No one in the right mind will say a Prime Minister (PM) is not human. Neither will anyone in the right mind say the PM can control everything.
If it is sympathy that you are looking for, really, it is too late. The damage done to Malaysians and Malaysia’s pride and image is globally colossal, to say the least.
Do you expect Malaysians and the rest of the world to believe that hundreds of millions of dollars/ringgit were deposited into your personal account without your knowledge?
And that, that is also not under your control?
Who in the right frame of mind will deposit such huge sums of money into your account without any reason or return?
Yes, Mr PM. You are only human.
But, let us say you are only human and can’t control everything. Are you then admitting that you could have made mistakes, just like any human?
Are you also saying that you don’t have to take any responsibility for the global shame that 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB) has brought to Malaysians and Malaysia?
Are you also saying a PM does not need to take any responsibility for anything that goes out of control in and outside the country?
Do you also expect Malaysians and the rest of the world to assume and accept that you and 1MDB have been wronged, and thus the global probe by some 10 countries and the freezing of assets and financial facilities linked to 1MDB are a conspiracy?
Are you and your Umno-led Barisan Nasional federal government also saying that probes launched by the countries were carried out without any valid evidence whatsoever?
Just what are you trying to say or getting at?
Here’s what was posted by malaymail online:
"Najib: A PM is still just human, can’t control everything
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The prime minister wrote in his personal blog that his over four decades of experience in politics has taught him that while this was a common view, the truth was that many matters that affect Malaysia were outside his ability to influence.
“We must realise that many things that happen are beyond the control of a prime minister; I am but a humble servant of God, with weaknesses and still things that I must learn.
“Yet, countless allegations are hurled by those who actually have personal agendas and are using these issues to cloud the eyes of the public in order to gain support, but this is the reality of politics,” he wrote on najibrazak.com.
But Najib said he has no intention to stop working to better the country and Islam, and that these were his only motivations.
He also thanked his Cabinet members for their ability to execute their duties and responsibilities in helping develop the nation, both economically and in the field of sports, despite the obstacles in their way.
- See more at: http://www.themalaymailonline.com/malaysia/article/najib-a-pm-is-still-just-human-cant-control-everything#sthash.IyJxLSg3.dpuf"
AND try digesting this for context with the above and figure out the logic, if any:
"Najib: Getting outsiders to help oust govt unpatriotic
Tarrence Tan
| September 2, 2016
Prime Minister says Malaysians who seek foreign powers to intervene in the country are betraying the people who elected the government.

KUALA LUMPUR: Malaysians who call for foreign powers to intervene in the country’s internal affairs are not patriots and are in fact betraying their people, Prime Minister Najib Razak said.
“Begging outsiders to overthrow the mandate of the people is not the action of a patriot,” he said when officiating the Ninth General Assembly of the International Conference of Asian Political Parties (Icapp) at the Putra World Trade Centre here this morning.
Malaysians, Najib said, remember the struggles of taking control of their own destiny and must always fight to protect the sovereignty of the people they represent as Umno has done from the very beginning.
While Najib did not identify those who urged foreign powers to intervene in Malaysia’s affairs, he may have been alluding to former prime minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad.
In April, the elderly statesman, who is one of Najib’s fiercest critics, told The Weekend Australian that the chances of ousting Najib were slim without external pressure.
His remark to the Australian press earned the ire of politicians from Barisan Nasional with Deputy Prime Minister Ahmad Zahid Hamidi reminding the people that Mahahtir himself when prime minister, frequently reminded party leaders against cooperating with foreign powers as doing so would only serve to tarnish the country’s image.
Mahathir however, denied calling for foreign intervention in the country’s domestic affairs in a bid to remove Najib as prime minister, explaining that what he meant was that all the means to redress in this country were shut down by Najib.
“So, I will tell the foreign press about this,” Malaysia’s longest serving PM was reported as saying a few months ago.
And, online news portal malaysiakini has this Bernama (Malaysia’s national news agency) report in Bahasa Malaysia:
Anggota Majlis Tertinggi UMNO Datuk Seri Reezal Merican Naina Merican berkata rakyat di negara ini tidak seharusnya mudah terpengaruh dengan dakyah-dakyah dari luar yang memburukkan kepimpinan negara kerana ia dilihat sebagai antara agenda untuk menghancurkan negara.
"Kita dengar pelbagai tohmahan dan asakan dari luar termasuk daripada Jabatan Keadilan (DoJ) Amerika Syarikat (Amerika) yang dilakukan untuk meruntuhkan negara sama seperti yang dilakukan kepada beberapa negara Islam yang lain.
"Lihat sahaja apa yang terjadi kepada negara Iraq yang suatu ketika dahulu Amerika katakan mempunyai kuasa pemusnah, namun setelah hampir satu juta rakyatnya terkorban dalam serangan yang dilakukan, senjata pemusnah berkenaan masih tetap tidak ditemui.
"Sebab itu kita kena jaga, sebab perkara sebeginilah akan membawa kehancuran kepada negara. Biarlah kedamaian dan keamanan yang kita kecapi kini dapat diwarisi sehingga anak cucu kita, kerana akan ada penamat riwayat kepada semua ini jika kita gagal jadi pentadbir yang baik," katanya.
Reezal Merican yang juga timbalan menteri luar berkata demikian ketika berucap merasmikan persidangan perwakilan Pergerakan Pemuda UMNO Bahagian Kuantan malam tadi.
Turut hadir oleh Ketua UMNO Bahagian Kuantan Datuk Seri Wan Adnan Wan Mamat, timbalannya Datuk Seri Abdul Hamid Nazahar dan naib ketua UMNO bahagian Datuk Shafik Fauzan Sharif dan Ketua Pemuda bahagian Nara @ Nikman Nordin.
Tarrence Tan
| September 2, 2016
Prime Minister says Malaysians who seek foreign powers to intervene in the country are betraying the people who elected the government.

KUALA LUMPUR: Malaysians who call for foreign powers to intervene in the country’s internal affairs are not patriots and are in fact betraying their people, Prime Minister Najib Razak said.
“Begging outsiders to overthrow the mandate of the people is not the action of a patriot,” he said when officiating the Ninth General Assembly of the International Conference of Asian Political Parties (Icapp) at the Putra World Trade Centre here this morning.
Malaysians, Najib said, remember the struggles of taking control of their own destiny and must always fight to protect the sovereignty of the people they represent as Umno has done from the very beginning.
While Najib did not identify those who urged foreign powers to intervene in Malaysia’s affairs, he may have been alluding to former prime minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad.
In April, the elderly statesman, who is one of Najib’s fiercest critics, told The Weekend Australian that the chances of ousting Najib were slim without external pressure.
His remark to the Australian press earned the ire of politicians from Barisan Nasional with Deputy Prime Minister Ahmad Zahid Hamidi reminding the people that Mahahtir himself when prime minister, frequently reminded party leaders against cooperating with foreign powers as doing so would only serve to tarnish the country’s image.
Mahathir however, denied calling for foreign intervention in the country’s domestic affairs in a bid to remove Najib as prime minister, explaining that what he meant was that all the means to redress in this country were shut down by Najib.
“So, I will tell the foreign press about this,” Malaysia’s longest serving PM was reported as saying a few months ago.
And, online news portal malaysiakini has this Bernama (Malaysia’s national news agency) report in Bahasa Malaysia:
Anggota Majlis Tertinggi UMNO Datuk Seri Reezal Merican Naina Merican berkata rakyat di negara ini tidak seharusnya mudah terpengaruh dengan dakyah-dakyah dari luar yang memburukkan kepimpinan negara kerana ia dilihat sebagai antara agenda untuk menghancurkan negara.
"Kita dengar pelbagai tohmahan dan asakan dari luar termasuk daripada Jabatan Keadilan (DoJ) Amerika Syarikat (Amerika) yang dilakukan untuk meruntuhkan negara sama seperti yang dilakukan kepada beberapa negara Islam yang lain.
"Lihat sahaja apa yang terjadi kepada negara Iraq yang suatu ketika dahulu Amerika katakan mempunyai kuasa pemusnah, namun setelah hampir satu juta rakyatnya terkorban dalam serangan yang dilakukan, senjata pemusnah berkenaan masih tetap tidak ditemui.
"Sebab itu kita kena jaga, sebab perkara sebeginilah akan membawa kehancuran kepada negara. Biarlah kedamaian dan keamanan yang kita kecapi kini dapat diwarisi sehingga anak cucu kita, kerana akan ada penamat riwayat kepada semua ini jika kita gagal jadi pentadbir yang baik," katanya.
Reezal Merican yang juga timbalan menteri luar berkata demikian ketika berucap merasmikan persidangan perwakilan Pergerakan Pemuda UMNO Bahagian Kuantan malam tadi.
Turut hadir oleh Ketua UMNO Bahagian Kuantan Datuk Seri Wan Adnan Wan Mamat, timbalannya Datuk Seri Abdul Hamid Nazahar dan naib ketua UMNO bahagian Datuk Shafik Fauzan Sharif dan Ketua Pemuda bahagian Nara @ Nikman Nordin.
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