide (to charge Anwar),” Mahathir said.
He also denied knowledge on whether the second sodomy conviction against Anwar was also politically motivated, saying: “I wouldn’t know, that came after I stepped down.”

As for how far he’s willing to work with his former blue-eyed boy to take down Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak, Mahathir simply he did not know how to measure “the distance of working”, but noted that up till now, the two of them “are working together.”
In the following excerpt of Malaysiakini’s exclusive interview, the Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia (Bersatu) chairperson talks about his new party and the opposition’s chances of winning the next general election, and what role PAS would play.
The interview has been edited for language and brevity.
Do you think Bersatu can win rural Malay seats in the next election?
Enough seats.
Can Bersatu and the opposition win the next election?
We have a good chance to win, provided we don’t fight each other.
Even with the alleged gerrymandering?
Even with the gerrymandering. If we can control corruption, stop Najib from buying votes, we have a fair election, a clean election, I think we have a very good chance of winning.
Do you think that is going to happen, or do you think Najib will cheat?
He will try and cheat, he will try and use money. But I think we will campaign against corruption.
PAS has said it is unwilling to join the opposition, unless they accept an Islamist agenda?
We have been discussing. There are means and ways of overcoming that.
What is your advice to DAP and PAS?

Think about the objective. The objective is to overthrow this government, and the best way to overthrow the government is for us to work as one party
So you are confident you can get PAS on board?
I don’t know about that, I won’t say I’m confident, but some way of working together can be found.
If PAS decides to team up with Umno, or throw a wrench at the opposition by contesting in three-cornered fights, will it flush all your plans down the drain?
It might, we may not get the majority. In fact, if PAS does that, PAS is supporting Najib’s 1MDB.
– M’kini"
Politics | October 11, 2016 by | 0 Comments

‘It seems police have been instructed to ignore the blatant intimidation of Jamal and thugs.’
Trueglitter: Incredulously, the cries of those Bersih supporters who were unceremoniously bashed and outrageously intimated by the hordes of menacing and provocative Umno Youth members and “red shirts” hooligans during their course of rallying for support for Bersih 5 rally would unambiguously be likened to the helpless cries in the wilderness – unheard and unheeded by the very perpetrators who had set their “hounds” loose on their rampage.
As law-abiding citizens, we are understandably disgusted and utterly demoralised at the state of lawlessness and depth of utter despair at which the nation has descended into.
Clearly, the unprecedented and highly oppressive measures undertaken by Umno Youth and the “red shirts” group have apparently been emboldened and condoned by the authoritative leaders within their party.
However, blood of the innocence will be on their hands in the unfortunate event their despicable and violent acts of provocation unpalatably become a disastrous confrontation.
Oxymoronictendencies: It seems the police have been instructed to ignore the blatant incitement and intimidation of Sungai Besar Umno chief Jamal Md Yunos and his thugs.

And apparently the Najib strategy to stop Bersih from gaining traction is to intimidate and incite racial tension. The problem with this approach is that it is highly likely to end in racial violence.
But that’s probably what he wants so he can introduce a state of emergency and use his new sweeping National Security Council (NSC) powers to imprison and intimidate, and shut Bersih down.
But he will only win if good men stand by and do nothing. Let’s hope that there are still some brave men left to stand up to PM Najib Razak and the Jamal-led thugs.
Boonpou: The real sad story to this whole saga of the red shirts is the level Malaysia continues to allow these thugs, these low lives, to capture the media imaginations of this country.
These red shirts are not just samsengs of the lowest padigree, but a shame to their parents and grandparents.
I don’t blame them at all. After all, they are the product of the mediocre and racist educational system that have been implemented in Malaysia for decades.
OMG!: “Meanwhile, Sabak Bernam district police chief Nor Azmi Isa said there was no need to probe the egg pelting as no one was hurt.”
Yes, as usual. If I raise my hand, threaten to kill you with a knife in my hand and I did it in front of Nor Azmi, he’ll excuse me. Because no one was actually hurt. What an idiot.
Anonymous #45527285: Indeed, this is the most stupid OCPD I have even seen. If he does not know the law, then he does not deserve to be an OCPD or even a police officer. Pelting an egg intentionally on someone is not an offence?
When did Sabak Bernam become Jamal’s private property? Why didn’t the police apply Section 105 of the Criminal Procedure Code to detain the red shirt hooligans way well before the incident when their intention to threaten peace and security was made abundantly clear?
Kangkung: These thugs are now becoming more vicious as they know they are invincible as no one dares to touch them – they are Umno members so they can do as they like.
Negarawan: Yes, this act of violence and hatred is reflective of what Umno really is. A highly corrupted party without principles and morality. Kicking someone from the back could have resulted in serious spinal and permanent injury.
Bluemountains: If ever Najib is pelted with eggs, he only has the Sabak Bernam police chief to blame because according to the latter, the red shirts have not committed an offence despite having pelted eggs at Bersih supporters.
The police will be encouraging lawlessness if no action is taken against the thugs who also blocked the road in Sabak Bernam and kicked the Bersih supporter.
Anonymous #19098644: A man has been physically assaulted in front of the police and they say no one was injured and no investigation was necessary.
So next time we see a red shirt come into our area does that mean that if they provoked us and we can physically assault them in front of the police?
Umno gangsters and thugs think that they can intimidate the rakyat. They are wrong. The people will reject the party of hoodlums, samseng and thugs.
RM2.6 Billion Turkey Haram: The intentions of both parties are clear. The yellow shirts want a peaceful assembly to protest against Najib’s poor leadership, while the red shirts are bent on disrupting the yellow shirts by whatever means.
As such, the IGP should see that the red shorts as troublemakers, but why isn’t he nipping the problem in its buds by arresting Jamal, who is behaving like the sheriff of the country?
Anubis: It’s time to face the truth, folks. Our beloved land has been hijacked by a crime syndicate posing as the federal government.
This has been going on for a very long time, but in the past they were careful not to reveal the intimate connections with their political overlords in Umno.
Now that Umno is threatened with its own inevitable demise, panic has made them desperate – and violent.
Anonymous_3f94: So if kicking someone is not an offence, and if throwing eggs at someone is not an offence, why is a yellow balloon an offence?
– M’kini"
The first is an interview with former prime minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad who says if PAS decides to go solo into the 14th General Election (GE14), then it is helping 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB) Prime Minister Najib Razak’s Umno-led Barisan Nasional (BN).
The second is a news analysis, round-up plus readers' comments of the Umno-linked Red Shirts mobsters who went about intimidating and assaulting the Bersih (Clean) 5 nationwide convoy that was organised to promote its Nov 19, 2016, rally.
The irony of lawlessness Malaysia is that dropping yellow balloons with the words Bersih in a shopping mall is an offence but kicking and assaulting people, pelting people with eggs are no offences.
So, lets pelt our ministers with eggs and see whether an offence has been committed?
Here are the two stories as re-posted by the Malaysian-banned online news portal Malaysia Chronicle:
Politics | October 11, 2016 by | 0 Comments

Dr Mahathir Mohamad shocked Malaysians last month when he turned up at the High Court in Kuala Lumpur to meet his former deputy turned nemesis, Anwar Ibrahim.
The image of the two smiling political titans shaking hands, for the first time in 18 years, quickly went viral` and became an iconic moment.
But many were let down when Mahathir said he was only there to support Anwar’s bid to quash the National Security Council Act, and that they did not make peace.
However, one month later, the 91-year-old former prime minister indicated, in an exclusive interview with Malaysiakini, that any bad feelings the two had for each other were no more.
“I have already buried the hatchet,” Mahathir said.
Asked if he felt there was no more bad blood between him and Anwar, he simply replied: “I should hope so.”
However, the brief answers he gave when asked about Anwar were in stark contrast with the rest of the interview.
Perhaps Mahathir was not quite ready to open up about how he felt, being on the same side again with the man who was once his heir apparent.
Either that, or he is still not yet Anwar’s biggest fan and would rather not dwell on the subject.
The two had a bitter fall out in 1998, when Anwar began accusing Mahathir of corruption and cronyism, prompting the latter to sack the former as deputy prime minister.
Anwar was then charged with sodomy and corruption, and sentenced to jail in 1999. The sodomy conviction was overturned by the Federal Court in 2004.
The PKR de facto leader had claimed that the charge against him was politically motivated, but Mahathir dismissed this.
“The police say they have evidence, it is their business to decide (to charge Anwar),” Mahathir said.
He also denied knowledge on whether the second sodomy conviction against Anwar was also politically motivated, saying: “I wouldn’t know, that came after I stepped down.”

As for how far he’s willing to work with his former blue-eyed boy to take down Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak, Mahathir simply he did not know how to measure “the distance of working”, but noted that up till now, the two of them “are working together.”
In the following excerpt of Malaysiakini’s exclusive interview, the Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia (Bersatu) chairperson talks about his new party and the opposition’s chances of winning the next general election, and what role PAS would play.
The interview has been edited for language and brevity.
Do you think Bersatu can win rural Malay seats in the next election?
Enough seats.
Can Bersatu and the opposition win the next election?
We have a good chance to win, provided we don’t fight each other.
Even with the alleged gerrymandering?
Even with the gerrymandering. If we can control corruption, stop Najib from buying votes, we have a fair election, a clean election, I think we have a very good chance of winning.
Do you think that is going to happen, or do you think Najib will cheat?
He will try and cheat, he will try and use money. But I think we will campaign against corruption.
PAS has said it is unwilling to join the opposition, unless they accept an Islamist agenda?
We have been discussing. There are means and ways of overcoming that.
What is your advice to DAP and PAS?

Think about the objective. The objective is to overthrow this government, and the best way to overthrow the government is for us to work as one party
So you are confident you can get PAS on board?
I don’t know about that, I won’t say I’m confident, but some way of working together can be found.
If PAS decides to team up with Umno, or throw a wrench at the opposition by contesting in three-cornered fights, will it flush all your plans down the drain?
It might, we may not get the majority. In fact, if PAS does that, PAS is supporting Najib’s 1MDB.
– M’kini"
Politics | October 11, 2016 by | 0 Comments

‘It seems police have been instructed to ignore the blatant intimidation of Jamal and thugs.’
Trueglitter: Incredulously, the cries of those Bersih supporters who were unceremoniously bashed and outrageously intimated by the hordes of menacing and provocative Umno Youth members and “red shirts” hooligans during their course of rallying for support for Bersih 5 rally would unambiguously be likened to the helpless cries in the wilderness – unheard and unheeded by the very perpetrators who had set their “hounds” loose on their rampage.
As law-abiding citizens, we are understandably disgusted and utterly demoralised at the state of lawlessness and depth of utter despair at which the nation has descended into.
Clearly, the unprecedented and highly oppressive measures undertaken by Umno Youth and the “red shirts” group have apparently been emboldened and condoned by the authoritative leaders within their party.
However, blood of the innocence will be on their hands in the unfortunate event their despicable and violent acts of provocation unpalatably become a disastrous confrontation.
Oxymoronictendencies: It seems the police have been instructed to ignore the blatant incitement and intimidation of Sungai Besar Umno chief Jamal Md Yunos and his thugs.

And apparently the Najib strategy to stop Bersih from gaining traction is to intimidate and incite racial tension. The problem with this approach is that it is highly likely to end in racial violence.
But that’s probably what he wants so he can introduce a state of emergency and use his new sweeping National Security Council (NSC) powers to imprison and intimidate, and shut Bersih down.
But he will only win if good men stand by and do nothing. Let’s hope that there are still some brave men left to stand up to PM Najib Razak and the Jamal-led thugs.
Boonpou: The real sad story to this whole saga of the red shirts is the level Malaysia continues to allow these thugs, these low lives, to capture the media imaginations of this country.
These red shirts are not just samsengs of the lowest padigree, but a shame to their parents and grandparents.
I don’t blame them at all. After all, they are the product of the mediocre and racist educational system that have been implemented in Malaysia for decades.
OMG!: “Meanwhile, Sabak Bernam district police chief Nor Azmi Isa said there was no need to probe the egg pelting as no one was hurt.”
Yes, as usual. If I raise my hand, threaten to kill you with a knife in my hand and I did it in front of Nor Azmi, he’ll excuse me. Because no one was actually hurt. What an idiot.
Anonymous #45527285: Indeed, this is the most stupid OCPD I have even seen. If he does not know the law, then he does not deserve to be an OCPD or even a police officer. Pelting an egg intentionally on someone is not an offence?
When did Sabak Bernam become Jamal’s private property? Why didn’t the police apply Section 105 of the Criminal Procedure Code to detain the red shirt hooligans way well before the incident when their intention to threaten peace and security was made abundantly clear?
Kangkung: These thugs are now becoming more vicious as they know they are invincible as no one dares to touch them – they are Umno members so they can do as they like.
Negarawan: Yes, this act of violence and hatred is reflective of what Umno really is. A highly corrupted party without principles and morality. Kicking someone from the back could have resulted in serious spinal and permanent injury.
Bluemountains: If ever Najib is pelted with eggs, he only has the Sabak Bernam police chief to blame because according to the latter, the red shirts have not committed an offence despite having pelted eggs at Bersih supporters.
The police will be encouraging lawlessness if no action is taken against the thugs who also blocked the road in Sabak Bernam and kicked the Bersih supporter.
Anonymous #19098644: A man has been physically assaulted in front of the police and they say no one was injured and no investigation was necessary.
So next time we see a red shirt come into our area does that mean that if they provoked us and we can physically assault them in front of the police?
Umno gangsters and thugs think that they can intimidate the rakyat. They are wrong. The people will reject the party of hoodlums, samseng and thugs.
RM2.6 Billion Turkey Haram: The intentions of both parties are clear. The yellow shirts want a peaceful assembly to protest against Najib’s poor leadership, while the red shirts are bent on disrupting the yellow shirts by whatever means.
As such, the IGP should see that the red shorts as troublemakers, but why isn’t he nipping the problem in its buds by arresting Jamal, who is behaving like the sheriff of the country?
Anubis: It’s time to face the truth, folks. Our beloved land has been hijacked by a crime syndicate posing as the federal government.
This has been going on for a very long time, but in the past they were careful not to reveal the intimate connections with their political overlords in Umno.
Now that Umno is threatened with its own inevitable demise, panic has made them desperate – and violent.
Anonymous_3f94: So if kicking someone is not an offence, and if throwing eggs at someone is not an offence, why is a yellow balloon an offence?
– M’kini"
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